Immigration New Zealand has declined independent media commentator Candace Owens’ work visa, citing her prior exclusion from another country under section 15(1)(f) of the Immigration Act.
Owens, who had her Australian visa cancelled last month, was scheduled to speak at West Auckland’s Trusts Arena on November 14.
Owens announced recently that she was appealing the Australian visa decision to the country’s highest court.
@RealCandaceO is going to the High Court of Australia to reverse visa decision
#CandaceOwens #Visa
If you’re in a position to support Candace then you can here
— Joel Jammal (@JoelJammal) November 26, 2024
All you losers who thought you voted away a woke government,can you see the “illusion of choice” now?
Check these out…
Most of these people TALK about leaving the U.S. for another country post-Trump (Zionist) ‘victory’, and many were part of the ‘controlled opposition’ via ‘Uniparty Politics’, but the fact is-
They don’t have the guts to pack-up and leave.
Stockholm Syndrome, or they’re still being paid to be spies, disrupting due process, and cannot afford to ‘bail-out’.
Besides, other nations know who and what is running the U.S. and the West (Israel), and they do not want tose Zionists infiltrating their countries.
This is a travesty. It’s a total blow to freedom and democracy. Shocking!!!
No free speech in this sh** hole.The nasty Nats are every inch as bad as Liebour. No vote for you pricks.
Yup. The UNI Party.
The illusion of democracy, which most people fall for every time sadly.
But Zionists and Bolsheviks are welcome with open arms?
Onya Luxon.
Zionists and Bolsheviks were the sole source of truth about the holocaust, let that sink in.
They had a nice brothel at Auschwitz
“Work will make You free”
I wonder if anyone in the government, and its machinery, realise how much they have been left behind by the rest of the world when it comes to this stuff. Good God, talk about living in the dark ages. Someone should tell them about the Internet, how it works, and that most Kiwis use it…

This is exactly why the same things keep happening.
They always refuse to let the other side speak. They silence all opposing voices at every turn and create safe little woke echo chambers on every website, in every office and even out in the real world. Then they think to themselves, “we did it! We vanquished the big evil!”
Except you cannot kill ideas by putting a lid on them, you’re only fooling yourself into thinking you’re the majority when you really aren’t.
And then your little false sense of security gets shattered by Brexit, or by Trump or by Trump part 2 and you end up wearing a beanie in the rain howling impotently up at the sky. You whine and post online about how “confused” and “troubled” you are that so many people inexplicably think and vote differently to you, you just can’t understand it. And my response is, “yes of course you don’t understand it, dumbass! How could you when you never listen, when you spent the past decade telling everyone around you to shut up?!”
And as you said, the internet exists. Banning Candice or Lauren Southern or Stefan Molenaux or anyone else from coming here DOES NOT stop us from hearing their message. That’s the funniest part, they aren’t stopping the signal, they aren’t stopping anything. They’re just laying more rakes all around the garden for themselves to step on again in the future.
The idiots who make these kinds of decisions are still stuck so far behind in the past that it’s frankly dangerous to have them behind the wheel of our country.
Nutless lapdogs
OMG!! This is disgraceful
Unbelievable. We will get this turned around. Who is the immigration minister? Unreal. This won’t bode well for National. Free speech is ACTS specialty. Won’t be long before ACT overtakes National at this rate.
Globalist Luxon is WEAK. This is just further proof.
time to get the free speech union involved
Is anyone really that surprised, were the Jewish lobby behind this too
Candace Owens denied visa by Immigration New Zealand
The long arm of the jew
True that. The NWO is the “Jew World Order”, and Palestine is a “trial run” for the rest of us if they get their way.
Pressure from Young Labour? The Free Speech Union is already on it.
Chris Penk is the one who is ultimately responsible for this decision.
Email him at
Why would Penk be responsible for a decision by NZ Immigration when he is not the minister but
Erica Stanford?
Regardless, this decision is a total disgrace, to put it mildly. We The People had enough of the tyrants in the beehive!
NZ’s Dystopian Future
Socialism the Road to Communism
Disgraceful censorship as usual from the woke fascist thought police.
How predictable.
Well that will ensure an increased internet popularity in New Zealand of Candice Owens. Introduce her to a new and growing audience.
Well done the pollies.
This is a clearly a perverse political decision.
The only question is:
Who made the decision and when can they be fired?
Yikes! Truly embarrassing for NZ.
Luxcinda is a WEF Puppet and a weak woke wanker at best. No different to the other socialist dictator who the had the audacity to make a “dame” FFS !! No freedom of speech in NZ , internet and MSM heavily censored. Wake up Kiwi’s. Just wake TF up.!!
Time to get rid of this Hollowcaust Fabrication and Lies Center
Well at least we know who controls our government
The trouble with globalist institutions like our govt. is they only believe in free speech when it agrees with their agenda.
Let this black woman speak. She has a right whether you agree with her or not.
Disgusting act hey immigration Trump won didn’t you know? How about looking at yourselves with the inhumane AEWV haven’t seen any employers lose their accreditation for their abuse of people yet, WTF! What a bunch of cowards immigration is – sick. Hey heads of immigration go and get another jab,, o that’s right you probly didn’t get them…