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Monday, June 17, 2024

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Drunk illegal immigrant causes five-car pile-up in Florida

A major traffic accident involving five vehicles in Florida caused by a drunk driver has led to serious injuries and further fuelled the debate on immigration policy.

The incident occurred on a recent Sunday afternoon in Santa Rosa County on Florida’s panhandle.

According to local authorities, 20-year-old Walter Gomez was allegedly speeding when he ignored a stop sign and collided with a van in a residential area. The impact was severe enough to push the struck vehicle into an SUV, which then veered off, hitting two more parked cars in a nearby driveway. Reports from Florida Highway Patrol, as relayed by WEAR TV, indicate the violent chain of events unfolded rapidly.

Following the collision, Gomez purportedly fled the scene on foot. Law enforcement officials found him about a mile from the crash site and took him into custody. Among the injured, a van passenger suffered severe leg injuries, potentially facing amputation, while another was airlifted with critical injuries due to glass shards embedded in his neck.

Gomez faces charges including driving under the influence, hit-and-run, and operating a vehicle without a valid license. He is currently held on a $150,000 bond at Santa Rosa County Jail. Additionally, the incident has caught the attention of immigration authorities, leading to an immigration detainer by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) highlighted the case as part of a broader critique of U.S. border policy. On social media, Gaetz commented that the incident showed the dangers posed by “Biden’s open border,” which he said compromised the safety of communities in Northwest Florida.

Details about Gomez’s nationality and immigration status were not fully disclosed, though it was confirmed that he is in the country illegally.

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