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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

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Scandals contributed to Labour’s 2023 election defeat – Hipkins

Labour 2023 scandals news

‘Integrity issues’ labelled as key factor in Labour’s 2023 downfall, according to new book.

Former Prime Minister Chris Hipkins has acknowledged that a series of ministerial scandals significantly contributed to Labour’s heavy defeat in the 2023 general election.

In the newly released book Back on Track, Hipkins reflects on how issues surrounding ministerial integrity, including resignations and public controversies, weakened the public’s confidence in his government.

He cited the scandals involving high-profile ministers such as Kiri Allan, Stuart Nash, and Michael Wood, whose actions, coupled with other party controversies, painted a picture of a government in disarray.

The book also highlights wider integrity issues that played a role in the election, including investigations into lobbying, party funding scandals, and poor behaviour by political candidates.

In her chapter on “political integrity”, former journalist Jacqui Van Der Kaay describes how these issues erode public trust and engagement in politics, ultimately contributing to Labour’s electoral loss.

Van Der Kaay warns that similar integrity challenges are emerging in the current government, noting that these ongoing scandals could have a lasting impact on public confidence in the political system.

Back on Track, edited by Stephen Levine, explores the various factors that shaped the 2023 election and is being launched today.

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  1. Of course nothing to do with mandates, compulsory vaccination, the reckless disregard for the country’s finances…….in house scandal was at the bottom of the list.
    What counted most was ability to effectively plan, execute and monitor but Labour simply couldn’t get past first base!
    A return of Labour in 2026 will see a mass exodus at a scale never seen before!


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