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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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China begins military drills near Taiwan – reports

China Taiwan news
ile Photo. Amphibious armored vehicles of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army pictured during military drills. © China Photos.

Beijing has vowed to “resolutely thwart” external interference from the US after Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan.

Beijing has begun conducting military drills off Taiwan after promising to launch a series of “targeted military operations” in response to US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to the self-governing island, Chinese media reported.

“The Eastern Zone of the PLA Combat Command is consistently conducting a series of joint military operations around the island of Taiwan,” CCTV reported hours after Pelosi arrived on the island.

Pelosi touched down in Taipei late on Tuesday despite repeated warnings from Beijing against attempting to visit territory that it regards as an integral part of China.

“The Chinese People’s Liberation Army is on high alert and will launch a series of targeted military operations to counter this, resolutely defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and resolutely thwart external interference and ‘Taiwan independence’ separatist attempts,” defense ministry spokesman Wu Qian said, without providing any further detail.

In a separate statement, China’s Eastern Theater Command announced joint military drills off Taiwan, live-firing in the Taiwan Strait and missile test-launches in the sea east of Taiwan. The exercises kicked off early on Wednesday, footage circulated by Chinese CCTV shows.

It was not immediately clear what exactly the “targeted military operations” would include and whether they were separate from the series of drills announced by the Eastern Theater Command.

The military’s remarks echoed a statement by the Chinese Foreign Ministry that blasted Pelosi’s visit as a “serious” breach of “China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.” The official’s arrival to the island “undermines peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, and sends a seriously wrong signal to the separatist forces for ‘Taiwan independence,’” the ministry specified.

Pelosi touched down in Taiwan late on Tuesday following days of uncertainty over her visit, and conflicting signals from top US officials. Taiwan was not listed among the official destinations for the speaker’s Asian tour, which included Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and Japan.

The visit has already prompted a sharp increase in military activities in the region, with Beijing staging live-fire drills over the weekend off the coast of the southeastern province of Fujian, just across the Taiwan Strait. The US has increased its military presence near the island as well, with its USS Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group currently sailing to waters southeast of Taiwan.

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  1. Pelosi visit is just a start. Pelosi has invested hugely on microchips making US companies who has strong ties with Taiwanese companies. Pelosi would like to see her investment grow and she is making this visit.

    Lend & lease arms supply act is getting passed so that US can supply more arms to Taiwan. China is expected to take solid steps atfter the CCP conference ends by the end of this year. China’s intention is here https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202208/1272033.shtml?id=12 If UDS starts sending new weapons to Taiwan, China wont wait.

  2. The Pelosi Criminal Cartel along with the Hunter Biden Criminal Cartel (ALL protected by the Praetorian Guards such as the U.S. Secret Service, the FBI and the CIA…) are still being allowed to do their criminal back-door deals.
    Nobody in the U.S. cares…they are too busy having their ‘Covid-19 Vaccine Moments’, playing the latest video game, and betting on today’s sports while ingesting opiates, coke, and Doritos with many chemical ingredients in front of their one-eyed god, the TV.
    Never mind that electric vehicle in the garage that just burst into flames!!!!
    This will continue until Americans (& Veterans especially) rise-up against the corrupt election-stealing war-mongering government!
    Oh….I forgot-
    They already tried that on 6 January, and are now indefinitely imprisoned under Obama’s NDAA which allows for UN-Constitutional indefinite imprisonment without a speedy trial! The true American GULAG!
    Had they arrived armed as per the Second Amendment and taken back their government from the gradually-imposed Talmudic tyranny and Noahide-based Laws, the outcome would have been very different.
    As it was, the only people killed were the four 6 January participants (one of whom a USAF Veteran murdered in cold blood…) , all unarmed, and easily forgotten about by the U.S. Press while lamenting the cops who got ‘crushed’ by the crowd….
    These biases just prove that both former President Trump AND Russian President Vladimir Putin are on the right side of history, in Putin’s case defending Russia from an orchestrated violation of the Minsk Agreement by the Zio-Communisn-Fascist Ukrainian Government headed by the last two Presidents who are J3wi$h, and who are intent to inflict a repeat of 1917 upon Russia, which Putin will NEVER allow to happen again!
    God Bless the Aussie Cossack!!!! And God Bless Vladimir Putin for recognising the clear and present Zionist Khazarian danger that is posed under the guise of a ‘Greater (Global) Israel’
    “J3w$ ran the camps.” “Those who undertook the 1917 revolution in Russia were not Russians, nor were they Russian Orthodox Christians; they were J3wi$h”- Aleksander Solzhenytsyn.
    Solzhenytsyn’s last and final book ‘200 Years Together’ has been banned in many J3wi$h-influenced nations, as it exposed the Talmudic Zio-Communist agendas in Russia, and then the rest of the world.
    Just ask the Palestinians…!


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