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Monday, October 28, 2024

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Merry Christmas from DTNZ!

Merry Christmas

The team at DTNZ wish everyone a safe and merry Christmas!

“In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.” John 1:4-5

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  1. You to Malcom. And yes the darkness did not comprehend so we must also be a light unto the world. May He continue to be a light to us all.

    Thanks for being such a beacon… 😺

  2. Thank you. Beautiful message. For anyone who is interested the Christmas message of Jesus is well presented by Ray Comfort at livingwaters.com God Bless to all of you.

  3. Praise the Lord we have a media still in our midst that understands it is Jesus Christs gospel of love to mankind that is the light of this world.

    That we should love one another

    Malcolm and team. May our Father bless your souls and the works of your hands.

  4. Merry Christmas and a wonderful fulfilling 2023 to the whole DTNZ team, family and friends and to the readers their family and friends. Thank you DTNZ for your kind services to keep us in the know
    Peace on earth and good will to all mankind
    Primum non nocere
    Gnōthi seautón
    Love Light and Joy

  5. Thank you and merry Christmas to DTNZ as well. Thank you for your dedication in bringing the truth to us. May you continue matching forward with boldness for the truth. God bless


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