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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

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Guy Hatchard
Guy Hatchardhttps://hatchardreport.com/
Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

Guy Hatchard: Message to a relieved but grieving nation

mRNA Vaccine news

Just published research raises alarming red flags which require action.

Leading scientists sound the alarm on COVID vaccine safety.

Covid restrictions are largely coming to an end in New Zealand. Thank you for some sanity. Never before have novel medical concepts been so intertwined with naive political allegiances and never before have careerist medical professionals been able to exercise total control over politicians. Good riddance. 

Does this draw the curtains on the pandemic and have we learnt the right lessons? Not yet.

Boosters and excess deaths

When Jacinda Ardern announced the end of restrictions yesterday at a press briefing she was asked about our record high rates of excess deaths, but she ducked the question and changed the subject. Mainstream media needs to push harder on this line of questioning and Jacinda is not the only person they should be asking.

She was also asked by some worried and fawning journalist when we would all be able to get our next booster. Her lightning reply showed just how much the truth is beginning to dawn: “there will be very few needing to go that way”.

The double speak on boosters, even in scientific journals, is wonderfully scary to behold. A research letter published September 8 2022 in JAMA Network Open illustrates the point. A study of risk factors for death after Omicron Covid-19 infection found that the elderly were most at risk to die after receiving a booster. The double speak comes in the conclusion: the elderly should be prioritised for further booster doses. I don’t need to explain how distressing and sad this is, do I?

The author’s analysis of UK ONS data on 19 million people only covered deaths attributed to Covid, it didn’t cover all cause deaths. A look at the same ONS data shows unequivocally that boosting is a risk factor not just for Covid death but substantially for any death. 50% of people are boosted in the UK but they account for 86% of all cause deaths. Boosting is a double whammy.

No wonder Jacinda said very few will need another booster, she knows. I wrote to her a few weeks ago with the statistics and her office replied in double quick time—we’ve asked Ayesha Verril to look into it. The penny has dropped, but it is probably too early for governments to publicly admit they have been duped by biotech vaccine fanatics intent on maintaining the government funding gravy train. 

Those injured and left behind

Tens of thousands adversely affected by unnecessary vaccine mandates and those injured by vaccines have been ignored and left behind. This has been an exercise in intolerance and an abrogation of medical ethics. They have been ignored and rejected. The level of vaccination adverse effects reported to CARM has run at fifty times the rates pre-pandemic. This called out loudly for prospective studies of injury. These were rejected by government and medical professionals alike. 

But a recent prospective study of 300 students in Thailand reveals a horror story—almost a third of mRNA vaccine recipients experience cardiac effects. The long term consequences remain unknown. 

paper published yesterday, authored by some of the world’s top scientists at among others Oxford, Johns Hopkins and Harvard Universities, presents a risk-benefit analysis of boosters and mandates for university students. 

It finds that for every one hospitalisation prevented by Covid vaccination, there are between 18 to 98 serious adverse events. 

It concludes that Covid vaccine mandates applied to university students are unethical. They have created unjustified and alarming social and medical harms. 

You should be worried about the serious flow on health issues associated with mRNA vaccination, but perhaps you should be less worried about long Covid than first thought. A study entitled “Associations of Depression, Anxiety, Worry, Perceived Stress, and Loneliness Prior to Infection With Risk of Post–COVID-19 Conditions” has found that the more you worry the more likely you are to report that you suffer from long Covid. So stoking the Covid fear factor actually increases the risks. Another lesson to learn.

What should happen next?

Our current rate of cancer incidence is unknown, but, if overseas VAERS data can be trusted, it will be increasing dramatically. Figures are not being shared with the public. They should be.

Vaccination status is not recorded on death certificates, a prerequisite for causal research. Why not? We wrote to the government in August on this issue.

Sudden death has been normalised in the media and no one appears to be asking the difficult questions. They need to be asked, read here for a discussion.

The government has left it up to employers to decide whether they should continue to discriminate against the unvaccinated but studies in Qatar show that the unvaccinated enjoy 97.5% protection against reinfection. They should get their jobs back. But employers are still being daily spooked by misleading Covid vaccine advertising.

Remove the financial incentives to exaggerate Covid

People who worry about grim sounding Covid statistics should know that pandemic payments to hospitals, doctors, and other government departments only drive Covid statistics up. It’s simple economics. In the USA, hospitals receive a 20% increase in the Medicare payment rate for every patient diagnosed with Covid. Maximising Covid has become a medical business model and a strategy to buy political support.

Anil Makam, MD, MAS, is an academic hospital medicine physician and a health services researcher at UCSF Department of Medicine. His research is at the intersection of geriatrics, hospital medicine, and post-acute care, specifically focusing on the role of long-term acute care hospitals (LTACs). He tweets (for the benefit of those still trying to exaggerate Covid), in the whole of the 2022 Omicron era I have only seen one case of Covid pneumonia….Good news severe Covid is gone.

Here in NZ, the plethora of special Covid payments and incentives needs to stop now. Covid costs (including advertising and media payouts) have topped $70 billion (50% of the annual government revenue) and it’s all borrowed money. The Covid industry has all but taken over the nation. Long ago it detached itself from primary Covid data sources on safety and gained almost unstoppable momentum by waving unsubstantiated fear flags everywhere. 

Where did Covid come from?

Savvy commentators are not fooled by repeated attempts to reassure the public that they should ‘blame a bat’, bats are innocent. Read this eight step explanation on Twitter from Richard H. Ebright, it’s short and to the point. He is on the Board of Governors and Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Rutgers University and Laboratory Director at the Waksman Institute of Microbiology.

