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Monday, March 10, 2025

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Guy Hatchard
Guy Hatchardhttps://hatchardreport.com/
Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

Guy Hatchard answers questions from Keith Lynch of Stuff.co.nz

Guy Hatchard answers questions from Keith Lynch of Stuff.co.nz.

This morning I received an email from Keith Lynch, ‘Science Explainer’ at Stuff.co.nz.

Apparently Keith intends to write a ‘hit piece’ on me in Monday’s Stuff. Keith’s letter is below in black. Based on Stuff’s continuing approach to attack unvaccinated people in the public eye or in elected positions without offering them any ‘right of reply’, I am publishing my answer to his questions in full, so that you can make up your own mind.

My replies in blue

Hello Guy

My name is Keith Lynch and I’m a reporter at Stuff. I’m writing a piece about you and some of your writings on the Covid vaccine and I’ve some questions. Can you tell me more about your professional background? You say you worked for Global ID. Can you tell me more about the nature of your work there?

I worked as a senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification company (now known as FoodChain ID). My official title was Director of Natural Products. The company developed statistical sampling and testing strategies based on PCR technology to ensure that both bulk and retail products were free of genetic modification. Genetic ID certification was used by its customers, including large primary product and retail suppliers, to ensure that they could gain access to international trade opportunities between countries and trading blocks including Japan, the EU, and many others. I was involved in all of these activities.

What qualifications do you have that make you comment on the Covid vaccines? I note your PHD is in psychology (I also note that Maharishi University of Management is not accredited by the APA).

Maharishi International University (MIU) is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), the accrediting agency for universities and colleges in the North Central region of the US. The Higher Learning Commission is recognized by the US Department of Education and the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). MIU primary student intake is in programmes for Computer Professionals, Management, Integrative Health, and Sustainable and Regenerative Living. You can find out more for example at link

My BSc Hons undergraduate degree was in Logic and Theoretical Physics at the University of Sussex, UK. This included courses in foundations of mathematics and the scientific method. I have a Post Graduate Diploma in Teaching for Science, Physics, and English from Christchurch Teachers College (now part of Canterbury University). My MA thesis at MIU studied the use of Bloom’s mastery learning techniques in mathematics education to increase achievement in mathematics at the 2 sigma level. My PhD is nominally in the Psychology Department, but focused on the use of time series analysis and panel regression analysis to investigate the effect of human factors including meditation on national competitive advantage as measured by social and economic indicators in 40 countries. For this I analysed hundreds of data sets supplied by the Institute for Management Development in Lausanne Switzerland. The conclusions of my thesis have been published in a peer reviewed journal. In essence, meditation can enhance individual creativity and this can impact economic achievement positively and reduce social problems including crime. My work has been published in the journal Psychology, Crime, and Law. I was a keynote speaker at the annual conference of the British Psychological Society. I have written papers and lectured on QALYs Quality Adjusted Life Years, a system of assessing the impact of health interventions on longevity and quality of life. I have written a book Discovering and Defending Your DNA Diet which is available as a download from Amazon Kindle and Smashwords. It contains over 800 references to studies published in scholarly journals.

You write on your site – He has lectured and advised governments in countries around the world on health and education initiatives. Can you expand on this?

I have traveled extensively and lectured on the safety issues of genetic engineering and on the impact of over-regulation of the natural health products sector. I have met with State Prime Ministers and Ministers in Australia and Ministers in the UK and New Zealand. I have made presentations to MoH committees in New Zealand. I presented to the Royal Commission on Genetic Modification in New Zealand. There is a section in our Parliamentary Library of my writings. In 1990 I was invited to be a lead of a team working under the auspices of the Ministry of Health of Armenia to relieve PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) following an earthquake which killed over 25,000 people. Our team treated 35,000 people over the course of a year. For seven years I was director of a 60 million pound crime prevention community project in Merseyside, UK which received government funding and won a British Urban Renewal Award. This project also involved the founding of a new school which is now an award winning free school fully funded by the UK Department of Education.

Can you tell me more about how your adherence to the teachings of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, has shaped your beliefs on the Covid vaccine.

I have never said that the teachings of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi shaped my ‘beliefs’ about Covid vaccination, which in any case are not beliefs and are actually based on published research. As Maharishi died in 2008, it is strange for you to suggest that he had opinions on mRNA Covid vaccines. I practice his technique of Transcendental Meditation and have done so since 1969. Extensive published research shows it aids mental clarity, health, and well being. The American Heart Association has endorsed it as a means of improving heart health and reducing blood pressure. I have greatly benefited from knowing the founder Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and I worked and communicated with him from time to time until his death in 2008, but I am not currently associated with any Transcendental Meditation organisation. I hold different views to Transcendental Meditation organisations. I realise that the understanding and development of consciousness is a legitimate aim of education. My current views largely rely on published research. In NZ we live in a country where one is free to practice religion, take up yoga or meditation. What are you implying here?

