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NZDSOS comment on unexplained rise in sudden deaths

Unexplained deaths news

As the Pfizer Comirnaty trial continues, New Zealand is experiencing what appears to be more cases of sudden death, and anything/everything but the vaccine is supposedly the cause.

It’s not just us noticing this. Researchers using the UK data have noted a close correlation between vaccine doses administered and 5 months later, an excess all-cause mortality. The phase four clinical trial (post-marketing surveillance) should continue to monitor covid-19 vaccine safety for many years to come while the phase 3 trial is due to finish in 2024. As part of the post-marketing surveillance, EVERY new medical condition or death of a person who has received the vaccine should be investigated and be assumed to be due to the vaccine until proven conclusively otherwise.

New Zealand regulatory authorities appear to be approaching pharmacovigilance (monitoring a medicine’s safety) backwards – expecting proof beyond reasonable doubt that the vaccine caused or contributed to the death or the new medical condition.

According to New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS), in many cases of death, or new medical condition, the vaccine status of the person is not even considered. In fact, even six months after the vaccine rollout commenced, NZ coroners did not have access to the immunisation records of the deceased.

The Comirnaty mRNA treatment is a gene therapy, never before used in healthy people, and is still in an ongoing phase three clinical trial (as well as phase four).

“There are many unknowns and as much information as possible about human outcomes should be being gathered,” said a spokesperson for NZDSOS.

“We have collated a list of New Zealanders who have died over the last 18 months, many of them young and involved in sports, that have been reported in public newspapers. Even if the cause of death is documented as a ‘heart attack’, ‘blood clot’, ‘cardiac arrest’, ‘suicide’ or ‘autoimmune condition’, the next question should be why? – could the vaccine be implicated in the development of these conditions,” said the spokesperson.

mRNA vaccination and subsequent production of synthetic spike protein can cause acute blood clots in any vessel, including coronary arteries leading to a heart attack, leg veins leading to a pulmonary embolus (PE – blood clot in lungs) if they dislodge, or brain arteries leading to a stroke.

“The injection can also cause myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) which may lead to a fatal arrhythmia. These events could all manifest as collapse or sudden death with no prior warning symptoms,” said the spokesperson.

What are the odds of two surfers dying from medical events on the same day, in the same region while doing the thing they love? Presumably, they were fit and healthy to be surfing in the winter months.

There were a number of odd ‘water-related deaths’ over summer, not referred to as drownings. Three people died in the North Island on Boxing Day and a man in his 70s died near Waipu in January 2022.

NZDSOS is completely aware that people do suddenly die. However, sudden death due to a cardiovascular event such as a heart attack or stroke generally occurs in older people with obvious risk factors such as diabetes, smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, etc.

In the absence of such risk factors, it is very rare for sudden death to occur. When it does, it is often presumed to be due to an abnormal heart rhythm if nothing is forthcoming on autopsy.

“NZDSOS believes unexplained sudden death in young fit people does not usually occur in the numbers and situations documented. We also want to remain clear, if these people were vaccinated, the vaccine should be implicated unless another cause of death was convincingly proven. We are also aware many more New Zealanders are no longer with us, whose passings were not mentioned in our newspapers and whose deaths should be investigated.”

Read the full NZDSOS article for publicly reported deaths that give rise to concern.

Image credit: Daian Gan

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  1. Yeah the only ones not noticing this are those tasked with acting as society’s watch dogs the MSM…..of course they have mostly been bought and paid for, little more than propagandists these days in the main….

  2. We have so many f**kwit “experts” to claim that SADS is not due to Pfizer but due to covid. The lie “safe and effective” will be jhustified no matter what. If they admnit, it is a disaster to their career. It is also a political suicide for Jabsinda. So more and more lies will be spread using the corrupt main stream media.

    • She’s already committed political suicide. I mean make a list:

      Made housing crisis worse, child poverty worse, mandated experimental vaccine, laughed about dividing people, fuelled racism, bankrupted businesses, ruined families, roads falling apart, stealing our water off us, covered up govt spending wastage and nepotism, hid co-governance, has lied consistently, trampled all over the bill of rights, victimised hard working kiwis. I can’t possibly think of a more hated person in New Zealand right now, past or present. She has harmed more people than she’s helped and her day will come….

  3. It’s very disturbing that the coroners are not able to note the vaccine status of the deceased. So that being the case let us break it down into the most simple scenario:

    According to the “government” New Zealanders are 95% double vaxxed (yeah right) so if we therefore assume (makes an ass out of u and me I know!) that 95% of the dead are double vaxxed then wow that’s not good. The conclusion we can make is therefore that the ‘vaccines’ have increased all cause mortality. I am following the science. One thing that cannot be disputed is the number of deaths, no matter how the government tries to obfuscate or dress it up.

    To all those poor people who lost their lives and their families left behind to deal with the aftermath, I am sorry for your loss and PLEASE awaken as many people as you can as to what is going on.



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