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Jan 6 committee withdraws Trump subpoena

January 6th Commuttee news

The former US president suggested it had been dropped due to impending legal defeat or FBI malfeasance.

The January 6th House Select Committee has withdrawn its two-month-old subpoena ordering former US President Donald Trump to testify and provide documents related to the Capitol riot and 2020 election. In a letter to Trump’s lawyers on Wednesday, committee chair Bennie Thompson (D-MS) explained that the ex-president’s participation was no longer needed as the investigation was over.

Trump, who had sued the committee to block the subpoena last month, gloated over its withdrawal in a post to his Truth Social platform, hinting that there was more to his being let off the hook than met the eye.

“The Unselect Committee of political Thugs” withdrew “the Subpoena of me concerning the January 6th Protest of the CROOKED 2020 Presidential Election…because they knew I did nothing wrong, or they were about to lose in Court,” Trump speculated, adding, “Perhaps the FBI’s involvement in RIGGING the Election played into their decision.”

The latter comment appeared to reference recent revelations of FBI involvement in suppressing social media coverage of then-candidate Joe Biden’s son Hunter’s laptop story in the months leading up to the 2020 presidential election.

Trump attorney Harmeet Dhillon credited his firm’s separation of powers lawsuit against the committee’s “illegitimate subpoena” with convincing them to “wave the white flag” in a tweet on Wednesday. The investigation had “wasted millions for a purely political witch-hunt,” Dhillon argued, accusing members of “total abuse of process and power serving no legitimate legislative purpose.”

According to CNN, however, Trump’s was not the only subpoena dropped for lack of time. Republicans made it clear that they would not continue the probe once they take control of the House of Representatives next week.

The committee released its final report last week, accusing Trump of participating in a “multi-part conspiracy” to overturn the 2020 election and deeming him the “central cause” of the riot at the Capitol.

The panel also referred Trump to the Justice Department for prosecution on grounds of inciting or assisting an insurrection, obstruction of an official proceeding, conspiracy to make false statements to investigators, and conspiracy to defraud the US government. If convicted on the insurrection charge, he could be barred from returning to federal office.

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Source:RT News

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  1. What a waste of taxpayer money…and a Demoncrat-led side show!
    Obviously, the Demoncrats have committed treason against the duly-elected President Donald Trump, and the Alphabet Agencies involved in the Zio-Communist Conspiracy to harass, interfere with, thwart, and illegally charge the President has come to naught due to the Republicans (except for the RINOs) uncovering the dirt, as well as Trump’s lawyers.
    & BTW, the FBI committed felonious acts by photographing their planted evidence of ‘Classified Documents’ at Mar-A-Lago.
    It is illegal to photograph such documents, and then circulate them in public!
    Besides, the raid of Mar-A-Lago was illegal in all respects, but noteworthy is the fact that it was signed-off by a J3wi$h judge who showed no respect or loyalty for the President that appointed him!!!
    Same thing when the SCOTUS (aka SCROTUM) dismissed the complaints of tampered election results that were submitted by 24 States!
    IF Trump returns to the White House (and that’s a big IF, given the inter-agency interference as past-history has now proven…), at least this time he’ll know who his enemies are (including the Kushners) and perhaps he’ll listen to those who want Israel out of U.S. politics, out of their U.S.-based banking systems, and out of their lives!!!!!!
    The Judge’s loyalty remains fervently with Israel and their goal of continuing Noahide Law disguised as Admiralty Law in place of Constitutional Law.

  2. Guess this will be headline news on on TV1 tonight, considering they were all over the Jan 6th committee and subpoena of Trump, but na, I won’t hold my breath doesn’t fit the narrative.

  3. Did you miss the part when the Jan 6 committee handed their findings over to the department of justice? No need for the subpoena anymore.

    • Yeah, the same department of “just us” who essentially are responsible for the whole debacle in the first place by directing their intelligence agencies to send idiots like Ray Epps and co to stage the fakest “insurrection”™️ ever caught on film. Same clown car of Clinton sycophants like Comey, McCabe, Strzok et al who’ve basically been trying to vanquish the evil orange man for the better part of 6 or 7 years now…

      Not that there’s any need to go after him at this point. Since they’re just openly rigging elections now and censoring anyone who talks about it, Trump is ZERO threat to them anymore.

      Anything they do to him now is just out of narcissistic, vindictive spite; something the left truly excel at.

  4. Nope, but will probably turn out to be another nothing burger like the Russian collusion debacle and Maralago, time will tell, either way the demos won’t give up until Trump is gone for good, with big tech and MSM in their pockets they control the narrative as Elon Musk is revealing.


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