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Monday, March 10, 2025

Popular Now

Guy Hatchard
Guy Hatchardhttps://hatchardreport.com/
Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

Guy Hatchard: The New Normal

The new normal news

So Jacinda is vaccinated, boosted, wears masks, dutifully isolates, and she has Covid. She is urging us to do the same. Her self-belief astounds. Words fail me.

I woke up at 4am this morning and sat wondering what I could say that might persuade people to reconsider their faith. I fell back to sleep and dreamed I went to a media conference about Covid, the organisers showed us a video about how to install fence posts, I pleaded with the press to realise that freedom of expression was at risk, as I spoke the whole audience began to laugh at me.

In the morning, I recounted my dream to my family, my daughter reported that she too had woken up from much the same dream. Of course this was not prophetic dreaming, it is the new normal we have been dreading and now must live everyday. Stop the bus I want to get off.

I was just in Wellington, dull party central of the hard working civil service. It was the full monty of mass conformity. Masking was as near 100% as makes no difference.

Now that 2 million vaccinated Kiwis have caught Covid, NZ twitter feeds are full of people worried that the unmasked have been stealing their immunity. They are forming a society of the convinced against all evidence, Jacinda will surely be their hero and president.

This has happened despite there being increasing evidence that masking does not stop the spread of infection, and a great deal of evidence that it harms our health.

A recent study of mask wearing in Finland concluded:

“According to our analysis, no additional effect seemed to be gained from [mask wearing], based on comparisons between the cities and between the age groups of the unvaccinated children.”

It appears to me that science sprinkled on the NZ media is like water off a duck’s back. Even without science, the media is training the public to be (like themselves) oblivious to the obvious. Look at a map of the world, and observe that many countries with the least Covid also have the least vaccination.

I am bombarded everyday with new data analyses which indicate that mRNA vaccination has been ineffective and dangerous. Rather than stopping infection, hospitalisation and death, it is associated with immune deficiency and excess all cause mortality. The boosters take the biscuit. Are we such as lemmings, driven to self-destruct when we are overpopulated?

Meanwhile we are bombarded with calls for censorship of social media and revocation of free speech. The NY Post reports that Nina Jankowicz a verified twitter user, tapped by Joe Biden to head his new US agency of disinformation, is demanding the right to correct tweets which she considers false. Jankowicz is well qualified to correct everyone’s understanding of science, she has a BA in political science.

I do want to wake up from this dream, but I know that even as I write there are people busy in biolabs around the world creating new illnesses probably with the express intention of mandating me to take their patented vaccine. In most cases, they are funded by government and trumpeted as heroes by the bought media.

As John Maynard Keynes said:

“Capitalism is the astounding belief that the wickedest of men will do the wickedest of things for the good of everyone”

Justin Fox, a commentator favoured by the World Economic Forum, author of The Myth of the Rational Market (or should it be World?), writes on May 1st in Bloomberg :

“The vaccines have been spectacularly effective at preventing severe disease and death…”

and presumably for balance continues:

“…scientists wildly underestimated the deadliness of the disease.”

Conceding that Covid vaccination is ineffective at preventing transmission, he mused with us that perhaps only repeated infection and the growth of natural immunity (a concept which NZ government scientists at Te Punaha Matatini have labelled a conspiracy theory) could defeat Covid, but he left us with this parting shot of government folk wisdom:

“wearing masks on buses and subways ought be encouraged even after the mandates go away”

If you can locate a coherent theme in his article, let me know. Justin Fox is also educated in political science, which says just about all that can be said about mainstream media Covid advice. Our Jacinda would be proud of him.

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  1. The new normal in politics is pushing every country, including NZ, to the new world order. Politicians for implementing the NWO need not have any high IQ. As long as they have the ability to act as a smiling assasin, deceive public, it is all good. The double insurance policy of the deep state is to have both ruling and opposition to support the same agenda. Jabcinda/Laxon are mutually exxhangeable to the deep state.

