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Saturday, July 27, 2024


David Seymour

ACT Party criticises incorporation of karakia in Health NZ’s routine

ACT Party leader David Seymour and health spokesperson Todd Stephenson have called for Health NZ Te Whatu Ora to focus solely on patients' physical...

Seymour directs Pharmac to sideline Treaty of Waitangi focus

Pharmac Minister David Seymour has instructed the drug-buying agency to focus less on the Treaty of Waitangi and more on improving public trust and...

Charter Schools applications open – ‘Huge opportunity for educators and students’, says Seymour

Associate Education Minister David Seymour announced the official opening of the application process for establishing charter schools, marking a significant milestone in New Zealand's...

School attendance increases – Seymour

School attendance data released today shows an increase in the number of students regularly attending school to 61.7 per cent in term one. This compares...

Red tape targeted to keep farmers and growers competitive

Regulation Minister David Seymour, Environment Minister Penny Simmonds, and Food Safety Minister Andrew Hoggard have today announced a regulatory sector review on the approval...

‘Budget 24 turns tide on wasteful spending’ – Seymour

Associate Finance Minister David Seymour says this Budget makes a good start in reducing low value government spending, and there is more efficiency to...

‘National Māori Action Day’ ignites debate as protests loom

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon and Labour leader Chris Hipkins have issued warnings against unlawful strike actions ahead of the second 'National Māori Action Day'...

‘Charter schools to lift educational outcomes’ – Seymour

The upcoming Budget will include funding for up to 50 charter schools to help lift declining educational performance, Associate Education Minister David Seymour announced...

Pseudoephedrine ‘back on shelves for winter’ – Seymour

Associate Health Minister David Seymour has announced that Medsafe has approved 11 cold and flu medicines containing pseudoephedrine. Pharmaceutical suppliers have indicated they may be...

‘Attendance action plan’ to lift student attendance rates – Seymour

The Government is taking action to address the truancy crisis and raise attendance by delivering the attendance action plan, Associate Education Minister David Seymour...

Direction of new speed limits rule announced

Cabinet has agreed on the coalition Government’s direction of travel for a new Land Transport Rule to be signed by the end of 2024. This...

Newshub downfall – government intervention unlikely says Luxon

The proposed shutdown of Newshub by owner Warner Brothers Discovery will lead to the loss of hundreds of jobs. Prime Minister Christopher Luxon told State-funded...

Hipkins’ popularity plummets according to latest poll

The latest 1News-Verian poll reveals minor shifts in party seats since the October election, with Labour gaining one seat while ACT and NZ First...

Treaty ‘not a partnership’ – Seymour, of ‘historical importance’ only – top academic

Act Party leader David Seymour said the Treaty of Waitangi did not create a partnership between Maori and the Crown, while one of New...

‘NUTSAX’ licence plate: NZTA backs off

Auckland man Taylor Crawshaw has successfully defended his right to keep his personalised license plates, "NUTSAX," after the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) initially...

Leaked Treaty advice the ‘fuel to our fire’ says Rawiri Waititi

A leaked paper from the Ministry of Justice suggests that the coalition Government's proposed legislation to define Treaty of Waitangi principles could be 'highly...

‘Dopey’: ACT responds to Independent Electoral Review

'ACT’s Democracy Policy a step closer to implementation.' “The Independent Electoral Review’s endorsement of ACT’s plan for a referendum on the Parliamentary term is a...

‘Low school attendance rates disappointing’

Data released today for Term 3 2023 show that despite the previous government’s hollow promises of bold actions, New Zealand school attendance rates remain...

Te Pāti Māori protesting democracy itself – ACT

“ morning protestors backed by Te Pāti Māori have attempted to block roads and disrupt the opening of Parliament and New Zealander’s lives just...

‘ACT priorities populate 100-day plan’ – Seymour

“The ACT Party’s coalition commitments will form a core part of the government’s first 100 days of office,” says ACT Leader David Seymour. “ACT, National...

