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NZDSOS clarify misinformation regarding police investigation of vax deaths

Police COVID deaths news

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science respond to Newshub and Media Watch.

DTNZ has published the NZDSOS response in full below:

We note that Newshub ran an article on 27 July 2022 titled “Factcheckers quash false claims New Zealand Police may investigate vaccine deaths” and that on 7 Aug 2022 Media Watch @5.36 reported that news agency AAP (Australia’s national news agency) had published a story headlined “No, NZ Police is not launching a probe into vaccine deaths”.

AAP advised that a self-described independent news and entertainment website called Newspunch had published an article with the misleading headline “Jacinda Ardern Left Reeling As New Zealand Police Look at Investigating COVID Jab Deaths” which referred to our ‘Deaths Following C-19 Vaccination‘ post. However, the contents of the article do not state that the police are actually investigating. AAP factcheckers also concluded that the police were not investigating. Media Watch thanked them for debunking ‘yet another piece of Covid related fake news’. Newshub and Media Watch seem to have missed the point completely. Why would a group of well-qualified, highly experienced DOCTORS be asking the police to investigate deaths following vaccination?

We would like to put the record straight.

It is true we, in conjunction with legal experts NZLSOS, have sent multiple letters to the police (and others) asking them to investigate deaths that have closely followed vaccination with Comirnaty in New Zealand. However, we have not said or suggested that the police have actually followed up or are intending to investigate. In fact, we are concerned and disappointed with the response we received from the police which was, essentially: nothing to see here, move on. Medsafe says things are fine, and your representative list of 150 deaths from a total of nearly 500 does not meet the threshold for investigation as per the prosecutor’s guidelines.

We remain deeply disturbed by the fact that a significant number of New Zealanders have died in close proximity to vaccination and their deaths (which are technically part of phase 4 in a clinical trial) are not being adequately investigated. Dr Bloomfield told us that every vaccinated person would be followed up, which manifestly did not happen. Mind you, he also told us that NZ would do its own quality assurance on Comirnaty when it first arrived in the country, but later the MoH admitted that it never had that capability. This promise was the entire basis for the government’s reassurances to all employers and school boards etc. that it had done a thorough risk assessment so they didn’t have to do their own, even though OSH legislation required them to. Neither did the the Environmental Protection Agency do a thorough assessment, as required by the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act. Is it any wonder what has eventuated, and that we are required to try to invoke the Police Act and Crimes Act to get protection for the public? None of the above is misinformation by the way.

In summary, Newspunch, the website that stated the Police were investigating and giving our PM some nasty moments, likely read our post “Deaths Following C-19 Vaccination“, saw that we were to send it to the Police, and probably could never imagine in a month of Sundays that such a list of deaths associated with the jab wouldn’t be investigated by the Police. Pre Comirnaty, neither could we. From the moment Rory Nairn’s vaccine death was acknowledged by the government, ‘safe and effective’ was a lie. All its agencies should have been all over Pfizer like a rash, and maybe we would be avoiding the alleged blistering pox-like one we are being lined up to be jabbed against next.

So, Newshub, Media Watch and the Disinfo Project, we were across this way before you were – without needing the compromised fact checkers. Why not ask us next time? Or do you feel you will be sullied by speaking with another human being who has a different opinion to you, or perhaps you are afraid that you won’t be able to refute our statements? The offer of a live recorded discussion is once again made.

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  1. We were all hoping this was true but in reality knew it couldn’t be with aderns relative the police commissioner and chris hipkins the minister of police – they would have to arrest themselves for crimes against humanity and the injustices of the freedom camp. Meanwhile grant robertson has denied a request by the other party to investigate the covid 19 response – me thinks labour is hiding something right????
    Keep up the good work fellow Freedom Fighters, the truth will prevail 🙂


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