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Monday, March 10, 2025

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COVID ‘Traffic Light’ system to end tonight, masks to go in most cases

COVID news

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced significant changes to New Zealand’s COVID-19 Protection Framework today.

The ‘traffic light system’ ends at 11.59pm this evening.

The requirement to wear masks ends, except in healthcare and aged care facilities.

Household contacts of positive COVID-19 cases are no longer required to isolate for 7 days. Seven-day isolation is still required for all positive COVID-19 cases.

Government jab mandates will end on 26 September.

There are no vaccination requirements for incoming travellers and air crew.

In announcing the changes, Ardern said:

‘Finally, rather than feeling that Covid dictates what happens to us, our lives, and our futures, we take back control. There is no question – thousands of lives have been saved by the efforts of Kiwis. Be it iwi and Māori health providers, Pacifica organisations, aged care providers, businesses or the sacrifices of New Zealanders separated from loved ones, everyone played a part. So today, I say again to everyone, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.’

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  1. What a load of bollocks. Jabby Adhern never stops twisting, and rocking and rolling. Covid didn’t dictate our lives as she claims. She did.!
    Covid didn’t say wear a mask, she did. Covid didn’t say you can’t work here. She did. The last two years was a complete waste of time with masks and mandates. It damaged this country in innumerable ways.

    Next time, in a loud voice, we all say NO.!

    • Really? what if they do what Oz did and give you a massive fine and give the State the power to sell your house and access your savings to pay it, yes mam yes mam, how high mam. We would then have to rely on the young people who have nothing to lose to carry our water and they have all been cucked and indoctrinated, so we are all just tough talking has-beens.

        • Really? what if they do what Oz did and give us ALL a massive fine and gave the State the power to sell our homes and access our savings to pay it, yes mam yes mam, how high mam. We would then have to rely on the young people who have nothing to lose to carry our water and they have all been cucked and indoctrinated, so we are all just tough talking has-beens.

  2. Poll rating is falling. What drives Jabsinda are the WEF agenda and her chances of keeping power. It is not the health outcome or welfare that drives the decisions. You will now hear from fake experts that a right decision has been made (if the bribe reached fully). It does not mean the vendata is going to stop though. Got to hold the line for longer.

  3. But,,
    Fartdern still allows the private sector to dictate to their employees and customers to be vaccinated and wear masks.
    So a person working at the Warehouse needs to be vaccinated and wear a mask but a medical professional doesn’t have to.

  4. So we no longer have to wear face masks that don’t work. And we no longer need to be injected with a dangerous experimental ‘vaccine’ that also doesn’t work.

    Thanks Jacinda… for nothing.

  5. It is time to stop funding STUFF and other media mercenaries for the jabbing and masking propaganda. Any remianing funds contracted for must also be duly returned.

    Will it happen? Nah. Pigs wont stop eating once food is thrown at them.

  6. I am still not sure about this announcement. On one hand the mandates are gone but still apply in a number of environments.

    Employers and business who have been taken in by the scamdemic can still maintain their idiotic non sense.

    In the meantime tax payer funded saturated jab booster advertising will continue and sheeple will keep intoxicating themselves.

    Jabsinister knows there are too many jab injured cases to ignore any more. Time to cut and run. From here on any jab injury will be the victims decision and her and her criminal cohorts will get away scott free. Only if this country had a judiciary with some spine, not this gutless nimrods masquerading as up holders of justice.

  7. I wonder how many will be brave enough to take off their mask. I’m picking the fearful will be too scared. You’ll still see a huge amount of continuous wearing of masks out of blind, ignorant, fear.
    The brainwashed. I pity them even more, and again become angry as they force their innocent children to submit to this ludicrously absurd nonsense.

    • Mock them and laugh at them until they cry. And then make jokes about them crying. No mercy.

      Show them the level of care and consideration they showed the unvaxed when they were calling for us to be fired/fined/imprisoned/have our kids taken away etc

      • My husband makes sheep sounds and tells them that it’s REAAAAAAALY DANGEROUS out there! He’s so bad!

        What’s the bet the crims still keep theirs on. They’ve been having a field day with their faces obscured.

        Jabscinders has probably got all her facial recognition cameras installed now and that’s the only reason the masks are coming off. Klaus will give her extra brownie points for that no doubt.

  8. Lock downs and $60 million dollars created by Grand Robber out of thin air resuolted in a huge cost of living issue for kiwis. Compare US grocery prices with what we pay here. We pay more than double after adjusting for the exchange rate.
    Jabsinda & Co fooled us with the “cooked-up” Commerce Commission report. Similar to the covid Scam really.

  9. Cindycrim says we can have full access to antivirals now. Shes ordered 40,000 more. I bet thats Remdesiver
    the experimental killer antiviral that New York nurses nicknamed “rundeathisnear”.after it killed around 53% of all patients. Forget covid, worry about the meds!!!

  10. F(B)aker is very depressed for sure. As the Aesop Fable goes “When you lie, you often have to expand the lie”.
    A certain man made a wooden image of Mercury and offered it for sale. When no one appeared willing to buy it, in order to attract purchasers, he cried out that he had the statue to sell of a benefactor who bestowed wealth and helped to heap up riches. One of the bystanders said to him, “My good fellow, why do you sell him, being such a one as you describe, when you may yourself enjoy the good things he has to give?” “Why,” he replied, “I am in need of immediate help, and he is wont to give his good gifts very slowly.”

    F(B)aker still wants mask mandates in buses and work places lol

  11. Ive had a gutsfull.
    The last two years have wrecked our lives, wrecked our small businesses, wrecked our income, wrecked our friendships, wrecked our economy, all for what. Sure Jabcinda is to blame, but so are others – Grant Robinson (he’s quiet is he planning a coup!), Michael Baker, Bloomfield, the bloke who runs the medical society, the lady who runs the nurses organisation, the so called no science modellers who took lots of money from you and me (our taxes), the mainstream media (by geez I hope Stuff get a punding from the media council re VFF complaint) and more.
    Have I left any body out.
    Oh and remember what this Govt wants to teach primary aged kids in schools – disgusting


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