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Brian and Hannah Tamaki to sue council and libraries

Tamakis v Auckland Council news

Brian and Hannah Tamaki, and associated Auckland ratepayers, plan to sue the Auckland City Council and its libraries for the ‘misappropriation of ratepayers’ money across the supercity of Auckland.’

The news was announced today via press release.

Full text of press release:

“Now that we have your attention with the rainbow crossing sagas, I want to highlight the cultural & moral takeover going on in NZ right now. We’ve struck a raw nerve in Kiwis. Kiwis have had enough of the rainbow-washing going on. It’s gone too far. It’s crossed the line when it’s targeting our innocent kids and young people,” states Brian Tamaki.

“Kiwis have had a gutful of being force-fed this rainbow madness. It’s forced on our kids in schools, in our libraries. It’s forced on us in our workplaces, banks and businesses. It’s force-fed to us through our news, TV shows and movies. It’s forced on us in every sector of our society. What was once in private, is now loud and proud and pushed into public spaces.”

“I do not oppose the freedom of expression that belongs to all, and people’s right to live how they choose. I have long fought for that. I do not hate or deny their existence. But it shouldn’t be forced on everybody else, and more importantly our innocent children,” clarifies Tamaki.

“It’s time for some straight talk. The Rainbow Movement, or Pride Movement, is a political movement. They are proactively using ratepayers’ and taxpayers’ money to promote and advance their political and ideological agenda.”

“We are taking the first steps in curbing this cultural and moral takeover of the Kiwi Way of Life, and we have the councils and libraries firmly in our sights. We are in talks with Barristers and Solicitors preparing for what’s coming.”

“For too long Councils & Libraries have abused and wasted ratepayers’ money on Drag Queen Storytime events and disproportionately promoting the Rainbow Movement,” claims Brian Tamaki.

“The great deception of the Drag Queens has seen them pull the wool over authorities’ eyes that they are not sexual in front of Kiwi kids. ‘What you are speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.’ These kids are catching onto the innuendo, it’s not even subtle. These kids are impressionable and vulnerable in their most formative years, and this can have lasting negative impacts for the rest of their lives.”

“Our libraries should not be used as rainbow or political recruitment grounds.”

“Ratepayers’ money has gone on Rainbow Advisory Councils, Rainbow Crossings, Rainbow Flags, Rainbow buses, Rainbow Games 2024, Pride parades, Pride month events and Drag Queens reading to our kids. The Auckland Council has financially sponsored this week’s Rainbow Games, Pride Parades, Big Gay Out events and more.”

During a cost of living crisis, councils have raised rates this year across the whole country. Rates have risen by 19.9% in cities such as Hamilton. In Wellington a 16.4% rise. Aucklanders 7.5%. Napier 23.7%. Gisborne 11.3% and many more.

“These cash-strapped councils bleat about how little money they have, yet they are happy to pour our money into the pride ideology.”

The Auckland Council website states ‘Auckland Council spent $56,000 in their 2015 annual budget to establish a Rainbow Advisory Panel, a group providing input on issues affecting the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.’

Brian Tamaki goes on to say, “How do you explain to a struggling elderly pensioner in Auckland, barely making ends meet, that they have to fork out even more this year for rates, while their hard-earned ratepayers’ money is funnelled into rainbow propaganda and Drag Queen events?”

“Local councils fail to fix our roads and potholes, traffic gridlocks, water pipes, and infrastructure, yet without hesitation can fork out $9k for a new Rainbow Crossing on K-Road in Auckland, or $40k on a Rainbow Precint in Cuba Street, Wellington.”

Auckland City Council’s website states “Rates support VITAL SERVICES like waste management, maintaining community buildings and playgrounds, emergency management, as well as public transport, pools, public art, and libraries. Auckland Council is an $8-billion enterprise, managing its finances to ensure ESSENTIAL SERVICES and infrastructure are provided for the ongoing wellbeing of our community.”

Councils also claim to be “responsible stewards” of community assets.

Tamaki continues, “I don’t believe rainbow crossings and Drag Queens are vital or essential services…and I think a lot of Kiwi ratepayers’ will back me up on this. There are far more important issues the money should go on.”