A number of people I’ve spoken to describe you as a leading voice in NZ’s anti vax movement. What do you make of that?

In my book published in 2017, I cite no references opposing vaccination, nor do I discuss any anti vax arguments. My wife’s sister died within 24 hours of receiving a polio vaccine, but my mother suffered disabilities as a result of contracting polio which affected her quality of life. My wife and I have both received vaccinations. There are very valid historical reasons why international human rights documents, to which NZ is a signatory, uphold personal medical choice. I therefore believe in general that medical procedures should always be a matter of informed choice. I am opposed to the mandating of mRNA vaccines. There are serious safety issues. Prima facie evidence exists corroborating this. The rate of adverse effect reporting for the Pfizer mRNA vaccine in New Zealand is running at 30x that of traditional flu vaccines. I have written extensively on this during the last six months. My views can be assessed from my website HatchardReport.com and have been reprinted widely by many media outlets.

Your own university has published a thorough guide for students on the Covid vaccines that is broadly supportive. It specifically notes: “The Covid-19 vaccines are not “genetic engineering” in that sense — they do not involve any modification or manipulation of our genes or DNA.” What do you make of it?

MIU is not ‘my own university’. I studied for a PhD there and was briefly on the faculty. The official views of MIU and myself are not identical. I note that MIU, like all accredited universities in the USA, is in receipt of very substantial federal educational grants, one recent condition of these grants is the formation of acceptable Covid vaccination policies.

I note you’ve written that the vaccines are “gene manipulation”. Can you comment?

I suggest you watch my video “The Pandemic of Biotechnology” which can be viewed at my website HatchardReport.com. It contains many scientific references. If you want to examine the history of the development of mRNA techniques from a pro-mRNA vaccine standpoint, I suggest you read an article from the journal Nature entitled the tangled history of mRNA vaccines (Link). Even from this perspective, it is clear that mRNA vaccines emerged from work in gene therapy and gene manipulation. You are probably aware of recent work in Sweden confirming that mRNA vaccine sequences can integrate into human liver cells in vitro.

In a recent Counterspin interview you cite a US study which found Omicron was much milder than Delta. The study also states: evidence for a reduction in severe outcomes among vaccinated cases with both Delta and Omicron variant infections in our study suggests substantial public health benefits from continued Covid-19 vaccination.” Do you reject this?

You may not be aware, but I and many of my professional colleagues around the world are aware that it is a safe policy, when submitting articles for publication in learned journals about Covid, to include some words encouraging Covid vaccination. It is a policy of many universities to expel researchers and professors who publicly express doubts about biotechnology and Covid vaccination. I also note, as a local example of this, that in a recent email exchange with a leading RNZ host he said it was unacceptable to air the views of anyone who opposed Covid vaccination.

The study you refer to above was funded by the CDC. My comments reference a close look at the data the authors presented in the study. Because the unvaccinated data is not fully analysed in the paper, this is best explained in the following video by a professor who is actually known to be pro vaccination, but nevertheless he explains how the study data reveals little difference between Omicron outcomes for the vaccinated and unvaccinated. This is not data the CDC would be very happy about, its analysis was glossed over in the paper:



In that interview you also state Omicron an “equal opportunity virus” that affects the vaccinated and unvaccinated equally. You make this claim despite a plethora of data showing unvaccinated people are much more likely to be hospitalised. Can you explain why you make this statement?

I suggest you reference my analysis of NZ data published yesterday on my website and in the Daily Telegraph. In this I fact check in great detail how the presentation by Stuff articles of relative risks as opposed absolute risks is designed to make Omicron seem frightening when in actuality Covid has evolved to become a relatively mild illness.

Are Unvaccinated People at Serious Risk From Omicron in NZ?


I also noted you continued to claim the vaccine was man-made. This is despite a range of studies emerging suggests it originated at the Wuhan Market – link.

The article in the NY Times (a newspaper) has been widely lampooned, it reported a ‘study’ that has not been either published or peer reviewed. I suggest you Google your question, the articles covering the issue will keep you busy until Christmas. My colleagues in the gene therapy field are of the opinion that there are a number of genetic sequences that are recognisably from gene therapy experiments.

In your newsletter last week you wrote – We woke up this morning to the news that Shane Warne aged 52 had died unexpectedly of a heart attack. Since he was travelling in Thailand at the time, no doubt he had had a Covid-19 vaccination. Was this causal? Possibly. At the very least you can forgive me for asking this question.” Can you explain why you made this claim when there was no evidence to suggest this was the case? Surely this is a very unscientific claim to make?

