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Monday, March 10, 2025

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Coster to meet Free Speech Union over ‘hate speech’ training

The New Zealand Free Speech Union has raised concerns over recent training requirements introduced by the New Zealand Police, aimed at helping officers identify ‘hate crimes’ and ‘hate speech.’

According to the Union, this training is problematic as ‘hate crimes’ are not legally defined in New Zealand law.

The training includes examples of ‘hate speech’ that the Union deems inappropriate, such as statements claiming “There are only two genders” and billboards reading “Kiwi not Iwi.”

Police Commissioner Andrew Coster has agreed to meet with the Free Speech Union to discuss their concerns.

The Union argues that this training could potentially be illegal and insists that it should be redesigned or halted immediately. Police resources should focus on addressing actual crimes rather than monitoring speech.

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    • Yep exactly.

      Also of course George Orwells’s Animal Farm.

      Human nature hasn’t changed that much since 1945 unfortunately.

  1. Of course, it wont be illegal by the time the nasty Nats and their coalition pals ram through hate speech laws, as originally planned by their fellow globalist predecessors. This is FASCISM be stealth, tarted up to look like protection of allegedly vulnerable groups.

    It will start with one group and then slowly creep out with amendments and new legislation, until free speech is all but gone and people are afraid to comment, as they have no idea what they can and can’t say.

    If ever there was a reason to demand a COMPLETE REFORM of government in New Zealand, its this kind of undemocratic, abusive behaviour.

    Oh and well done Free Speech Union, where would we be without you…….

  2. 1) Focusing on policing the speech of soft target citizens keeps the duplicitous politician bosses happy, is far easier and way more lucrative than actually going out and confronting REAL criminals.

    2) We are a civilisation in decline, this stuff is to be expected. With every collapsing civilisation the laws and punishments become progressively more absurd. Socrates himself was executed by his government for spreading dangerous “misinformation”. We’ve already seen this type of lunacy in Canada and the UK, you can be sure it’s coming here too.

    3) the pictures in the police training manual are HIGHLY inaccurate (As a right wing conspiracy theorist, I absolutely LOVE the autistic retards of 4Chan 😆)

  3. Police Commissioner Andrew Coster said he is not requesting a second term. That is code for “I was not offered one”. – “They don’t want me any more”. – “I was fired”. – “They gave me the DCM (Don’t Come Monday).

    That what you get Coster for being a twit sound blasting and bashing up peaceful protesters.

    We remember you………..


    • Finally just a civilian. May his time away from the force be spent forever looking over his shoulder and living in the reality that someone is going to get even. Peoples new rule, Don’t get mad ,Get even. Eye for an eye

  4. This gender thing is actually part of a much larger problem: Conditioning people to not question but to believe what they are told to believe, usually under the threat of punishment.

    When the Gestapo interrogated people, they’d shine a light in your eyes and ask, “How many lights?” You count and say the number. Gestapo punches you in the face and knocks you out. After a few cycles of this, you let the Gestapo tell you how many lights there are – the Gestapo then paints your reality.

    We have seen this recently during the so called COVID pandemic where people who questioned the safety and efficacy of the vaccines were not only banned from social media, but there were many posts suggesting that they should be arrested or worse. We have also seen that some people who questioned the 2020 US election “steal” are now in jail.

    The leaders do not care about gender or LBGTQ and so on. They DO care about intimidating the people into silence and compliance.

    The vaccine protocols of wearing masks and staying 6ft away from people originate from evil “ceremonies” where only one person is allowed to speak and all the others wear masks to signify that they must remain silent, and also, everybody stays 6ft apart in order to symbolize separation from Christ (Lord Jesus).

    Right now, there is a lot of manipulation going on. Perhaps it has always been going on and we have only recently noticed, and that’s a good thing.

  5. The book “Most Dangerous Superstition” written by by Larken Rose, should be a compulsory read for every one in government, by their employee, judges, soldiers and every police officer before the getting sworn in. The World would be a much better place!

  6. Oh dear, let’s see how Mr Coster (opps, am I using the correct gender pronouns!!) babbles his way out of that conversation.

    God defend New Zealand.

    We need to save ourselves from Marxism disguised as Wokeness.

  7. It appears that Coster’s ‘woke’ trans-weirdo-activist agenda has now crossed the line into the downright sinister.

    I genuinely do wonder how these creepy unsavoury characters always manage to fail upwards.

  8. PC Coster simply needs to read the Bill of Rights Act 1990.

    14 Freedom of expression
    Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, including the freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and opinions of any kind in any form.

    It’s really very simple.

    With all due respect. Smarten up Coster you woke communist moron.


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