There is more to say on this. Covid-19 was circulating worldwide way before the official pandemic start date in early 2020. Blood samples from France and Italy taken during September to December 2019 contain Covid-19 antibodies. This further undermines the timeline of the natural origin hypothesis and places the pandemic start closer to known respiratory illness episodes among staff at the Wuhan Lab.

If you want a glimpse into a lab horror story, watch The Anthrax Attacks documentary on Netflix. As far back as the 1990’s researchers were busy weaponizing deadly pathogens in a supposed attempt to develop vaccines. This was occuring in military laboratories in the USA, and if you think that this wasn’t and isn’t going on in military circles all round the world, think again.

The full horror of this kind of research surfaced during the pandemic. Genetic sequences are highly mobile, cannot be contained, and are passed on to subsequent generations. 

If you think we can exit the pandemic without banning risky biotechnology research and covert bioweapon programmes, you’re mad.

There is a long list here that government policy needs to acknowledge and take account of. It is not enough to exit the pandemic by stopping restrictions. Public perceptions and strong divisive opinions have been created that don’t match Covid science publishing. It is time to redress injustice, correct the public record, and face up to continuing health challenges.

The government may find it hard to stop the runaway gravy train, the misinformation, and the fear mongering they initiated and encouraged. It has taken on a life of its own, but it must be countered, stopped, and dismantled. 

Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a food testing and certification company (now known as FoodChain ID). Website: HatchardReport.com.

Guy is the author of ‘Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness’.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of DTNZ.

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  1. Jabsinda claimed that thousands of lfes were because of jabbing, lockdown and mandates and masking. So nothing has chnaged in my opinion. Mask madates were already ignored by many and so it is not a big favour at all. we got to hold the line and make sure that this is not again repeated. Jabsinda dids claim that the framework is in place to re-introduce if needed. So it is not over yet. Satanism must be removed completely.

  2. When Covid first broke out; All Western Governments faced the reality they had to do ~something~ & would have fallen if they had not. Yet NZs response was excessive & has done great harm ( with long waits for other medical services) it has overloaded our health services, & done great economic harm to the economy as well.

    A question for all socialist governments, will any off them ever give up on an opportunity to gain TOTAL CONTROL over the day to day lives of their populations? I do not see the point of a public enquiry when we already know total control is endemic to socialism. I would be simpler in another year to JUST VOTE THEM OUT!

  3. Thank you Guy for another great article. I welcomed yesterday’s decision on mandates, for me it was like a day of independence. After the excitement, I sat back with tears, thinking about how the last 2 years unfolded. So many peoples lives ruined…..physically, mentally, emotionally. The abuse and sneering towards the unvaccinated. The list goes on and on and on…
    I congratulate everyone who stayed strong and held their ground…who did not succumbed to fear mongering and govt propaganda, who saw the truth and understood the lies that was being told by those in power. I do view the world with different lenses now, I have learnt and gained some knowledge about the wickedness and evil nature of human race. May God have mercy on us all.

  4. Can we not just take Jabcinda to court for signing us up to a Pfizer agreement on our behalf that we have not yet been allowed to read.
    No one with any brains would sign up to such a document.

    • Jabsinda acted on the powers rendered by the “democracy” aka representing the will of the people through the parliamentary majority. In the name of democracy, wars were waged and milliuons killed. Unless NZ becomes a republic under its own constitution that bars violation human rights and nuremberg code etc, the same thing will be repested in future. Jabsinda is a puppet and does not need any brain to sign the one-sided Pfizer contract. She just acted on orders; she knew she was installed with the slimy golbalist support which enablked her to win the election.

  5. Well said, Guy!

    You’ve been an intelligent rational mainstay during the ‘pandemic’ and a sane voice of up-to-date science and health information, also analysing and explaining important data.

    In this, you’ve done much good for New Zealanders in a time of the worst disinformation and behaviour I’ve witnessed from those I used to consider fellow left wing, Labour and Green, academic and scientist ‘mates’ – many of whom I now no longer want much to do with, certainly not to vote Labour or Greens again.

    The damage they’ve done through their lack of rigorous research then unthinking kowtowing to the government’s Pfizer narrative by using media, their positions and platforms to divide this country and cause health suffering to many, is unquantifiable.

    I’m still trying to understand how so-called educated intelligent people could promote an obviously flawed and highly dubious COVID 19 injection; then their incendiary attacking of anyone who wisely chose to maintain their bodily autonomy by not accepting the injection and not following the Labour government’s Single Source of Truth message, in spite of the government’s very cruel unnecessary mandates, libelous ridiculing and punishments.

    We will not be able to forget this, as all the damage now done (mostly in the name of slavish Pfizer profiteering and the govt’s WEF/WHO/globalist agenda) to people’s bodies, lives and livelihoods will continue for a very long time.

    Thank you to DTNZ for bravely providing ongoing scientific truth countering the government-paid media, health officials and scientist’s tsunami of disinformation.

  6. I can’t help but think that anyone who celebrates this reprieve might be suffering from stockholm syndrome; they never had a right to impose these restrictions on us in the first place.

  7. When I read Lynda Wharton’s article I must admit, I wept. But not so with you Guy, I just marvel at your courage and wisdom, and must thank you once again. Throughout this sorry saga you have kept away from the rhetoric and spoke the common sense we have come to know you for. Any yet there is also much sadness in the message you carry.

    It is of course the question, where we go from here in light of the damage inflicted to an unsuspecting public. I surmise not very far down the road of recompense as the evil ones will hide behind laws and privacy as cowards are want to do. But thanks to your concern for us all, and excellent work, we are at least now better informed. That it comes from a caring private citizen speaks volumes of Jabinda and her health department cronies. It is what it is.

    Onwards and upwards, tomorrow is another day, as we prepare for what’s to come…


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