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Guy Hatchard
Guy Hatchardhttps://hatchardreport.com/
Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

Guy Hatchard: Covid vaccination injury gag orders are denying the public informed consent

Jab injury gag orders news

We are just now becoming more aware of gag orders affecting reporting of adverse effects following vaccination.

Apparently hospital administrators are keen to avoid any publicity that might suggest increased incidence of cardiac events and other common Covid vaccine side effects. Their motivations for this are unclear, but we have previously noted a lack of NZ data for specific conditions. I have received a number of anecdotal reports from hospital staff and patients around the country concerning high rates of hospitalisation and death attributable to vaccine injury.

Whilst scare stories of serious Covid infection outcomes are given wide publicity, gagging of hospital staff effectively hides the prevalence of adverse effects from the public. This has the effect of preventing the public reaching informed conclusions about the relative safety of Covid vaccination.

A UK coroners court recently found that a 26 year old graduate student who died from a blot clot in his brain following an AstraZeneca injection was given incorrect and out of date information about the risks—a situation we face in NZ every day where saturation advertising claims safety and efficacy contrary to available data.

Women are denied informed consent by gagging orders on health professionals and the deliberate withholding of data

March 2022 saw the publication of paper “Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-Patient Relationship” which found “a significant risk associated with Covid vaccination among women of reproductive age and during pregnanancy”.

It also reported that in September 2021 the American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology (ABOG) had threatened their 22,000+ constituents with disciplinary actions, including revocation of licensures and board certifications if they questioned the safety of the Covid ‘vaccination’. This gagging order occurred in the absence of reliable data indicating safety for pregnant or menstruating women. Such discussions are also deleted from social media platforms.

The unprecedented character and extent of injury to menstruating women was reported in April 2022 in a paper “COVID-19 and the surge in Decidual Cast Shedding (DCS)”. DCS is historically a rare gynecological event, with less than 40 cases reported in the medical literature over the last 109 years. The paper reports 292 cases of DCS following vaccination. DCS is a synchronized detachment of the entire decidualized layer of endometrium, and it passes from the uterus through the cervix and vagina. It appears to be associated with blood changes caused by Covid vaccination, but virtually no investigation has been undertaken until now, despite very high volumes of self-reported menstrual irregularities.

The latest release of Pfizer adverse effects documents which occurred on May 2nd 2022 reveals that between 82-97% of pregnant women whose outcome is reported in the Pfizer vaccine trials lost their babies. 45% of the 270 pregnant mothers reported adverse clinical events, more than 60% of these events were rated as serious. Facts which Pfizer withheld from the public until ordered to release them by a federal judge.

These recent findings highlight systematic attempts to hide the extent and serious nature of Covid vaccination injury to women. Over the next few months we expect that more scientific assessments will begin to reveal the long term effects of Covid vaccination, not just for women but for a very large range of serious conditions affecting all ages and genders.

Continuing attempts to hide or delay the publication of data or suppress the discussion of scientific findings unfavourable to vaccine safety, and the censure of medical professionals who wish to offer informed consent, amount at the very least to a conspiracy of silence, and, at the worst end of offending, to an attempt to pervert the course of justice.

Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a food testing and certification company (now known as FoodChain ID). Website: HatchardReport.com.

Guy is the author of ‘Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness’.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of DTNZ.

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  1. No need to research on the lack of informed consent. Anyone who was vaccinated knows they never read any of the Pfizer documents or other supporting documents before giving consent. Most placed their blind faith on this based on what they read on the Mainstream media or what their poltical leaders and others said. This is like signing up for Microsoft/Apple/Google/Facebook type of coporate media accounts and clicking a box of agreeing to their terms and conditions. Emperor with no clothes lol


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