“Mayors and their councillors have forgotten their core job descriptions, and until some serious action is taken against them, they will not stop this money squandering. Our Councils have become money launderers for the Rainbow Movement.”

“These councils do not properly consult or listen to their employers…which is us, the ratepayers’…so we will be thrashing this issue out in court. I do not pay rates for it to go on this nonsense. NZ is supposed to be a democracy. These councils are operating outside of their legal scope. I’m confident we’ll prove that councils are not supposed to favour one political rainbow viewpoint when they are spending our ratepayers’ money…they are supposed to be politically neutral.”

“The Wellington City Council is far from politically neutral in their decision-making with the amount of Green Party & Labour Party councillors around the council table, along with the greenest Mayor ever, Tory Whanau, and her Chief of Staff Nadine Walker who happens to be the partner of MP Chloe Swarbrick. Not only is our Capital Council rainbow-washed, it’s green-washed too.”

“Our councils have been hijacked by this politicised Rainbow Movement, and they are rainbow-washing our communities and targeting our children and youth.”

Brian & Hannah Tamaki, and associated Auckland ratepayers, plan to sue the Auckland City Council & its libraries for the misappropriation of ratepayers’ money across the supercity of Auckland.

Lawsuits are also being investigated in Wellington, Gisborne, Hastings and Rotorua.

In closing, Brian Tamaki says, “This is just the beginning of ratepayers challenging their local Councils and libraries. Enough is enough.”

“We expect a rising of true Kiwis who care that the future of our children’s children is at stake.”

“We are fighting to protect the innocence of our children.”

“We ask ratepayers to join our Public Meetings coming soon, as we take the first steps in calling our Councils to account. We want to hear your views on this abuse of public spending. We will provide an opportunity for other ratepayers to join us in this great pushback.”

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  1. Brian and Hannah Tamaki are correct to do this. The Rainbow movement is actually about sexualizing children. It is about propagandizing children to believe that little girls should be boys and boys should be girls. If they are influenced to get a sex change operation then they are, as a minimum, emotionally screwed for life: Many contemplate suicide, and some do. Also, of course, they cannot reproduce which aligns with the population reduction agenda of the Global Elites.

    The other dimension to all this is the distain that the Global Elites have for women and the divine feminine. They put men “who identify as women” in women’s sports, and these men are also in the changing rooms with the women. Some women’s teams (in the US) now have almost half of the players as men “who identify as women”. Also, when a drag show performer dresses up as a woman and covers their face in paint like a clown it is mocking women. Women wear makeup and have done for thousands of years but these men plaster their faces with makeup in order to mock the beauty of women.

    What’s next? This has already been suggested in the US: Because funerals use so much energy, they are not environmentally friendly, so why not eat the person who has just died. In other words, cannibalism.

    Why was Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed and are we approaching that?

  2. I’ve never been a fan of the Tamakis but what they are saying here is music to me ears and I support it 100%
    Through personal experience with my primary age children I have seen the LGBT propaganda they are pumping into these little children at school and our local library and I find it disgusting. So good on you Tamakis!

    • Same here.
      I have a feeling that people who have abandoned guidance from religion are reconsidering.
      Especially when disciples lead by example.

  3. Go for it Tamaki, next time you come to New Plymouth we have one to be painted over too. Taranaki council is rainbow washed as well, won’t mention there green ideology. One just has to walk in to the Council building their e-scooters all lined up getting charged, promoting their electric cars etc. We used to had a very nice walkway not anymore been taken over by e-bikes.
    If the councils are so fond of the rainbow movement I would suggest the paint the colour on their forehead.

  4. So, to stop the councils spending money on drag queen story time, the Tamakis’ are going to make the councils spend lots of ratepayer money on court costs.

    Good one!

    • Yeah, DUH!
      YOU as ratepayer payed in the first instance for BS like that. C***cils ought to not have a mandate to cater for non-public interests like that.
      But on a hunch, YOU do not pay any rates/taxes anyway.

  5. @zaggaz, and your solution is, what?

    A successful court case will use rate payers money for sure, but it would be considered well spent by a fairly decent size of the community. It would also end such waste going forward. Both are plus’s in my book.