It wasn’t a ‘claim’ it was a question. Why doesn’t Stuff ask more probing questions? MoH has warned heads of DHBs of the need to be very alert to spot cases of carditis following vaccination, why haven’t MoH instituted a robust programme to collate data on the incidence of heart disease in NZ since vaccination? Astrid Koorneef has written to me on behalf of Ashley Bloomfield saying the MoH sees no need for mandatory reporting of adverse effects, meanwhile many vaccine recipients presenting with tachycardia, chest pain, and shortness of breath are still being sent home by EDs and GPs without a CARM report or thorough investigation.

Why do you think you know so many vaccine-injured people compared to the general public?

This is a jolly question. You tell me. I am retired and living in a rural location. Why have so many of my friends and neighbours had adverse health incidents after Covid vaccination? Why did Jacinda Ardern delete the 33,000 comments from her FB page about vaccine adverse effects? Clearly she has far more friends than me that have vaccine injuries. Why haven’t you been asking the Prime Minister? Why has the Health Forum NZ page been deleted by FB—the last refuge of vaccine injured people in the absence of any coverage from Stuff?

You mentioned in the Counterspin interview that your last chat with your friend involved him saying: ‘Thank God I’ve had the vaccine. Now I get on with my retirement and enjoy life.’ Do you have any proof the vaccine was involved in this man’s death?

He suffered known mRNA vaccine injuries—heart inflammation (carditis) and immune system suppression. Medsafe has a list of at least 150 deaths proximate to vaccination reported to CARM, (many more have been reported to NZDSOS). For most of these, Medsafe maintains they cannot determine whether vaccination was the cause of death. ACC is denying many claims for compensation on this basis. Temporal association is the first criteria used to determine causality. I have suggested that there be a more determined approach to assessing cause of death proximate to vaccination. In some cases, this might involve an autopsy. As the numbers in NZ are small this should also involve international cooperation.

I also note that last year you were supportive of Ardern and v supportive of Michael Baker’s elimination strategy in a no of FB posts. Can you explain what happened? Your opinion has changed dramatically?

I was initially very supportive of Jacinda Ardern’s strategy of border closures. I believed and still believe that it should have bought NZ time to review an evolving research picture. In the event, the death rate in NZ from Covid infection is among the lowest in the world, if not the lowest. That is creditable. Early on there were scientific opinions that mRNA vaccination was safe and effective. It was believed that RNA genetic sequences would rapidly dissipate and the spike proteins generated by cells taking up the RNA sequences would stimulate an appropriate immune response and then also dissipate. This has not turned out to be the case. RNA sequences can continue to generate spike proteins over long periods. There is extensive lymph node hyper metabolism following vaccination. There is an unprecedented rate of adverse effects, some of which do not dissipate. We should have been more cautious about mRNA vaccines. The introduction of employment mandates was a big mistake from a safety perspective and an economic disaster.

I see you referenced Michael Baker agreeing with your opinions re adverse effects in a piece. I asked Michael about this this year and he said his comments were taken out of context. He was quite disappointed re this. Do you wish to reply?

I have only quoted Michael Baker verbatim from emails between ourselves. I do not believe these are out of context. It is very important in all correspondence to own your opinions.

Philip Hill has also told me you’re misrepresented his views.

Philip Hill is a senior academic. I note that in the course of the correspondence between Michael, Philip, and myself and others, it was a cordial exchange of scientific views which I respect. Inexplicably, the correspondence came to an abrupt end when I expressed serious reservations about the safety of mRNA vaccination. There was one particular case of a young woman of 17 who died unexpectedly from a thrombotic event following vaccination. It has still not been admitted by Medsafe that this was caused by vaccination.

I’d appreciate if you could come back to me by tomorrow morning.


I have questions for you Keith, I note that your qualifications are in marketing, commerce, and journalism, yet you are the chief covid science explainer editor for Stuff appointed at the start of the NZ vaccination rollout. You list three people on Linkedin who have influenced your thinking: Bill Gates, Helen Clarke, and Simon Sinek. Was it a part of your job description on appointment at Stuff that your writing should support the government’s vaccination programme? How did you get such an appointment without a science background?

Because I have been working for a long time off and on questioning the safety of genetic engineering and genetic medicine, I am aware that one’s views are not always well reported in mainstream media, so I am publishing my reply to you as a press release in the hope that other media outlets might pick it up and report it in full.

Best wishes

Guy Hatchard

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  1. Excellent responses Guy, but the correct answer here is not to talk to these people in the first place.

    They’re not “journalists trying to get to the truth”.

    They’re government propagandists. All you’ll get is character assassination (what are your qualifications, what is your evidence, what websites are you on etc) and regurgitated MOH/WHO talking points. Your responses, as good as they are, either won’t make it into his little hit piece, or they’ll be twisted to still make you look like an idiot (which is clearly the entire point).

