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Monday, October 14, 2024

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Breakdancer undergoes surgery to remove rare ‘Breakdance Bulge’ after years of headspinning

Breakdancer bulge news

A Danish breakdancer required surgery to remove a cone-shaped lump, dubbed a “breakdance bulge,” after years of headspinning led to the formation of a benign tumour.

The lump, caused by repeated friction and pressure on the scalp, grew larger and more painful over time, prompting the dancer to seek medical help.

Doctors at Copenhagen University Hospital diagnosed the condition as a “headspin hole” and successfully removed the lump. The dancer, who had been breakdancing for 19 years, trained five times a week, including up to seven minutes of headspinning per session.

Medical experts have advised breakdancers to be cautious with headspinning, recommending that those who notice early signs of a bulge reduce or stop the practice to prevent further growth.

The case, only the second of its kind to be reported, highlights the unique risks faced by breakdancers due to the physically demanding nature of the sport.

Dr. Christian Baastrup Sondergaard, one of the authors of the report, stated that while headspinning isn’t discouraged entirely, dancers should be mindful of potential injuries. The dancer, now free of the bulge, said he was relieved at being able to go out in public without wearing a hat and reported positive feedback on his recovery.

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