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Russia claims seizure of major Ukrainian stronghold

russia claims seizure of major ukrainian
Russian servicemen are seen in Mariupol, Donetsk People’s Republic. © Sputnik/Ilya Pitalev.

A top Ukrainian official had earlier admitted that Liman in Donetsk Region had fallen.

  • Russian forces together with those from the Donetsk People’s Republic have taken over the Ukrainian town of Liman, Russia’s Defense Ministry has claimed.
  • On Thursday, Alexey Arestovich, a key adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, admitted during a livestream that Ukrainian forces had lost the town.

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov announced on Saturday that Liman had been “fully liberated from Ukrainian nationalists.”

Just before Ukraine admitted the fall of Liman, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba described the situation in Donbass as “extremely bad” for Ukrainian forces during his meeting with Western allies at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos.

Zelensky, meanwhile, hinted during a video call at the WEF that he could now be willing to sit down for negotiations with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

While describing the Russian head of state as delusional, Zelensky noted that he was still the only Russian official worth talking to. According to the Ukrainian president, if Putin “is able to realize” what Zelensky called the reality, “then, probably, we may try and go the diplomatic way, unless it is too late.”

When asked for comment on Zelensky’s latest statement, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Moscow doubted that the Ukrainian leadership was really willing to negotiate peace. The Russian official pointed out that “the talks have been frozen after a decision by and in accordance with the stance of the Ukrainian side.”

Peskov also claimed that Ukrainian top officials were in the habit of constantly making “statements that contradict each other, which makes it impossible to fully understand [their] intentions and whether [they are] ready to take a sober approach and acknowledge the real state of affairs.”

Meanwhile, on Friday evening the Ukrainian president’s office published a video address by Zelensky in which he commented on the latest advances of Russian forces. However, the president insisted that “Donbas will be Ukrainian,” vowing to retake the region by force.

Zelensky’s address coincided with reports in several US media outlets claiming that the Biden administration had given the green light to deliver US-made long-range multiple launch rocket systems to Ukraine. Kiev had long been soliciting the M270 MLRS and M142 HIMARS systems from its American allies, arguing that these weapons could help turn the tide amid the Russian offensive in Donbass.

In an interview published by Bloomberg on Friday, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson also called on Ukraine’s allies to provide Kiev with the M270 MLRS, which, in his eyes, was the weapon that could help the Ukrainian military “defend themselves against this very brutal Russian artillery, and that’s where the world needs to go.” Johnson, however, stopped short of pledging any of the MLRS possessed by the British army.

Russia’s ambassador to the US, Anatoly Antonov, meanwhile, has warned Washington against providing Kiev with missile systems that could be used to hit Russian territory.

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Source:RT News

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  1. Zelensky made the Ukranian army and their mercenaries “cannon fodder”. There are dosens of vidoes on TikTok and other social media where Ukaranian Army commanders are complaining about lack of supplies and support and the corruption. It is only a matter on months for Ukaraine to have any trained army personal to boost. They moved 150,000 soldiers to Donbass before the conflict planning to take over Donbass and Crimea. They they hurriedly brought back about half of them to Kiev when Russia entered the conflict. MSM can spin all the lies but the reality is very different. A corrupt, immoral regime, that is based on lies and neonazism cannot win eben if hundred of billions worth of weapons are pumped by US/UK/EU and others.

    JabSinDa bet on a losing horse and we could easily stayed out of this mess.

  2. Vladimir Putin warned the West about the 8-year war that (up until the time he invaded the Ukraine) had cost 14,000 ethnic Russians in the Donbass their lives!
    This happened when both the Zionist candyman and the Zionist comedian assumed the Ukrainian Presidency 8 years ago via a rigged el-ection (sound familiar???)
    They ‘ruled’ with pay-outs from US Bio-Chemical Labs and refused to implicate the Bidens and other affiliated ‘Globalist Parties’.
    Make n mistake; these are the Globalist Zioist Banksters versus the Russian Christian Orthodox Church!
    Communism in early 20th century Russia was spawned by Jewish Khazarian Zionist who persecuted and executed 65 million Russian Christians.
    Putin saw the end result of this, and after the fall of the old Soviet Union, consolidated his power and initiated a circle of reliable people to replace the old system with a temporary gang-structured Federation in the beginning until the government and Russia was on it’s way to stability. Russia now has a stable government via the Duma.
    Putin has seen the problems of Russia’s past as occurring from other border areas;ie Napoleon, Hitler, and Western Nation NATO encroachments.
    NATO is run by Zionist Banksters with the help of the IMF, the Mossad and Israel.
    And once again, these Khazarian criminals are trying to procure Russia;s banks, resources, and cause aother red Terror under the guise of the NOW’s ‘Globalism’ as per the Georgia Guide Stones.
    See ‘The Hal Turner Radio Show’ website for the latest updates from the region, and the videos of Patrick lancaster who is on the ground in Donbass!


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