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Sunday, March 9, 2025

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NZDSOS: Is the New Zealand legal system fundamentally flawed?

NZ legal system news

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) have reviewed the High Court ruling of Justice Francis Cooke in their recent case challenging the vaccine mandates for health and education workers and are shocked at the machinations of the legal system.

NZDSOS spokesperson Dr Alison Goodwin has carefully reviewed documentation from the court case and concluded that, “effectively, large portions of scientific evidence were ignored and not responded to, and evidence of significant harm to New Zealanders was glossed over, and it is hard to reconcile comments such as those below with the stance the judge has taken dismissing our claims”.

NZDSOS along with New Zealand Teachers Speaking Out with Science (NZTSOS) brought this case to the court on behalf of a large number of healthcare and education workers, as well as the people of NZ, who may not realise what is at stake. It is clearly stated in the Bill of Rights Act 1992, that New Zealanders have the ‘right to decline medical treatment’. If this is not absolute, then the question must be asked; who gets to determine what is a ‘reasonable and demonstrably justified’ limitation and can that be challenged?

NZDSOS provided 4 international expert witnesses, Associate Professor Byram Bridle (Canada), Dr Geoff Cramp (NZ), Professor Nikolai Petrovsky (Australia) and Professor Norman Fenton (UK) specialising in areas of immunology, virology, vaccine development and risk information management. Meanwhile, the Crown relied only on written evidence from Dr Ian Town and Dr Ashley Bloomfield (both employees of the NZ Government). The Crown did not put forward any evidence from experts in vaccine development, immunology, epidemiology, clinical medicine or any other relevant area.

In his ruling, the judge wrote statements such as:

  • “many of the opinions expressed by the applicant’s experts were not responded to”
  • “he had two sets of expert evidence, effectively in parallel”
  • “the court was unable to make findings on some of the more technical aspects”
  • “there was no long-term safety data”
  • “if there are other more rights-compliant ways of achieving the outcome, a measure may not be justified.”

If there is such a level of uncertainty or inability to assess the evidence, surely the limitation of the right (to decline medical treatment) is not reasonable and has not been demonstrably justified. “We were of course extremely disappointed on behalf of all health workers and teachers, in fact of all mandated workers and coerced people. The New Zealand public need to question whether justice is being done within our legal system, said Dr. Goodwin. NZDSOS remains steadfast that where there is a risk of harm, there must be choice. Otherwise, there must be a discussion of how much harm or collateral damage we, as a society, are willing to accept”.

To learn more about our perceptions of the failing of the court system, see this short summary or the full detailed version.

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  1. NZ Bill of rights: You have the right to refuse any medical treatment.

    NZ Supreme Court: whatever could this sentence mean ????????????‍♂️

  2. We need smart patriots to form a party with the major goal of creating and installing a NZ constitution that protects the rights and freedoms of all New Zealanders, period! The government must never be able to get away with tyrannical acts ever again. We need smart people with proven career success, people who want to preserve our core Kiwi values and our Kiwi culture. Courageous people who are not afraid to do what is right. The judiciary, the media, academia, the medical establishment and regulatory bodies, as well as many others institutions, all need a complete overhaul to realign values and establish what is truly best for NZ and its people, then move forward.

    • Voting in some small party wont happen.The system in place is exactly what they want.Its a rigged game just like the courts.DONT VOTE when you vote is when you consent to be ruled by the winner of the election sham,turn off state run media,if no one watches or listens advertisers will pull out,use cash and buy as much as you can privately,you can make a difference if we all stick together

    • I suggested this to the minor parties, but everyone of them seem hell-bent on stroking their own egos as opposed to forming a powerful, effective Populist third party!
      NZ First, New Conservatives, NZ Public Party, New Zealand Outdoors Party, & Advance New Zealand all seemed uninterested, despite the need to counter the now-visible and apparent dangers we all now face, and which could be overcome by merging these parties!
      Too many ‘Party members & Leaders’ seem intent on stroking their own personal agendas..

      • That is the major problem, I agree Panzer Pete. The unique opportunity does exist if smaller parties with similar core values and core policies unite, but inflated ego’s block that door, most unfortunate. It means we get more of the same, Labour -National, it matters not, career politicians are connected to the same mother ship. Right wing, left wing, same bird. We need people united to bring about a new paradigm, or the same old will persist. If we want change, we need to change something.

    • Easy money and power. A little over a decade ago, Trevor Mullard was selling on Trademe to make some money. He is now rich and doesnt need a Trademe account. Jacinda was replacing her own toilet in the past and now she made her wealth. Career politicians cannot be stopped unless we make a law that pays MPs just honorarium similar to city councillors. The rate of increase in MPs pay is far higher than the rate of inflation.

      Top executives in publically owned coportations and government ministries are paid more than the prime minister. These system pigs need to be fed well or else they will topple the governments leaking news to MSM who is hand in hand with both politicians and the system pigs.

      • I understand what you are saying and to some extent i agree, but I am sure there are many genuine people who love their country and would sacrifice much to ensure NZ has a prosperous and secure future whilst retaining core Kiwi Values like freedom & independence. There are quite a few smaller parties that seem to all want the same thing, but as mentioned in a comment above, inflated egos tend to prevent that. A very unique opportunity exists, that much is clear, but the window closes more with each day. If we change nothing, nothing changes. First there needs to be a collective and concerted effort to do so, I believe the desire exists.

  3. Vinny Eastwood pointed out that all of the Judges in the High Courts are mostly cousins to one another via direct or distant family lineages.
    The fact that the High Court, it’s Judges and Politicians have pulled-out of the Privy Council in London happened after David Bain had his conviction overturned, as it exposed the corrupt justice system here. The PTB wanted to remove this corruption-exposing entity from New Zealand.
    The Privy Council was the last hope offshore and away from the Masonic corruption that infest the legal and justice systems here to finally expose the corruption and targeting of persons that the ‘(masonic) system’ doesn’t like!!!
    & the cops are ineffective and just another gang, along with the ‘lawmakers’ and Courts that go about your denying your right to self-defence.
    This government and the past governments, along with the future ‘slated for a win’ government are all now and will continue to be the dogs of the WEF / NWO!


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