    Keith -if by some miracle you end up reading this – this is why the public were throwing things at your colleagues during the protests. This is why your websites are losing subscribers to the point where Jacinda had to bail you out with her public interest fund. People are tired of you slimy snakes and your pathetic games and your sycophantic devotion to the establishment. Seriously, change careers. Pick something with more integrity, like a lawyer.

    Or a prostitute

  2. Great stuff Guy.

    That govt stooge just got a pants down spanking!!

    This is a good example why we as a country find ourselves in this horrible situation . Totally unqualified people like this stuff writer shaping public opinion by masquerading as some kind of authority on vaccines and virology. Another example would be, a woman by the name Jabcinda masquerading as a PM.

  3. Well done Guy. The smartest thing this Stuff reporter could do is read your measured replies and admit he is on the wrong side of history by account of his loaded questions.
    Mind you, he is on ‘the media 50mil payroll’ isn’t he? With an agenda to satisfy.
    An accurate portrayal of the (not an) interview is highly unlikely.

  4. Thanks for publishing this Guy. It seems to me to be evidence of the low quality and qualification of Stuff propagandists – they certainly do not qualify as journalists in my book..
    I suppose we should not be surprised by a “chief science explainer” who doesn’t have a science background in a country whose Prime Minister is a fish and chip shop girl with a “degree” in communications.
    Anyone who believes what they read in Stuff, especially in their “truth about covid” section, deserves anything they fall victim to.

  5. Hi I would like to contribute to this question: I note you’ve written that the vaccines are “gene manipulation”. Can you comment?

    Stefan Oelrich, a member of the Board of Management of Bayer and head of the Pharmaceuticals Division, gave a speech at the World Health Summit focused on biotechnological innovation. He said his company is “really taking that leap … in cell and gene therapy.”

    “Ultimately, the mRNA vaccines are an example for that cell and gene therapy,” Oelrich said at the event’s opening in Berlin.

    “I always like to say, if we had surveyed two years ago in the public—‘would you be willing to take gene or cell therapy and inject it into your body?’—we probably would have had a 95 percent refusal rate,” he added.


  6. Instead of serving the New Zealand people by find out what’s in the Pfizer contract, or interviewing just one person who has had a relative or loved one injured by the jab, msm ‘journalists’ do hitpieces on people who have the courage to speak out. Absolute tossers. Hence their falling readerships and the public’s growing lack of trust of them and their publications. All power to you Guy and the new independent media rising.

  7. What do you expect from a corrupt woke news coterie? If a bankrupt news company was bought for a dollar and revived, there is a self serving interest group behind the saga. Public media funding is one such bribe given by the vested interest group. What role stuff played in telling the truth about the ongoing war other than playing the propagandist role? Why stuff does not allow the option of readers commenting their “news” and “opinions”? Why viewers cannot comment on their Youtube channel? Wokes wont answer.

  8. Two and a half years in and this brain dead d***head Lynch is still in a coma. It’s hilarious that stuff and nonsense have put their best foot forward with their “science explainer”. Eff sakes Lynch it’s not rocket science!!!! World renown scientists are way ahead of you!!! You know the ones that aren’t on Pfizer payroll, the ones that actually explore every avenue because they care about their fellow human beings. They share the other side of the story (I know shock horror but yes lynch there is another side). The side Pfizer doesn’t want you to know, the one you’re pm doesn’t want you to know, the one msm doesn’t want you to know, oh yes and you stuff and bloody nonsense the one you don’t want people to know. A number of people I have spoken to describe you as an inaccurate, [Edited], comedic, shitty little platform. Never trust anyone Lynch who refuses to report both sides. I don’t hear you asking the government any questions that oppose her narrative. Oh that’s right you would probably be sacked and have your funding pulled, so best stay muzzled and gagged to be safe, and let us “antivaxers” do your job for you. Free of course. Your welcome.

  9. ………………”vaccine was man-made. This is despite a range of studies emerging suggests it originated at the Wuhan Market”……………….. so why are we paying pfizer for it. haha…

    • The fact that they still expect us to believe someone bit into a fried bat and somehow caught super-flu a few kilometres from a known super-flu lab, and that the two are completely unrelated, is a testament to how utter stupid they think we really are.

      I was born at night, but it wasn’t LAST night.

      • I am convinced this is a man made virus- made in Fort Detrick, Maryland USA. This facility mysteriously shut down soon after civilians started complaining about a mysterious illness affecting their respiratory systems (very similar to Covid symptoms) in late 2019. The authorities quickly attributed this to effects of vaping. Yeah right, pull the one! As if only people in Maryland vape.

        During the world Military games, a number of military personnel from Maryland participated in these games. Guess where the games were held- Wuhan China. Introducing the virus to China was one of the many nefarious ways to bring China to heel as part of the Americans trade war against China. The Americans simply cannot compete against China fairly, so they invent stories about security risks and got the advanced technologies by Huawei banned by their vassal states. Same thing happened with Nordstream 2. This cancer cannot see other nations live peacefully and independently. The whole nation is built on genocide and trickery.


