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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

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NZDSOS: Nowhere to hide from the cataclysmic division of the nation

NZDOS Nowhere to Hide news

What will it take to bring our country back together?

What Ardern, and her enablers, have achieved is not tens of thousands of lives saved, but a nation divided and a hardened foe. The more the government denigrated those with differing views as filth, the more they coalesced around freedom of information and individual choice; the same concept the Prime Minister is trying to hide behind

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) congratulates all those who, under often under extremely dire circumstances, held the line. They have their health, which sadly not everyone coerced into taking the clearly rushed and experimental injection, still has. We thank those who supported us quietly and loudly and we thank the army of volunteers without whom we would not have reached as many New Zealanders as we have.

Increasing evidence points to not only negative vaccine efficacy, but also to damage to naturally acquired immunity. Not only does this adversely affect the individual, it negatively affects the community, as herd immunity cannot thus develop. Children, for whom covid is, in the vast majority, a trivial disease, were asked to protect their grandparents and family; some are now suffering possibly irrecoverable cardiac damage. Early treatment and naturally-developed herd immunity were ignored, both of which would likely render acute covid in- fection a mild disease and protect against “long Covid”. What became of New Zealand under Ardern?

When will we be seeing apologies from Drs Curtis Walker, Nikki Turner and Brian Betty? We have not seen an acknowledgement from any health authority or the “leader” of the nation, that mistakes were made and that perhaps they should have looked at more information than just that provided by Pfizer, who is of course, immune from product liability, although not from criminal prosecution.

Has the government learnt anything? The doctors at NZDSOS have learnt a lot over the last eighteen months, including to not blindly follow the guidelines handed down by possibly compromised health organisations and the maker of the jab. It is falling on tax payers, not Pfizer, to support those few whom ACC deem have been injured by Comirnaty.

More concerningly, has the government backed down to regroup and do it all again, bound by the Pandemic Preparedness Treaty of the World Health Organisation? Or are they responding to the polls, realising they are in trouble, so are sweeping mountains of evidence of harm under the carpet and clearing the decks for a change in strategy?

Given that members of parliament are trained to avoid providing information via Official In- formation Acts (OIA) requests, we may never know the answers to these questions. Maybe it doesn’t really matter as our children and grandchildren will be paying for this cataclysm with their health and their taxes, enslaved until these harms are redressed and those responsible held accountable. NZDSOS continues to support and treat those injured by Ardern’s injections, while we explore and fight for an equitable and fit-for-purpose health system. We continue to raise awareness of threats to our sovereignty by un-elected organisations such as the World Health Organisation and the World Economic Forum. We continue to support doctors persecuted for standing up for the right of patient’s individual choice in choosing their method of prevention and treatment of all infectious and other diseases.

As the group who have called the covid situation correctly since the beginning, NZDSOS calls for an urgent discussion with the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Health and the Medical Council of New Zealand to develop full information for those considering prevention for covid and other viral illnesses, valid treatment for those injured and dropping of all charges by the Medical Council against doctors who asked questions, prescribed safe early treatment and advised caution.

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    • Agree.
      Nobody made a mistake. This is was all deliberate from get go. If there ware genuine mistakes made, it would have been corrected back in 2020 or early 2021. What the govt and their criminal enterprise did was to double down and locked people up and callously started violating human rights of its citizens. Right to work and live and support their families.

      This scam is not over by long shot. Jabsinister is just waiting for next bit of instructions from ze uncle klaus.

  1. Well said as usual. Thank you Doctors for being so courageous and of conviction during this hard and terrible time for many New Zealanders. You have proven to be the real source of truth, highlighting the Government’s duplicity in what can only be discribed as a criminal act against the people of this country.

    How we get redress remains to be seen, but it will come one way or another. Ardern and her cohorts must be brought to account, but may play the insanity card, which of course is true. No sane leader would have done this to her people. Let us hope with the presure off some will begin to realise what she has done and act accordingly. But one thing is certain, this country will never be the same as it was. It has been changed forever…

  2. I remain Covid free and I took two jabs before I read the science, and I attribute this to mostly working from home over the last year, we are only now returning to the office for a day or two a week. Many people who chose to work in the office also took the jabs but contracted Covid and became sick, some long term.

    I take high dose vitamin C and a multi vitamin and have done so for many years. I now also take lipospheric vitamin C, natural magnesium with minerals, and zinc, as well as the above.

    I have not had the flu since about 2003 when I had the worst flu of my life which put me in bed for three days and probably would have killed an elderly person. I had the flu jab in 2000 which (from what I now know about vaccine related immunity disorders) I now blame for my very extreme flu in 2003. But since then I have been flu free. I will never take another flu vaccine (it made me feel sick for a month as a prime 20 year old in the best fitness of my life).

  3. Yeah Right – it was and still is a criminal act. The population of this country was coerced into accepting an experimental injection and not one politician or bureaucrat in any of the parties in government stood up and objected. Not one came out of the Beehive to speak to the protesters. None of them is insane except perhaps the weirdo Trespass Order Mallard. Jabber is following orders from her Schwabbish overlord, has broken the Social Contract between Government and the People, and knows full well what she has done, is still doing, and will try to do in the future. She is trying to change the narrative to We are all in this together, I did my best, and lies, lies, lies.
    Things are changing though, there is something in the air that frightens them. No, it’s not us. I don’t know what it is but I think they do. They are backing off trying to re-shape, re-frame.

  4. Well said NZDSOS ???? ????????

    Sadly my trust in your profession is forever ruined, forever.

    But I do appreciate the spine you guys have shown. 100% courage while so many others proved themselves to be cowards. Thank you ????


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