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Monday, October 14, 2024

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Biden warns Iran: Any attack on Trump will be treated as an ‘Act of War’

President Joe Biden has issued a stern warning to Iran, cautioning that any attempt to assassinate former President Donald Trump would be considered an act of war by the United States, according to a report by the Washington Post.

The Biden administration instructed the National Security Council to deliver the message to Tehran, saying the safety of Trump and other former US officials is a top national security priority.

National Security Council spokesman Sean Savett confirmed that President Biden has directed all available resources to ensure Trump’s security, condemning Iran for any threats against American officials.

Tehran would face “severe consequences” if it acted on such threats, he stressed.

The warning follows Trump’s recent claims of assassination attempts against him, which he suggested could be linked to Iran.

However, no direct evidence has emerged to confirm Tehran’s involvement in the incidents.

The threats stem from Iran’s vow to avenge the 2020 killing of top Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani, which was ordered by Trump during his presidency.

Despite the accusations, Iran continues to deny involvement in any assassination attempts against the former US president.

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  1. Which means, the Zionist deep state/democrats are setting up another attempt and the patsy has been pre-determined. The Zionist, apartheid, lunatic, occupying state of Israel has ordered the US Corporation to bomb, bomb, bomb Iran.

  2. Is this a message from the US deep state to the Iranian deep state saying, “We cannot get him, so we need you to do it.” It’s either that or they are goading Iran to do it anyway. The US deep state is “on the ropes” and they are getting desperate.

  3. I really had to laugh when i saw the tittle of this article. But WHO will BELIEVE really that Iran is behind the assassinations attempts ? Have they all become simpletons in Washington Distric of Criminals ??

  4. Deep state through puppet Biden framing the narrative that Iran wants to assassinate Trump. Some sucker CIA patsy somewhere is being readied to do the deed as we speak

    • Trump having ordered the assassination of General Salamani plays right into that narrative
      Maybe Trump made a tombstone for his own grave?


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