  10. Well done Guy, the need to cover your back in a media interview is paramount these days when we know the word “thruth” is not now in their narrative. That his only source of thruth are Bill Gates, Helen Clarke, and Simon Sinek should be of grave concern to all New Zealanders

  11. Love the articles written by Mr Hatchard. Makes a lot of sense to me about our current situation. Great response to the questions but hope it is not manipulated by Stuff.
    I just saw a documentary by Patrick James called “planet lockdown”
    Very interesting…though news says it’s been banned on Facebook and YouTube, I managed to find one in UTube. I watched it at Dr Mercolas website. Please watch it …it’s about 2 Hrs long.

  12. ???????????????? How can you take anyone seriously that describes themselves as a “ science explainer” Arderns booster program must be really pathetic she’s scraping the bottom of the barrel if stuff are front and centre ???????? Keith nobody on this platform is fooled. You and your colleagues have made no secret of how you feel about people that have taken the time check all sides of this gene editing trial. the government are relentless in pushing this. bribery, coercion, threats, kfc, candy floss, and much more. This is how we know that lots of things are hidden. You make it easy to for us all to feel that our choice is exactly the right one. This obsession with our choice is borderline creepy and not wanted. Back off Keith! You just do you boo!! Our choice is not your business.! But thanks for continuing to prove to us on a daily basis that you and others think that it is. Whatever you and the government say we do the opposite, so don’t think for one minute that you are not important Keith, you and msm and pm have played a huge part in our choice to say yeah nah. Keep up the fear mongering we are listening.

  13. Thanks so much for this Guy. Very helpful to get to know your background. I don’t read any Mainstream media any more and have found your work helpful, informative and containing common sense which is not very common any more.

  14. Thanks for posting your answers here Guy. I sure as heck won’t be giving that nasty $1 propaganda rag any clicks like I used to on a daily basis.

    As for Keith, if you’re reading this comment know this: People like you Keith are the very reason I no longer read or listen to mainstream media. You Keith and your ‘ilk’ are the only ones here peddling misinformation. Luckily many of us who DO have a real science background and many other thinking people also have the common sense to work out when we are being lied to and we can just stop feeding your nonsense with our attention.

    We aren’t anti vax. I am fully vaccinated against everything else. I just don’t fancy taking a new vaccine that’s still in its trial period for something I have 0.02% chance of dying from. Report THAT Keith. While you are at it, grab yourself another booster. When you’ve done that, do a deep dive into the World Economic Forum and their crooked plan to ‘hack’ human beings, link our health and social credit scores to central bank digital currency. Then ask yourself how they plan on doing that and what is in those vaccines, who has taken out what patents and what the Great Reset and Fourth Industrial revolution is all about. Why not report how our own govt is linked to this crowd who we did NOT vote for. Then ask why is our own govt purposely destroying this economy and why they don’t give a damn about human collateral?

    Honestly you ‘reporters’ are disgusting. Attacking every other person who speaks out against the ‘agenda’. Let’s look at you Keith, maybe Guy Hatchard can ask you about your background Keith and why you continue after all this time to trot out such cr@p. Oh 50 million reasons why…….

    A parting word Keith – mainstream media is dead. I would like to thank you for helping me and thousands of others to wake up to the lies. Bravo and we are NEVER coming back.

    Well done to Daily Telegraph and Guy Hatchard and all other contributors for giving us a voice and a platform.

  15. Well well well it’s gotta be said you got some balls Lynch!!! It’s a brave man that over reaches into a platform where he knows he’s not wanted or respected!! We finally have a free shot at calling you names. Where shall I start Lynch? You absolute muppet!! You cruel hurtful, disrespectful, piece of s..t!! You and your colleagues are divisive, disparaging with awful comments directed at people for their choice. Your infantile attempt at an interview with a very respected man who cares about both sides was outdated ,and clearly a weak and watery but oh so see through half arsed pitiful embarrassing questionnaire in which you tried to attack his character has left you wanting. Piss off with your childish comedic words, go home, nurse your kicked arse and don’t come back????

  16. Guy, you’ve helped and enlightened so many, many New Zealanders, and others beyond our borders, with scientific truth, data, investigations, propaganda exposures, challenging questions and trustworthy information.

    Your articles and reporting are careful, honest and objectively scientific.

    Hardly surprising, but another sad day for Stuff, when one of their editors with no medical or scientific qualifications takes it upon himself to ask questions of you, to very likely write a piece to discredit you. As we’ve certainly seen Stuff do this to others before.

    Nearly every day I shake my head at the arrogance and lack of scientific rigour from most journalists reporting at NZ’s MSM. I hardly read any of them now with the slightest degree of trust or respect, and they’ve absolutely earned this.

