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‘Party Deals or No Deal’ – New Conservatives

New Conservatives news

There are only eight weeks to the election, and smaller parties are still popping up with the hope of drawing voters’ attention.

With National and Act polling well, a coalition between them seems the obvious outcome. The question is will they have sufficient numbers to form a government or find a minor party to ally?

This could be NZ First, but the question remains, have voters forgiven Winston Peters’ 2017 Labour Alliance? Peters’ showed face at the Wellington Freedom Protest, speaking with New Zealanders who opposed the Covid mandates. The Freedom movement has lost faith in National and Act after their no-show and are looking to minor and emerging parties to provide the balance the nation needs to restore unity.

Last Tuesday night, New Conservatives Leader Helen Houghton met with several leaders from newly emerged parties, touting the freedom banner. Ex-National MP, Alfred Ngaro from NewZeal formerly the One Party, Leighton Baker, whose party was recently registered, and Matt King of DemocracyNZ, although Baker could not attend due to party celebrations.

Houghton, who is running for Christchurch East where she lives and works as a teacher, has petitioned for gender ideology to be removed from schools and the Bill of Rights to be entrenched, had hoped for a united outcome, but was left disappointed.

“These emerging parties are unproven. Even though they hold many of the same values as New Conservatives, they want to go it alone. If the commonsense parties came together with us, we would make it across the line and start to restore these values in our society.”

King, who left the National Party over the parliamentary handling of the protest, has been touring the country since January. He believes he will win the Northland seat, despite a recent poll commissioned by Reality Check Radio, showing DemocracyNZ polling below three percent.

Alfred Ngaio has also turned his back on National. In a Newstalk ZB interview, he indicated “National’s failure to oppose law changes on gay conversion therapy and gender identity was a departure “from the values I held there and that I believed the party was about”.

Leighton Baker who campaigned hard for New Conservative in 2020 left the party after the party failed to meet the 5% threshold and prefers to think his name will get him enough to go alone.

New Conservatives have rebranded and have candidates campaigning on significant issues. Houghton says they understand the importance of having policies that the freedom community wants that are broader than just freedom. Earlier in the month, they launched their monetary policy Family Builder tax cuts, education reform, conservation, and justice.

Houghton calls on past voters not to be distracted by the new freedom parties. ‘People need to back us, we’ve got the policy to solve more than just one issue and restore families, education, and unity to New Zealand’.

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  1. “…the question remains, have voters forgiven Winston Peters’ 2017 Labour Alliance?” NO, because NZ is on its knees BECAUSAE of an opportunist like Winni. A leopard doesn’t change his spots!
    New Conservatives Helen Houghton says: ““These emerging parties are unproven. Even though they hold many of the same values as New Conservatives, they want to go it alone.” Helen YOU are a LIAR. This is NOT TRUE! Here IS the truth: https://rumble.com/v38pvua-nz-2023-election-special-1-sue-grey-hannah-tamaki-liz-gunn-matt-king.html
    And further Helen says: “If the commonsense parties came together with us, we would make it across the line and start to restore these values in our society.” Well, here she IS correct, but it is knuckle-head Helen (“…come together with US”) who obviously cannot drop her own ego and make the UMBRELLA COALITION happen, like described in above link.
    Same with Mike King. PULL YA FINGER OUT!
    They still find arguments (and there could be many) why a super coalition would not work. And egos are exactly what is standing in their way, because if an upcoming politician cannot embrace THE all-important matter of GETTING RID of ALL parties currently in parliament, and then later discuss ideological positions, then this upcoming politician has NO UNDERSTANDING of what WE THE PEOPLE want and need, and in THAT they are no different than all the traitor parasite parties who sell NZ to the WEF, UN, WHO.
    The state of things New Zealand is in will become very apparent in months to come. I dearly hope that people can see behind the bribes, hand-outs, easy talk, and smiling puff-faces.
    And then, Helen, Mike, Alfred, Leighton et alt. think for a moment (and not just cunningly ego-scheme): what would it do to the standing of ANY upcoming politician, if they for once listened to what WE THE PEOPLE want?
    And the people, who are slowly but surely waking up to the biggest crime perpetrated on the New Zealand people EVER, will take action.
    HELL hath no fury like mothers scorned!

  2. I hope that the New Conservatives adopt all of Liz Gunn’s NZ Loyal Party platform, as Liz understands the global assault on everything that we hold dear and in value.

    Liz Gunn and Sue Grey of the Outdoors and Freedom Party should form a new pact, and merge their parties and THEN…approach the New Conservatives as a coalition partner.

    Time is short- and we the voting public will pay the price for political party malfeasance if something isn’t done to enact political party mergers to counter the two main globalist parties (Labour and National) and their affiliates.

    The ‘Little Shop of (Political) Horrors’ comes to life with…”Suddenly Seymour”…who serves the interests of the Zionist cause out of Epsom, and the affiliated political platform of the major two parties that are always ‘appointed’ into office.

    Remember this quote from Zionist J3w Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugasvili aka ‘Joseph Stalin’;
    “He who cast the vote decides nothing. He who counts the vote decides everything!”

    The Zionist / J3wi$h Bolsheviks went on to murder 65 million Russian Orthodox Christians in the last century, and the same modus that Zelensky is attempting to copy using this history in the Ukraine against Russia and ethnic-Russians in the Donbass. Putin realises this, and will NOT allow another Red Terror / Purge / Gulags manned by J3w$ to ever arise again!!!


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