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Monday, March 10, 2025

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NZ Outdoors and Freedom Party calls for a Snap Election ‘to Let the People decide’

Snap Election news

‘With change in the air, let’s do New Zealand a favour and have a snap election,’ says Sue Grey co-leader of the NZ Outdoors and Freedom Party.

‘The last term of Jacinda’s government has been extremely tumultuous. New Zealand has had enough. It’s time to remove the entire controlling regime and restore our freedoms, democracy, constitutional checks and balances, and our personal sovereignty. Rather than just a second tier holding-pattern, let’s find our courage and have some real change.’

‘The last few years have seriously eroded our trust in government. This is not surprising as it became increasingly clear that decisions were made to suit globalist and corporate masters rather than the people of New Zealand. We have watched our assets and rights being stripped away contrary to the interests of most New Zealanders. Our media has been bought off, our submissions have been ignored and government funded dis-information officers ‘Thought Police’ have bullied those who tried to express different views. The Global control and the economy have been a huge failure for New Zealand. People were disconnected from families and support networks, mandated out of their careers and now interest rate hikes are displacing them from their homes.

‘The current crop of elected representatives abused our trust over the last few years, showing no regard for the traditional checks and balances on power or the rule of law, and no respect for our people. What type of government pushes its ideology ahead of the rights of its people? Instead of respect for each other and our different views and solutions, we have suffered active discrimination, bullying and state controlled media.

‘The system is broken. There is no obvious replacement anywhere in Parliament to reunite or inspire our nation. National is simply the other wing of the same globalist bird.

‘It’s time to be brave and do something different. Rather than letting the existing MPs and their union mates choose another leader, let’s have a snap election’ and let the people decide.

‘We’ve had enough of spending summer writing submissions to protect our water, air, foods and herbs, only to be ignored by the globalist interests. Let’s start afresh with new leaders who love New Zealand, our people and our amazing environment, and who will reclaim our freedoms and help inspire New Zealand to be the great country we once were.’

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  1. Elections are rigged for the establishment.Thats the way its designed,does anyone believe they would allow the slaves off the plantation,no.Democracy is a sham and Voting is for suckers

  2. “”personal sovereignty”, it all starts there. Anything else leads to tyranny.

    I read somewhere that in Ancient Greece they had the concept of “Demos Cratis” from which the word “democracy” was derived. They did not have indirect representatives like we do whom we vote for and then they do what they want, which is not necessarily what we want. The ancient Greeks had direct representation where the people met and decided what they want. This is what we really need all over the planet.

    The whole concept of governments and politics needs to be removed planet wide and all people will be involved in decisions that affect our countries and our planet.

    What’s occurred over the last few hundred years is that we have given our sovereignty away or had it beaten or coerced out of us. We need to take it back.

  3. Millions of voters believe in God and country. I suspect it was simply an oversight not to mention this. It is due to faith, prayers and our religious beliefs, that brought about yesterday’s outcome. Our faith in God, his moral code of conduct and the love we have for our neighbour, is the glue that holds our society together. Let us also pray, not only for an early election, but also for the right people being elected to make this nation great again.

  4. There is no right people in labour ,National act, greens or Maori, parties they have had their chance,let’s give one of the new parties a chance.

    • We dont need small parties we need small government,the smaller the better.Government by its very nature is corruption so by reducing its size reduces the ptoblem.We have allowed it to grow into a hideous monster devouring our liberty and wealth

  5. A nice idea, but let’s face it Labour and National are two sides of the same corrupt entity.

    Simply just the illusion of ‘choice’.

    As it stands currently a vote for any political party is simply a vote for your own enslavement.

  6. ‘If voting really mattered THEY wouldn’t allow us to do it’ – unsure who said that but rings true in current environment.

  7. If anyone is to be paid to untangle this mess they should at least be required to state their real name, alter ego’s names, true origin and allegiance, investments, business affiliations, alternative occupations, conflicts of interests, addictions, nom de plumes and how many cars, aircraft, yachts and powerboats they actually own. Also what actual practical skill they have.

  8. A snap election absolutely. Let’s push to have the bill of rights, Magnacarta front and center in all decisions and roll in natural law over time……do no harm. The people of NZ are sovereign Man/Woman now!!!!

  9. So- how do we go about demanding Snap El-ections?
    Do we need to do a petition to the Governor-General?
    Or, do local councils have the power to enact such an El-ection?
    Do the minor parties have to go before the Judiciary and file motions and legal briefs to demand a
    Snap El-ection?
    In other words, HOW DO WE GO ABOUT IMPLEMENTING A SNAP EL-ECTION, especially without the PTB instituting obstructions, diversions and subterfuge on all fronts?
    Be mindful also of vote fraud on the part of the Nazional / Labour coalition.
    IF we can procure a ‘Snap El-ection’, then those of us who vote for a Third Party will need to send a sworn affidavit to the Third Party / Minor Party for whom we voted for. That way, the affidavits should and better match the votes cast that are then made public and reported by the unworthy MSM.
    ATTENTION NZ POLICE AND MINISTRY OF DEFENCE; Do NOT interfere with this process, and DO NOT call-up personnel for Operation Katipo in the event a Snap El-ection is authorised and a minor Third Party wins a majority!!!!!
    DO NOT interfere with, discourage or intimidate voters, especially the supporters of Third Parties!
    To the MSM: any attempt to influence, bias, minimise or defame the effects of the Minor Parties will result in complaint and probably legal action against those of you who report Fake news!
    To those entities who have all but destroyed New Zealand, / Aotearoa, we will always remember what you did, who you are, and the compliance you gave to the NWO and WEF entities.
    Note to Israel- get your MOSSAD Operatives out of our country!
    Note to Five-Eyes; get your AUKUS Intelligence Operatives OUT of our country, OUT of our affairs, and OUT OF OUR LIVES!!!

  10. I’d want to see extra independent checks and balances in place, to ensure we don’t suffer election fraud…..that said an election, an honest one, is well and truly overdue……

  11. Each of the above comments has expressed what I would say – yes, we need so much change. Difficult as it may be to accomplish. it can and must be done. We all have a part to play.


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