    Just like, very worryingly, they’ve earned astonishingly large amounts of taxpayer’s money paid to them, MSM journalists, by Adern.

    If we follow the money trail higher than NZ, we find Bill Gates paying $319 million dollars, and that’s probably conservative, to international media and organisations.
    See: https://www.newsclick.in/saint-bill-pumped-319-million-access-gates-media-report

    I have three hard-earned tertiary qualifications from recognised universities, not that it matters except to say I highly value rigorous and unbiased research. Ditto my partner who’s a PhD scientist. We spend time researching and sifting through facts from fallacy. Despite a friend referring disparagingly to me as a ‘looney-tune’ and ‘conspiracy theorist’ but fortunately for me I’m not in the public eye nor an MSM editor’s sights.

    Whereas, Guy, you are.

    We stand with you, as do thousands and thousands of other appreciative New Zealanders. 
You’ve more than proved your integrity, journalistic and scientific capability to us.

    That this is even happening is undeniable evidence you’re doing something intelligently informing, exposing, scientific, highly investigative, caring, truthful and absolutely necessary for our country now.

    Whereas newspapers like stuff.co.nz, unfortunately for them and us, are not doing much of that at all.

    “The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.”
    George Orwell

  17. I for one am very interested to see how the “science explainer “ presents his “hit piece” I have every confidence in Keith that to keep things fair and both sides represented he will surely include the comments from this platform at the end of his “hit” won’t you Keith? Keith? Are you there Lynch? Keith what do you say? I’m talking to you!!! Keith hello are you there? Oh so I guess that’s a no then.

  18. A great read, thank you Dr Hatchard.

    One question I have, that I don’t think will ever be known, is although we have the lowest C19 death rate, what is the total extent of the collateral damage to our country and NZers to achieve that?

    And how long will it take us as a Nation to heal?

    Again, thank you for being the voice of reason in a sea of mis-information and twisting of statistics to suit their narrative.

  19. Thanks Guy for yet another well worded reply to questions asked by an obviously highly qualified scientist as Keith Lynch. I have read every article you have written and found them so informative and widely agreeable by other accredited global leaders at the forefront of their fields. Keith Lynch you are on record now of being given facts by guy. We watch with anticipation of what you write…. Will you be a honourable man or remain the puppet fool.

  20. Well written Guy. You outrank this reporter by a country mile. It’s refreshing to have someone who has credentials standing up for the vaccine injured. I know many people who have been injured & can’t get exemptions. This government is either dumb, deaf & blind or plain evil??

  21. Thank you Guy. I’m sure your years of meditation practice contribute to your being able to reflect deeply and remain calm and respectful in the face of the character assassinations. Keep up the good work.

  22. I think that NZMSM finally got to the chapter in Klaus Schwab’s playbook titled “Attack and discredit the local covid information dozen”. Guy could even make the top of the most influential spreaders of coronavirus accurate information and truths list. A standing that would be well deserved, in my opinion.
    First six of Kevins questions relate to Guy’s personal and professional credibility! I don’t see Kevin deviating from the proven techniques used to discredit people who have different views and dare to express them publicly. When the “disinformation Dozen” list was published in the USA , Dr Mercola was No1 and they described him as an osteopath and a “natural doctor”, despite his medical and scientific credentials and hundreds of published papers in medical journals.

    Kevin will tell himself that he is just getting the facts and finding the truth, while he will knowingly do everything to discredit the person in this case Guy, portray some wrong-saying and highlight something out of context, that won’t make sense. He will repeat attacks by others and invite attacks (in this case he has done so already, I’m sure there will be a quote from Michael Baked and Philip Hill), professional denounces will be called on for a quote too. Justification, “just reporting, just giving each side its say”. Far from it Kevin. Your discrediting attack is deliberate and pre-designed, well documented in the literature too. Your discrediting questions Kevin show your mindset and intent. they contain obvious innuendo inside them and make your strategy obvious. Sadly I expect nothing more than an attempted verbal mugging to be published.

  23. I used to like stuff back in the day but I don’t read them or any msm now. When the management buy out happened I was optimistic that at last we would have a truly independent news outlet, free of corrupt American influences. It has been disappointing to see they’ve become mainstream shills no different to the rest of them, as they really had a golden opportunity to become NZs trusted media. The minute they took money from the govt has sealed their downfall. Under no circumstances in a free and democratic society should the media receive money from the govt. we live in a capitalist society where it’s survival of the fittest. This idea that some companies are too big or important to fall Is simply communism for the rich. Well done guy and well done Daily Telegraph for showing these frauds up

  24. Yeah keith. I also will no longer pay or even bother reading your media biased rubbish,
    and most of the people I know, will never pay a cent either while you guys refuse to report the truth. Tell that to your bigwigs.

