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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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ACT requests extension for firearm licensing renewals

Firearms license renewals news

Massive backlogs in processing firearms license renewals call for action, says ACT’s  Firearms Law Reforms spokesperson Nicole McKee.

“I have sent Minister of Police Chris Hipkins a letter calling on him to issue an extension for firearm licensing renewals in light of massive backlogs,” said McKee.

“There are thousands of people who have been waiting up to a year for their license to be processed, some are still waiting after two years.

“The situation is out of control and becoming dangerous. Licensed firearms owners are having to take their guns out of their safes, place them in the boot of their car, and drive all around the country to store them in the safes of other licensed firearms owners to avoid breaking the law.

“The delays have gone on so long that some people who have been holding firearms for others whose licenses expired, are now reaching a point where there own licenses are set to expire.

“At this stage the concern has to be whether this process is creating more safety issues than it is fixing. The focus needs to be on safer communities.

“I asked the Minister in Parliament two weeks ago whether the Government would extend firearms licenses due to the massive processing delays. He said he “wouldn’t rule those sorts of measures out at this point.” He needs to act now.

“People who are applying and paying for licenses are not criminals, they just want to gather food for their families, carry out pest control or participate in sport.

“They should not be punished because Police have been unable to process their licenses in time. There should be an extension while the licensing regime is fixed so law-abiding firearms owners can safely look after their firearms until processing can catch up.”

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Source:ACT Party

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  1. This is how Jacinda and company make criminals out of normal people….she is very scared people may use them against her after her cruel ness to New Zealander’s in the last few years

    • That’s why the Christchurch Massacre was staged using a Mossad stoolie who was not even a New Zealand Citizen…
      Tarrant went to the Ukraine and Turkey in the weeks before arriving in Aotearoa, spending time with the Zio-Communist Nazis against the citizens of the Donbass region.
      Read Gordon Duff’s take on where Tarrant went via a planned itinerary, especially with the mention of the Israeli Mossad being involved in the Christchurch Mosque murders!
      This served two purposes; to enact knee-jerk ‘Gun Control’ removing semi-autos from the hands of law-abiding New Zealanders, thus removing the tools that are used (firearms) in regaining freedom from Jabcinda’s tyrannical, human-rights WEF / NWO Masonic agenda, and to severely disrupt and cause fear and anxiety in the Moslem Islamic Community, just as *Israel has been doing in Palestine for the last 75 years!! (*The Israelis and Mossad want to take their war against the Palestinians and Moslems to an international level…)
      Looks like I’ll be renewing my firearms licence earlier than usual,
      But IF more voters were to vote for their O&FP Candidates in the next election, then we may have a ratified and codified Constitution with a Bill of Rights, which should and would include the ‘Right to Bear Arms’ which is also Codified in the UN Human Rights (Article 3 & 7)…
      From what I can see, no Firearms Expert Lawyer(s) have filed anything to speed-up the process of renewals.
      Once again, this is how Jabcinda prevents firearms ownership; by causing massive, deliberate and orchestrated delays in the ‘licencing process’. despite the high fees that are paid for the licencing processes.


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