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Monday, March 10, 2025

Popular Now

Prof. Joanne Kidman’s appointment as co-director of new ‘Extremism’ centre labelled ‘insane’

Joanne Kidman news

This week the government announced the opening of a new ‘Centre for Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism’.

Appointments for the position of co-directors were also announced, with confirmation Professors Paul Spoonley and Joanne Kidman are to take the reins.

Spoonley’s appointment is an interim one only, to assist with the new centre’s establishment. Kidman’s initial term is for three years.

In an article published by broadcaster Chris Lynch on 7 June, a number of people have raised concerns over the appointment of Kidman, who is claimed to be a divisive character with anti-Pakeha tendencies.

Lynch provided proof for the claims with screenshots of a number of Tweets, some of which are as recent as last month, which contain highly derogatory comments and language. Kidman’s Twitter account is now ‘protected’, meaning only ‘approved followers’ can access her Tweets.

Left-leaning political blogger Martyn Bradbury described Kidman’s appointment as ‘insane’.

The Free Speech Union Chief Executive Jonathan Ayling said, ‘The Free Speech Union would unreservedly stand by her right to speech, but this appointment is simply inappropriate for someone who has so overtly used her influence in the past to silence others and remove their right to speech.’

Read Chris Lynch’s full article with screenshots of Kidman’s Tweets here.


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  1. NZ no longer has any independent domestic or foreign policies.

    It is foolish to be a puppet to US for foreign policies. US is a declining power; no longer a real democracy; most foriegn policies and wars, including the current proxy war with Russia, are run on behalf of the Oligarchs and selfish ideologists who are wanting a uniploar empire. NZ is NOT in Europe and its future is tied to Asia largely. A small export dependent country has to have a neutral independent foriegn policy like Switzerland and Austria for peace and prosperity. Agents Jacinda and Luxon are not working for people of NZ but for their Global Masters.

    Social and domestic policies of Jacinda is becoming more and more American imported. There is no effort to develop our own technological independence, and most IT services are mortaged to Microsoft, Amazon and Cloudfront. Social media has long been controlled from US. Under law, most kiwi data kept in servers of US companies, can be accessed by CIA and other global tech. We are slowly selling our health and pharma. Even with ever increasing spending on health, the quality of services and health of kiwis is falling. NZD is no longer controlled by us, and our dollar is traded several times our GDP and thereby we have no control, and has become a financial protectorate. With waelthier Asia, we will be pulled down by the falling fiat USD.

    Jacinda is trying to bring BlackRock to NZ in big way. This means our housing assets will be owned by them soon and we will be paying rent to Globalists who will be controlling NZ housing assets. NZ banks are not kiwi owned, and we already shift money to Globalists. Jacinda placed our soveriegn debt for trading in London. So we are going to be at the mercy of Globalists more and more.

    On the scoial front, we already adopted all US shit sold as sugar on abortion, gender politics, etc. All Chistian values are discouraged and cancelled. There are more and more paper shifflers at all level, starting from local councils to mnistries. Bloated government paid workers than those who produce something!

    Given that Jacinda and Luxon are working for the globalists, big tech, big pharma and NWO, social problems must be controlled. So we will hear more and more about “values”, “liberty”, “freedom”, “team of 5 million aka 5eyes” from Jacinda. Anyone disagreeing will be cancelled and those in the leading front will be called “extermists”, “domestic terrorists” following the US model proposed by the current Biden administration.

    We are heading in a direction that is going to make us just a nation of peasents serving few Masters with more and more polarised groupings. Thanks Jacinda and Luxon.