  25. What can I say? All the other contributors above have said it for me! Love what you stand for Guy – telling the truth and calling out these MSM wanna be journalists.
    Great response. Thank you

  26. Honestly one of the best things I’ve read. Keith….. It”s time to give up your day job mate.

    ???????????? STUFF SCIENCE EXPLAINER ????????????????????????????????????????????..did you come up with that yourself?

  27. Another great article Guy- thank you!

    As for Stuff- deleted that ages ago, too much government fed misinformation and propaganda to feed the sheeple.

    Sorry Keith mate but you’re yesterday’s news.

  28. Brilliant – I’ve been waiting for someone to do this and was hoping you would question him on his quals at the end – and you aced it Guy! The absolute audacity of these completely inept, unqualified people…it is so beyond laughable – how can anyone take these people seriously?! As the other reader said above, msm is completely dead to me now – it’s an utter embarrassment to everyone!

    • Yes we did recently got offered a 3 week herald subscription. No thanks. Although I will need something to start my fire this winter…….????

      • Can I ask you to save any left over nz herald paper for us. We might get short on toilet paper again soon. Thanks I love your post ????????

  29. Well, you put Keith in his place. Looking forward to see how he manages to manipulate your response. I hope you get the NZer of the year award Guy for all you have done for us Kiwis. Can I ask you just one thing. I heard that life insurance policies will not pay out on any proven vaccine deaths as it is deemed ‘taking part in a medical experiment’. Do you have any idea on this.

    • we should all bombard his Linkedin profile with Guy’s comments

      “I have questions for you Keith, I note that your qualifications are in marketing, commerce, and journalism, yet you are the chief covid science explainer editor for Stuff appointed at the start of the NZ vaccination rollout. You list three people on Linkedin who have influenced your thinking: Bill Gates, Helen Clarke, and Simon Sinek. Was it a part of your job description on appointment at Stuff that your writing should support the government’s vaccination programme? How did you get such an appointment without a science background?”

  30. Stuff who? Keith who? Is there still such a thing as MSM? Gosh they must be knawing on their last bone by now! I, like the rest of the awakened Nation have moved on to more educated, measured, and science based reports of information that are geared to assist, protect and empower mankind, not fleece, mame, and dispose of it. You’re very much of the old world there Keates or Kevin, or something or rather…Oh well must get rest, Im off to my naturopath in the morning to see if we can sort this nasty burn in my chest, messed up digestive system, and crippling anxiety, that started…Ooooh about 6 months ago which coincidentally was around the same time as I received my 2nd jibby jabby. Guy, you are a marvel and we thank you ever so much for your contribution to this cluster fork our pm and her minions have got us into. Regards, Not a forking clue!

    • Do let us know if you get a reply. I am still waiting for a reply from another Stuff(ed) muppet named George Block who I sent a couple of e mails to more than a week ago. I expect they are too busy writing propaganda for Stalinda to respond to pertinent questions from us proles.

  31. Brilliant and true. Keith is a sanctimonious twat. I’ve written so many articles to Stuff with no reply. Oh just one saying I don’t understand this. She must have slipped. Otherwise Nada. But obviously not written so succinctly (I’m usually too angry). Love your work.

  32. Well done Guy. Your response was perfect. Keep up the good work
    The stuff journalist sounds like a complete nob 🙂

  33. Guy Hatchard, you seem to be the most sane and articulate NZ voice that I have found in these times. I appreciate you greatly and am sure you have helped many of us decipher and unravel the massive amount of data and conflicting viewpoints we are being bombarded with. You are a credit to the human race.

    Please keep doing what you are doing

  34. What did expect ,when someone is over the target , that being you Guy , Ardern rolls out Lynch to attack you.
    They cannot attack your data analysis as it is factual and it calls into question the jab safety and efficacy ( this should not be called a vaccine as it does not prevent transmission or infection ) .
    Ardern as we all know is superficial and once anyone asks a tough question she goes into meltdown and runs away.

    I have a question for Keith Lynch , where is Clarke Gayford, I understand he has been seen in [Edited] , where is your journalistic nature ?

  35. Here’s a little bit of free advice for ya Lynch. If you want to be taken seriously and are committed in trying to claw back your nonexistent respect, maybe you shouldn’t mention auntie bill. Perhaps it’s the smell of money in her purse that has turned your head. Also uncle helen should be a no go area for you also. I’m not sure if you know Lynch, and I’m sorry to be the one to tell you, but she has long gone!!! Lying quietly somewhere on a heap of political has beens in the “oh shit I muffed it” cemetery. Just saying ????

  36. If you go to Nepal, you will be approached by touts and they all adress you “hello brother” or something similar and claim that they want to help you. Often offer to guide you or help you to buy “stuff”. The news company STUFF is no different to the touts in Nepal.

