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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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German doctors warn of return to ‘pre-penicillin era’ amid antibiotic resistance crisis

Antibiotics news

German doctors are raising alarms over the growing threat of antibiotic-resistant pathogens, warning that the world may soon return to the pre-penicillin era.

Experts, including Mathias Pletz of the Paul Ehrlich Society for Infection Therapy, argue that the rise of resistant bacteria is eroding the advancements of modern medicine, putting millions of lives at risk.

Researchers estimate that antibiotic-resistant infections could cause up to 39 million deaths globally by 2050, with 35,000 annual fatalities already occurring in the EU.

Over-prescription of antibiotics and the spread of resistant germs through international travel are key contributors to the problem, according to researchers.

Developing new antibiotics has become increasingly difficult due to lengthy and costly research processes, with only 12 new drugs approved since 2017.

Scientists are urging for more funding, faster drug approvals, and a return of antibiotic production to Europe to reduce dependence on imports from India and China.

Without immediate action, they warn, the world faces a major health crisis.

Image credit: Alexander Mils

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  1. I don t know for germany. But i know that there are in dutch hospitals wounded ukrainian soldiers contaminated with ” super bugs” not reacting to antibiotics. (Publications in the dutch press.)
    Now reading ” ukraine, a warning to the west” ( thierry laurent pellet – amazon) is this quite understandable considering the US biolabs established in the country that have been using for decades the ukrainian population as “laboratory rats”, preferably young males in the army who were the first victims of thoses despicable and unlawfull practices ( always for their own “good” of course).
    And now rise the problem of contamination in dutch hospital and in time contamination of dutch patients with those bugs, hospitals being where that kind of contamination occurs. Seen many doctors at work not being much concerned with hygiene….
    If you are ever hospitalized, demand that the doctor wears gloves. It might save your life.


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