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Saturday, September 28, 2024

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Aratere grounding: Government criticises KiwiRail

Aratere news
Simeon Brown (Inset).

Transport Minister Simeon Brown told media the government was disappointed in KiwiRail’s asset management following the grounding of the Interislander ferry Aratere near Picton.

The ferry, which was on a freight-only voyage, suffered a steering failure and ran aground around 9:45 PM on Friday. Fortunately, there were no injuries or environmental damage, and all passengers were safely evacuated, according to KiwiRail.

Minister Brown indicated that a newly installed piece of equipment might have malfunctioned, potentially affecting the rudders’ operation. He told media investigations by KiwiRail, the Transport Accident Investigation Commission (TAIC), and Maritime New Zealand (Maritime NZ) would determine the exact cause.

“My understanding is that they lost the ability to steer the ship,” Brown stated. He reiterated the government’s expectation that KiwiRail must take all necessary steps to ensure safety and reliability.

KiwiRail plans to refloat the vessel during high tide around 9 PM tonight.

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  1. Has the structural integrity of the ship been compromised?
    There is no way of knowing
    Time will tell
    Reminded me of the Australis wreck
    The front half of the ship was beached the rear section afloat
    Years ago the Aratika was beached longitude on the shoreline I think in the vicinity of Dieffenbach Point
    Named after a German who came to NZ on a ship called the Tory
    But this was caused by poor navigation namely the bosun who was steering the ship
    Somebody else may be able to put a spoke in here?

  2. Even if the Govt decides to quick change reverse gear on the previously intended since cancelled purchase of mega ferries from South Korea
    What position would this leave us in?
    Which were still not about to be delivered initially until 2026
    They may still not arrive
    Putin has openly warned South Korea about supplying arms to Ukraine with quote ‘devastating consequences’
    Ship building facilities would logic dictates have to be a target if threats are followed through in any resultant military actions
    Kim Jong Bung is now starting to perform too as an ally of Russia and is being supplied advanced technology weapons delivery systems from Russia
    The whole area albeit the world is unstable and could flare up irreversibly and catastrophically at any time
    In the meantime, I wouldn’t play Russian roulette and travel on these floating past their shelf life time bombs that could open up like the Mihail Lermontov at any time
    I lay the blame fairly and squarely for NZ’s inadequacy in being unable through the fiscal restraints created by the Ardern Administrations gross manifest ineptitude and incompetency relating to covid response in being unable to provide up to date ferries being an extension of SHI 1 vital and integral to supply lines in furnishing safe and effective transport logistics infrastructure
    Bon voyage!
    Nicola Willis talking about buying secondhand Tesla’s ?
    That’s whacky


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