    If you go to stuff website, over 40 different multinationals including facebook, Google, amazon will get your user data. NZ broadband companies assign a UNIQUE IP address for all households. So STUFF is simply a tout that lures the users and thereby multinationals harvest private data. STUFF gets paid a little and this is of course legal as per the terms and conditions but most users wont know this. Very few use reliable VPN too. Most cheap VPNs are like “double agent” spies in any way.

    Why STUFF is not hosted on NZ owned servers like ODT? Being an agent for the woke agenda and NWO, overseas servers (cheaply) host the STUFF news. This is the reality.

    • Shocking. I just checked STUFF on Blacklight Website Privacy Inspector at https://themarkup.org/series/blacklight

      19 – Ad trackers found on http://www.stuff.co.nz. This is more than double the average of seven that we found on popular sites.

      19 Third-party cookies were found on http://www.stuff.co.nz. This is more than the average of three that we found on popular sites.

      These are commonly used by advertising tracking companies to profile you based on your internet usage.

      http://www.stuff.co.nz website loads trackers on your computer that are designed to evade third-party cookie blockers.

      Canvas fingerprinting was detected on this website. This technique is designed to identify users even if they block third-party cookies. This technique was used ONLY by six percent of popular sites,

      Blacklight detected a script belonging to the company Teads (Luxenbourg) SA doing this on this site.

      This website could be monitoring your keystrokes and mouse clicks.

      Blacklight detected the use of a session recorder, which tracks user mouse movement, clicks, taps, scrolls, or even network activity. This data is compiled into videos and heat maps that website owners can watch to see how users interact with the site. Research has shown these practices can be insecure and make sensitive user data such as passwords and credit card information more vulnerable to leaks.

      Blacklight detected a script belonging to the company Hotjar Ltd doing this on this site.

      While Blacklight can detect whether a session recorder was loaded, it cannot determine exactly how the collected data is being used.

      Key logging is when a website captures the text that you type into a web page before you hit the submit button. This technique has been used to identify anonymous web users by matching them to postal addresses and real names. This technique was used by four percent of popular websites when we scanned them in September 2020.

      This site allows Google Analytics to follow you across the internet.

  37. It is refreshing to see your remarkable integrity, intelligence and wit Guy brought to bear in this debate.
    Keep up the extraordinary work, there are 1000s, if not now millions of Kiwis who also get it, and support what you’re saying so clearly.

  38. Thank you Guy, you have an amazing wealth of credibility.
    Thanks Daily Telegraph, for giving us a place to speak and be heard.

    Those of you who, who enjoy this ability to have freedom of speech. Ditched your MSM paid subscription.
    Please consider donating to DT.

  39. I agree with annonymous. Keith must now be wondering how he left his rear end so open to the absolute reaming that you delivered so politely and so well! In my book your reply to Stuff and Keith qualifies you to be our bealth minister if not our PM ThNk you Guy for your erudite and accurate handling of Keith and his typically Rrogant and biased questions born of ignorance.
    Cheers, Brian Lonsdale

    • Another govt-msm anti-science toady’s smear attempt of someone bravely honest and wholly scientific, not meekly kowtowing in compliant lockstep with this Govt’s rapidly-collapsing COVID narrative.

      In this war on truth and our freedom, if someone effectively exposes or routs out deception and ignorance they’ll inevitably come under fire.

      What’s nearly laughable is that some in MSM don’t seem to understand the game’s up. The horse has bolted. Why are they still wasting their time, and ours? Unless they’re being paid to, of course – with our tax dollars that could be put to far better use.

      Thank God for Guy and many others who’ve obeyed their consciences and intelligence, stood up and stood strong expressing the truth, knowing the risk to them. May this be grist to their mill.

      Kia kaha, Guy, keep on keeping on! The evidence is now undeniable you’re doing something very important and tremendously helpful for New Zealand!

    • Poor Keith, he’s really clutching at straws! So nothing more than a lame attempt to smear someone else’s reputation. Incredibly defamatory too. If only these ‘journalists’ put their time into something productive. Here’s some suggestions:

      1/fact checking the NZ Government narrative and exposing the lies and back tracking
      2/finding out why Pfizer want their documents hidden for 75 years
      3/talking to vaccine injured people
      4/finding out what it means for New Zealand to be the ‘pilot’ country for the World Economic Forums Artificial Intelligence rollout
      5/presenting us with accurate sources for the long term safety data on the ‘vaccines’ (gene therapy) because DANG Keith I for the life of me cannot locate that info anywhere.

      I’ll wait….

  40. Keep the good work coming Guy. I’d love for you to reply to this morning’s ‘Hatchard Job’ Lynch tried your pull off.
    “Science Explainer” about sums it up; “STUFF” seems an appropriate name for what that online News place writes.


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