    • The average World IQ is now 83%.
      Source; Unz Review, & Investmentwatch.com.
      The IQ will continue to drop due to prions, heavy metals and mRNA elements crossing over the blood/brain barrier.
      In effect, the brain is being eaten away by spike proteins and will result in even lower IQ’s no thanks to the Covid-19 vaccine and it’s many, many ‘boosters’!
      ‘Stupid people are easier to control!’- Lavrentiy Beria (one of Stalin’s henchman).
      ‘Military men are simply cattle (Goyim) to be used by us.” – Henry Kissinger on his remarks made about US Military Servicemen.
      Couple this with the destruction of the food supply and the entry of Holodomor ll, and the recipe for under-fed, over-vaccinated sheeple will result in the actual ..*.”ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE…!!!’ (*coming soon to a neighbourhood near you!).
      Compare the behaviours of the masses from 3 years ago to what they are in public at the present time…

  2. “Jankowicz is well qualified to correct everyone’s understanding of science, she has a BA in political science…”

    Yeah, the BA stands for “Bugger All”. Same qualification as every other lefty out there. And WTF is up with her face? She looks like someone slapped lipstick and a wig on that thing from Prometheus.

    Famous for her bad Mary Poppins karaoke… Where do they find these people ????????

    Clown world indeed

    • She is better than Bill Gates, who is a Uni drop out and yet he is the expert in public health and vaccines. In the clown world, qualifications do not matter. We have accepted career politicians who often have no real world experience other than serving the Global elites, Big Military Industrial Complex, Big Pharama, and possess the charm to be the darlings of the Main Stream media. Jankowicz or Jabcinda, all the same. A BA in communication and journalism makes Jabcinda in expert in everything, and many in this hermit kingdom admire her for her divisive politics, and carried away because the charm she puts with the help of the corrupt MSM. Laxon any better? Absolutely not. He is an installed person to lead National as a matter of insurance if Jabcinda fails to form the nest government. Insurance for the Go After Yanks (GAY) politics.

      Slogans always supplant Politics and Mass Psychosis.

      • Remember- Mark Suckerburg dropped out of Harvard, and is reported to be David Rockefeller’s ‘grandson’.
        ALL are Deep State ‘assets’, and this is the hidden hand and new normalcy as depicted in many so-called ‘international crime shows’ imported into NZ.

  3. Fake news media STUFF now asks: Why haven’t you had Covid yet – could it have something to do with your genes?
    Quotes “A person’s blood type and other genetic factors may be linked with severity of coronavirus infection, according to European researchers.”

    STUFF thinks public are stupid and telling what we all know already. The IMPORTANT point is why the fake news STUFF is propagandising Mandates, and plotting against Wellington Freedom struggle and writing hit piece articles. It is a simple fact that a new experimental therapy has lot of unknowns and it is up to the individuals to make a decision. The so called “experts” cannot make a decision on others behalf; they can only recommend. It is disgusting how the fake news STUFF manipulates kiwis for selfish purposes. Not mnay trust STUFF, the so called experts and more importantly the Jabcinda government as well as the clown hiding under Jabcinda’s skirt Laxon.


  4. NONE of these politicians have ‘covid’ – it’s all for show now that huge numbers world-wide are finally waking up to the HUGE con. “See – we’re ‘suffering’ too!” No. They are NOT.

    It’s worth noting that in the early months of ‘covid’, when there were no restrictions on travel, no masking, no social-distancing, etc., when, in its first iteration, it was (apparently) the MOST DEADLY and highly contagious, virtually no politician/public figure anywhere was getting it. Just ‘everyday folks’. Yet, those same politicians/public figures were, at that crucial, ‘dangerous’ time, in close daily contact with multitudes of international travellers as part and parcel of their very jobs and positions in life. None had so much as a sniffle. But NOW – they are ‘getting it’??? – and, how conveniently, in it’s ‘mildest form’ (‘Omicron’) – so, a few days off the public stage (to make it look good) and they’ll be ‘fine’ again – and of course, they are ‘vaxxed’. Yeah. Right.

    • And.. remember when the California Governor was recently caught saying ‘I WAS SUPPOSED TO GET THE SALINE INJECTION” after he contracted Covid-19 and disappeared fro office for a week or two after receiving the atual Covid 19 vaccine by mistake??
      ALL of these deeply moronic psychopaths in the various levels of the world’s governments were given saline injections posing as Covid-19 vaccinations.
      Once the Dep State is finished with them, then they too will be injected and join the zombie populations.
      Source- Jay Parker ‘Illuminati ritual sex abuse part lll’


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