    In my view, this sort of thing needs to go to a public vote before supporting such events, and ideologies more generally. If the majority of the public in the council area are opposed, then it just doesn’t happen, full-stop. That’s democracy in action. Councils should have no mandate to arbitrarily decide what happens in such controversial, non-council matters. Put it back to the people and let the people decide.

    In the meantime, I’m fully supportive of the Tamaki’s stand.

    • My solution is to let the libraries have their drag queen story time, as much to your dislike that may be. The one the Tamaki’s made a fuss about recently was R16.

      A parent, if concerned, like some of those commenting may be, will know where their child is under this age anyhow.

      Its not like we didn’t have rocky horror picture show, or priscilla queen of the desert or clinger on MA$H when I was young. That didn’t turn us all into transvestites/transexuals.

      Painting over crossings costs ratepayers money when they then get repainted. Lawyers fees for Tamaki grandstanding cost ratepayers money.

      And yes, I pay rates and taxes

      • Zaggaz, I get where you’re coming from. And fair enough, I still remember the words to every song in the Rocky Horror show, it never made me gay either.

        But this mindset of “just let the libraries do what they want”, is pure apathy. It’s that same attitude that permitted the moral rot to set in over the past few decades and led us to where we are now.

        “What other people do in their bedrooms is no business of mine.” And what now when they’re doing it in classrooms and on TV and in the streets during one of their endless parades?

        Rocky Horror was intended as whacky scandalous satire, it was nowhere near as insidious as the modern Marxist rainbow cult of depopulation has turned out to be. Not sure if you have kids or what age they’re at, but for those of us with small impressionable children, it’s a very important distinction.

        We’ve done nothing to push back for decades now, and it’s brought us to the gates of hell. Some pushback is sorely needed. If that means taxpayer funds get spent, who cares? You’ll still have to pay your taxes anyway, and they’re gonna still inevitably spend that money anyway, might as well go towards something worthwhile for a change instead of more woke garbage.

        This is a fight worth having, simply holding the line isn’t enough anymore. I sincerely hope you change your mind.

      • it is ILLEGAL for crossings to be anything but black and white???? lucky that one was r16 all the rest aren’t – I smell a rat

      • I think most of us were tolerant until we weren’t. And yes we were educated when young also, by our own parents, family, and taught to consider things in an objective way, not to judge harshly, to see a lighter side of life even. Educated also to understand these lifestyle choices have serious consequences. It’s not a new phenomena but I don’t like the ideology behind this new movement. It is debasing and we seem to be forgetting our humanity very sadly. Unquaxinated and other comenters fully understand this too. Life is a Cabaret ole chum said Sally Bowles. Watch the movie.

  6. Personally i dont have a problem with drag story time in libraries. Parents have a choice to take their kids to it or not. I dont have a problem with the odd rainbow crossing in towns or cities. Not a big deal. The big issue is the woke gender sexual crap in schools and the curriculim, transitioning under the age of 18, men in womens sports and spaces. Those are the red lines.

    • Strongly disagree, incrementalism is how they do everything. Slowly, bit by bit at a time. Rainbow crossings and drag Queen story time are NOT innocuous – they are precisely what saturate the world around you and normalise this degeneracy to the point where the freaks are emboldened enough to demand it gets into the curriculum.

      It’s like saying, “I don’t mind the cancer in my stomach or spleen, but once it hits the liver that’s a deal breaker for me…”

      No, it needs to be cut out IN IT’S ENTIRETY. No more normalisation of mental illness.

      Libraries should be a place to store books, nothing more.

  7. But wait, there’s more.
    Not only are these captured entities funding globalist agenda rainbow projects but they are also fully bought into the climate fraud agenda being pushed by the same treasonous glibalist unelected organisations.
    The gay movement does not have the wherewithal to run a coordinated global campaign. This whole thing is a funded psyop to manipulate the homogenous mass.
    People should be aware of the near unrepayable debt held by most councils and the implications of foreclosure.
    Councils are imploding across UK and no doubt, demons await in the shadows to pick up the pieces.

  8. Good on you Brian and Hannah for taking a stand on this ideology which is harming young and old. I agree with the first contributor; everyone is free to live the way they want, but don’t force it down everyone’s necks, – and especially our children!


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