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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

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Covid-19 ‘sub-variant XEC’ detected in NZ – state media

Sub-variant XEC news

The highly transmissible Covid-19 sub-variant XEC, a recombinant of two Omicron subvariants, has been detected in New Zealand, according to state media.

The “new strain” has already spread to about 30 countries, including Australia, and “experts” warn it could become dominant soon.

Epidemiologists, including Professor Michael Baker, are urging for a clear strategy to “mitigate the risks”, while Professor Paul Griffin from the University of Queensland said that XEC appears “more infectious” than other subvariants. While it does not seem more severe, there is concern about “public complacency”, with people advised to continue use of vaccines, antivirals, and basic infection control measures.

Current vaccines are expected to still offer protection against XEC, say the “experts”.

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  1. I am sure the people who promote and or push jabs in nz, would appreciate “the spa”. Please show your colours for all to see and the rest will be history soon

  2. ALL corporate state employees, from the PM down and ALL who contract to the corporate state to be triple vaxxed immediately. After all we need them ALL healthy so they can keep on working in our best interests. Nothing like leading by example.
    The second thing to do is to provide exemptions to ALL none state employees. After all, fairs fair eh.

  3. The BS-2024-FEAR variant has adapted from the engineered COVID 19.
    Perhaps close all the biolabs on the planet and then the problem goes away.

  4. I’m 71, had covid naturally twice 2020/2021. Had some brain fog/shingles outbreak right shoulder to finger tips.
    Now the more times you catch it, the more damage it does so I don’t want it again.
    Injecting the vaccine bypasses mucosal immunity. This provides short term resistance but no antibodies stored in bone marrow.
    The “Catch 22” of vaccination: More spike protein must be injected to protect one from spike protein.
    As immunity wanes the heavily vaccinated can still catch COVID naturally, further boosting spike protein production.
    These long term effects are unknown.

  5. Haven’t heard of nothin here. I had a bit of a mucousy throat the other day, nice to know I’m sure, but a couple of drops of iodine in a small amount of water to gargle worked very well too.
    No other complaints do far.

    There are a lot of hypochondriacs.

  6. This is amazing that the Health-related Powers That Be are still pushing the Covidcide on the public.
    I’ll treat any attempt of the PTB showing up onto my property to force-vaccinate me or my family as ‘attempted assault with the intent to produce grievous bodily harm’, and will take appropriate action!
    Mikey is still self-delusional…he must need his Pfizer stock-options to go higher .
    He can F@#k-off!!!!!!!!!!!


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