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Israel confirms deaths of six hostages in Gaza

Israeli hostages news

The captives were killed shortly before they were found in a tunnel, the IDF says.

The bodies of six hostages captured by Hamas militants on October 7 have been retrieved from a tunnel in the Rafah area of southern Gaza, the Israeli military said on Sunday. All the victims have been named.

According to the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), Hersh Goldberg-Polin, aged 23, Eden Yerushalmi, 24, Ori Danino, 25, Alex Lubnov, 32, Carmel Gat, 40, and Almog Sarusi, 25 were killed by Hamas a short time before the military found them.

Alex Lubnov (named Aleksander Lobanov in the Russian media) was a dual Russian-Israeli citizen. According to the Hostage Families Forum, an organisation representing relatives of the captives, he lived in Ashkelon, was married, and had two children. He was reportedly kidnapped from the NOVA music festival, where he was working as a bar manager.

The news of the recovery brought calls for “a massive demonstration” from the Hostage Families Forum, which has criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for failing to agree a hostage-for-peace deal with Hamas that had been under negotiation several months. It has demanded “a complete halt of the country and the immediate implementation of a deal to release the hostages.”

Hostilities between Israel and Hamas in Gaza flared up when the Palestinian militant group conducted a surprise incursion into southern Israel ten months ago, killing around 1,100 people and taking more than 200 others hostage. Some were later released through prisoner swaps or rescued by the Israeli army. The massive Israeli military response has claimed nearly 40,700 lives, while 94,060 people have been wounded, according to Palestinian health officials.

Talks to bring about a truce and secure the release of Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners have been conducted for months with mediation from Qatar, the US, and Egypt. Last month, Hamas rejected a renewed US proposal for a hostage release and ceasefire deal, accusing Netanyahu of sabotaging negotiations, and blaming Washington for supporting him. Israel said it could not accept Hamas’ demand to end the war in Gaza as a condition for a deal.

Last week, Reuters reported that Egypt was hosting US and Israeli delegations for another round of talks on a Gaza ceasefire.

According to Israel, 251 Israelis and foreign nationals were taken during the 7 October raid, and 103 are still being held in Gaza.

Image credit: Chuttersnap

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Source:RT News

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  1. A couple of factors checks:
    – the six dead hostages were killed by Israeli airstrikes on Gaza, not by hamas. Why no mention of that?
    – the “1100 killed on Oct 7th” has been officially revised down to ~900. Of these, at least half were killed by IDF “friendly fire”, not by hamas.
    Both change the story substantially.

  2. Any deal to secure peace would mean Netanyahu was out of a job
    With no immunity from prosecution for corruption
    And vulnerable to accusations of ‘war-crimes’

  3. Sort of like that old 4 square ad, ” how convenient”.

    Managed to survive until sometime within 48hrs of “rescue”.

    Keep protesting Israelis. Stand against your corrupt politicians and military

  4. How convenient!

    Really can’t have any witnesses to the IDF’s actions on October 7 being rescued now can you.

    Dead men don’t talk

  5. Previously released hostages all showed signs of being well fed and cared for so the reason that the IDF murdered these ones was to prevent them showing the world the humanity of Hamas.

  6. Most of the Israelis who were murdered on 7 October 2023 were shot by the Israeli Defence Force!!!
    THAT IS A KNOWN, but ignored by the MSM.
    The Mossad also knew what was coming, and stood-down the IDF so that they Palestinians could be baited into breaking out of the open air Konzentration Kamp known as Gaza.
    Now, the Talmudic J3wi$h Zionists are attacking the West Bank…
    And…they are also attacking Syria and parts of Lebanon (again-downplayed by the Zionist MSM).
    These deranged, lying and deceptive Mossad Talmudic Zionists will NOT stop until their boundaries of re-creating
    “Greater Israel’ (seizing Jordan, Lebanon, a part of Syria and Saudi Arabia…) and further north, parts of southwestern Russia and the Ukraine under the boundaries of the former Khazaria.
    Russian Orthodox Christian President Vladimir Putin is the ONLY world leader putting a stop to this crap in his territorial and geographic surrounds, but he needs to do more to finally rout the Zionist bastards OUT OF RUSSIA AND THE UKRAINE!

  7. Israel is causing a blood bath, that is ending the lives of innocent people on both sides of the divide. Of course, no one is censoring them or stopping them, quite the opposite. Both the UK and US, for example, are enabling their continuance of a genocidal war that’s almost a year old now. If anyone thinks it will get better under the Republican’s, they can think again.

  8. I’m rather perturbed with all the anti-semitism in the comments. I’m not a fan of the Israeli government, but let’s make a distinction. As for Hamas, I find it shocking that anyone would consider them as “humane”

    • The reason why you get anti-semitism comments is because many jews worldwide support israhell whatever it does. And God knows how many unpunished crimes have been commited by israhell since its creation.
      Hamas is a creature of israhell turned against its ” master”.
      So, yes anti semitism is revived by israhell itself. Deserves nothing else.
      And when i see what is happening in Gaza, i can tell you that i have no warm feelings any more towards ” god’s chosen”. Scum of the earth

  9. https://jihadwatch.org/2024/09/7000-gazans-took-part-in-october-7-atrocities

    Tells you all you want to know, not only about Hamas but also the so-called “ordinary people” from Gaza whose bloodlust knows no bounds. The IDF has revised their estimates and shown that not only more Hamas were involved on 7 October but also many more “ordinary people”, revised from a few hundred up to 2200 “ordinary people”.

    Also, read the book “Son of Hamas” by Mosab Hassan Yousef. You can get it from Amazon. It is a very good book, and Mosab demonstrates the madness and hatred of Jews that is at the heart of Hamas. Mosab has said that in Gaza it is just tribes, the tribe of Hamas or the tribe of Islamic Jihad. Mosab has said that if they did not have the hatred of the Jews to sustain them, then they would be killing each other.

    As a previous poster noted, and I concur, there is a disturbing amount of anti-semitism in the comments. I guess that some members of humanity are just not ready to love and all they want to experience is hatred. In other words, they do not want to evolve at the present time. That goes not only for the terrorist groups, but also the people that support them, if only from their own comments.

    • Pityfull to defend the undefendables.
      Palestinians populated this region of the world for centuries. And planted olive trees, took care of the land and were thus deeply rooted with the country. Not to be taken away from them through deceit and terrorism.
      J**s have been and still are rootless and are parasitic in essence of other populations. Never took care of land. This might explain their behaviour


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