Coalition agreement means lower cost of living, safer streets, stronger democracy – ACT

“The coalition agreement ACT has negotiated with National and NZ First and announced today will deliver the real change so many New Zealanders voted...

Chris Trotter: The Most Unlikely Trinity

By the end of this week, or the next, New Zealand will have a government. It is unlikely to be a pleasant one. The three...

Seymour gives update on coalition negotiations

Seymour spoke to ZB host Mike Hosking this morning. Using a rugby analogy he told Hosking that negotiations were 'We’re not quite at a 5m...

ACT records best ever result – ‘time for real change’

“With the special votes finally counted, ACT is proud to have achieved its greatest ever election result. Now it’s time for real change,” says...

COVID Royal Commission: Public to set terms of reference – ACT

“ACT will take the politics out of the Royal Commission into the Government’s Covid-19 response by allowing all New Zealanders to have their say...

Watch: Seymour explains why he didn’t talk to Parliament protesters

Seymour told Sean Plunket of The Platform that 'reasonable conditions' weren't met and a 'tiny, tiny' minority ruined it for everyone. ACT party leader David...

Fourth ACT candidate resigns

Scott Boness, the candidate for Auckland Central resigned on 7 August. Boness will be replaced by former Young ACT President Felix Poole. He follows three other...

‘ACT will ensure affordable and reliable energy’

“New Zealand’s aspiration to become a high-skilled and high-waged economy depends on affordable and reliable energy. ACT will cut the red tape that is...

ACT: Labour spreads disinformation on back of March 15. What would Jacinda say?

“When Chris Hipkins said he was going to ‘fight back’ I thought he would attack me and other politicians, but I never thought he’d...

ACT: ‘What happened to a whip-around and a morning tea?’

“The public service needs a reality check. Taxpayers aren’t an ATM for welcoming and farewelling bureaucrats and ACT would pull them into line,” says...

ACT candidate Elaine Naidu Franz resigns over social media COVID jab comments

Naidu Franz was the party's Rangitata candidate and was 29th on the list. ACT leader David Seymour accepted her offer of resignation today. Responding to a...

ACT’s plan for efficient and effective public services

“Government departments are no longer going to be able to get away with spending billions of dollars while failing to deliver meaningful outcomes for...

‘$250 million amateur error in Labour’s GST costing’ – National

A closer look at Labour’s costings for their policy to remove GST from fruit and vegetables reveals a schoolboy error equating to quarter-of-a-billion-dollar hole,...

‘Election bribe’: Labour promises to remove GST on fruit and veges if re-elected

At the announcement today in Lower Hutt, leader Chris Hipkins also said Working for Families payments would increase. 'Today I'm announcing that if re-elected Labour...

Guy Hatchard: When Worlds Collide

We have arrived at a point in an election year when our votes matter, so expect some surprising replies to our emails and even...

Fact Check: David Seymour says we have no excess deaths in New Zealand. Is he right?

David Seymour, Leader of the ACT Party was interviewed yesterday morning by Paul Brennan on Reality Check Radio. David said that according to the authoritative...

Jab safety and efficacy Royal Commission petition referred to Petitions Committee

The petition was delivered to the House Clerk for presentation to Parliament today. Petition organiser Aly Cook told supporters in an email the petition was...

‘Supercharged ute tax taxing tradies to subsidise Teslas’ – ACT

“Making cheap, reliable cars more expensive for tradies and farmers in a cost of living crisis for no environmental gain will go down as...

Three Waters changes a ‘hollow rebrand’

Local Government Minister Kieran McAnulty has announced major changes to NZ's 'affordable water reforms'  - The Waters today. In a press release he said the...

ACT calls for ‘irrelevant’ and ‘dangerous’ Human Rights Commission to be abolished

“Chief Human Rights Commissioner Paul Hunt’s comments morning about white supremacy and co-governance show he is unfit for office and reinforce the need...

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