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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Guy Hatchard
Guy Hatchardhttps://hatchardreport.com/
Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

New Study Published: At last reliable scientific data about Omicron

At last reliable scientific data about Omicron.

A study of 80,000 patients with Covid during December 2021 presented at the Kaiser Permanente Southern California healthcare system composed a mixture of Delta (16,982) and Omicron (52,297) patients. Hospital admissions were 222 for Delta (1.3%) and 235 for Omicron (0.5%). Rates of ICU admission among Omicron patients were one quarter that of Delta. No Omicron patients required ventilation and they had shorter hospital stays by 3.4 days (70% less than Delta). There were 14 Delta deaths (99.92% recovered) and 1 Omicron death (99.998% recovered).

The most interesting breakdown of the study statistics is between vaccinated and unvaccinated. 50% of Delta cases were unvaccinated but only 27% of Omicron cases were unvaccinated. Crucially unvaccinated individuals face an 8-fold reduced risk of infection from Omicron and a 6-fold reduced risk of hospitalisation compared to Delta.

The results support the prevalent view that Omicron is a mild illness affecting the upper respiratory tract, but it is still not an illness that you would deliberately set out to catch as it can become serious in a very small number of cases.

You can view a thirty minute detailed summary of the results here:

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  1. Thanks so much for this. Great work in keeping us up to date and informed. I really appreciate having alternative sources to access the latest information.
    What a shame we can no longer rely on traditional media to relay facts and give impartial information. It’s their job to question the medical professionals, politicians and academics who seem to be fronting this whole situation and hold them to account. I haven’t switched my TV on for over 18 months. The propaganda was wearing me thin. Best thing that ever happened to me and now I have the ability to research my own information, read medical data, studies and listen to interviews where doctors and scientists discuss all the relevant up to date topics. Thank you for helping provide one of these platforms. It’s great to have a local context.
    Who needs mainstream media anymore? Not me! Thanks again for your work and effort.

    • Agree with your comments. Most unbiased information at this site. The announcement yesterday stated, “ because of the vaccination, you will get only mild to moderate illness from Omicron. I hope people don’t buy into this lies. I hope people can wake up and see the tyranny of the leaders in most nations including NZ.

      • Absolutely. The lies keep coming don’t they. First the vaccine is safe and effective and prevents transmission. Now it doesn’t prevent transmission and it doesn’t appear to be safe or effective. What is the purpose for the mandates and vaccine passes? NOT health that’s for sure. It’s all about shaming and marginalising people who are not comfortable taking a new vaccine with no long term safety data, that is still under emergency use authorisation. Remember when the Prime Minister said she would never mandate the vaccine? Just another lie to get elected again. Now they are coming for the kids. There is absolutely NO sound evidence supporting giving the vaccine to children. Also kids wear masks is child abuse. Shame on any school who forces this.

        Nothing makes sense anymore and people who cannot see it or can not hear the lies need to spend some time doing some serious research and a bit of self reflection while they are at it. I have realised just how gullible and naive the average person is.

        All of us who are awake know what the agenda is, and it’s time to wake everyone else up to it too, whether they want to hear it or not, eventually they will have to open their eyes and the sooner the better.


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