    • And to top that off, I noticed today the there are only 3 of the candidates for the by-El-ection in Tauranga that are going to be interviewed by MSM…
      Sue Grey from the Outdoors and Freedom Party was not invited, or barred / boycotted by the media and the political globalist PTB from attending the debates…
      Sue Grey is the only political party member that still demands government accountability for the injected holocaust and genocide that has been perpetrated on New Zealanders and the rest of the world! The information that she presented to Parliament has been arrogantly ignored by all levels of government.
      This is what happened in the last General El-ection when the Public Party and the Advance Party were not given equal and fair air time during the debates as the minor parties were NOT represented nor given air time by TVNZ despite the fact that this particular ‘media outlet’ is paid for by taxpayers who voted for Jamie Lee Ross and Billy TK, or the New Conservatives.
      This is the kind of globalist dictatorial shit you can find in several South American communist banana republics.
      My vote will be going to Sue Grey in this by-El-ection, and to the O&FP in the General El-ection!
      I support Voices for Freedom, the Outdoors and Freedom Party, and Counterspin New Zealand.
      I will not tolerate the likes of the two main political party New World Order stooges nor the globalist puppets, EVER!!!!!!!

  2. You cannot take it away from Piss in Boots, or Crocka as she’s known in some parts that she has made the perfect appointment in Kidman. She is the ideal choice for dealing with, or to, the river of filth and other settlers in our clean and pristine land.

    To fill such a position, it is important to know and understand the workings and minds of those she will be attending with her guidance. As a regular bather in filth she is ideally suited. We wish her well in her vital role, and hope she brings her waders.

  3. Paul Spoonley and Joanne Kidman are both low quality academics. They cant write no more than a log like article; just narratives. Both have not contributed anything worthy to social sciences.

    1. Highly cited researchers, including social scientists can be found here. Both are NOT listed.

    2. Google scholar includes every thrash article. Both do NOT even have a Google scholar profile.

    Fake news is well known. Fake narratives appearing as research is not that well known in public.

  4. NZ Universities started their degradation when Steve Maharey became the VC. he has had no research qualification or has done any research. When a University is headed by a corrupt politicians, you dont expect academic values are kept. Fake academics tend to prosper in such environment. What we see now is the result of weed seed that rooted decases ago. NZ Higher education is full of weeds.

    • Add the current Speaker of the House to this dysfunctional mess, (as they usually end-up at some University post-Parliament…) along with Jabsinda’s policies, and one can see that the dye is being cast with problem-creation(s) for the next 50 years

  5. This like Jacinda creating a Centre for International Peace appointing Russophobe Prof Robert Patman of Otago & Sinaphobe Prof Anne-Marie Brady of Canterbury as co-chair and fund it. Both have little balance or decent research to be proud of.

  6. Before long she’ll be called an expert on extremism.
    Aren’t you all sick of media reporting constantly
    “According to experts …….blah blah blah”
    If the Government thru media want go validate something, they report “According to experts….

    • Shes in the education dept. Teaching education is like :”how to teach” without really knowing “What to teach”. So she must be good at all the BS, which can never be present in subjects like chemistry or math.

  7. In the YouTube department falling under the Ministry of Truth, the definition of “extremism” is completely arbitrary, and anything that doesnt fit the left narrative is termed as extreme. Watch the vlogger who removed his YoiuTube account and he explains “the truth”.
    The new research centre is a small section in the Ministry of truth and will reach the same conclusion as YouTube did.

  8. Peaceful Wellington protestors were persecuted and smeared. On the other hand, corrupt BLM protestors were encouraged in NZ; as well as climate change protests were endorsed under lock down!

    It is highly arbitrary which is termed as exteremism and activism. US is becomong our role model basically. A single lone female protestor is manhandled in LA in descpicable manner during Bidens visit to inagurage Summit of Americas boycotted by most american nations. Watch

    This video will remind you to what happened to many of the public in NZ. The tactic is the same in US, Canada, UK, Australia and NZ to suppress anyone disagreeing the narrative.

    Given this similarity, our Ministry of Truth narrative will be the same as elsewhere, and the new Centre will endorse it with their “expert scientific opinion”. Dr. Jacinda has shared values with Biden as she proudly claimed in a TVNZ interview.

  9. Paul Spoonley and Joanne Kidman will work hard for the Sir and Dame rewards respectively. The NZ of the year honour was given to a BS import remember.


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