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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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‘National Māori Action Day’ ignites debate as protests loom

National Maori Action Day news

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon and Labour leader Chris Hipkins have issued warnings against unlawful strike actions ahead of the second ‘National Māori Action Day’ scheduled for this Thursday, advocating for protests to occur within the bounds of the law.

Luxon specifically criticised the advisement from Te Pāti Māori for workers to leave their jobs to protest, suggesting weekends as a more suitable time for such activities. Despite their warnings, both leaders reiterated the right to legal and peaceful protests.

On the other hand Māori Development Minister Tama Potaka showed less concern, recognising the democratic right to protest, whereas Labour’s Māori-Crown Relations spokesperson Peeni Henare said the decision to strike should be left to individuals.

Te Pāti Māori leaders Rawiri Waititi and Debbie Ngarewa-Packer defended the call for a strike, saying there was a need for Māori to assert their sovereignty and express their frustrations against the government’s policies, which they claimed to media were ‘oppressive.’

The planned protests have sparked a spectrum of reactions from various political figures, with some supporting the protesters’ motives while others, like ACT leader David Seymour, harshly criticise the approach, highlighting the divisive nature of the protests.

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  1. “When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination.” – THOMAS SOWELL

    • Pakeha action is when they all go to work to generate all the tax money everybody else lives off of.

      Now stop being a bigot 😠

  2. When will be have a national White Day?
    A day to celebrate the White Culture of cucumber sandwiches, Earl grey tea (hot), and “thanks awfully old chap”.

    • … and I forgot to mention: Drinking lots of beer before you pass out and chatting up women who strangely seem to get more beautiful the more you drink. If you drink enough, they all start to look like Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Lawence.

  3. “there was a need for Māori to assert their sovereignty and express their frustrations against the government’s policies, which they claimed to media were ‘oppressive.’

    Good lord! The utter ignorance by these hypnotized race baiting deluded morons in the Te Pathetic Maori.

  4. A great way to stir up racist hatred. How would Pakeha day go down?
    It is foul of these sold outs to drag the Whanau down the globalist toilet.

  5. These globalist prostiticians are oppressing us all, not just Maori.
    They gaslit us into taking GMO DEATH SHOTS.
    This utter treason voids their authority.

  6. I don’t think this falls under treason. Nor have the government murdered Maori or void their authority. Laws do not require Maori consent. It does however require the Governor Generals consent but thats just a rubber stamp and autograph. I find it hard to believe anyone could not obey being stood down from race based employment or working in an office that was going to manage 3 waters. Finally, gaslighting is tricking and misleading someone. There is no trick or misleading in regard to making every race equal in the country. The gas lighting to take the death shots was done by the last government. I have not yet seen this government taking away employment, travel or other rights for not taking the jab. Get a life and get a job.


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