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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Popular Now

Russia makes new claims on US-financed biolabs in Ukraine

The US has “covered” Ukraine with a network of biolaboratories linked to the Pentagon, the Russian Defense Ministry says.

The Ukrainian authorities have been urgently destroying pathogens studied at its laboratories linked to the US Department of Defense, the Russian military claimed on Monday, adding that such activities hint at the military purposes of these studies.

Ukraine bioweapons news

As many as 30 biological laboratories have been established in Ukraine that are actively cooperating with the US military, the commander of the Russian radiological, chemical and biological defense force, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, said at a news briefing on Monday.

The list of these laboratories’ partners includes the Pentagon’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) – the largest biomedical research facility administered by the US military; the general added.

Many of these laboratories have been active since the 2014 coup d’état in Ukraine and their emergence in the country has coincided with a spike in infectious diseases in the region, including German measles, diphtheria and tuberculosis, the Russian military said.

After the Russian forces launched a military operation in Ukraine on February 24, these laboratories started hastily destroying the materials they had been working on, including the highly pathogenic bacterial and viral agents, Kirillov has said, adding that Moscow has obtained documents related to that process.

Analysis of the documents shows that the laboratories had been working with dangerous infections such as anthrax and the plague. “Assortment and the excessive quantity of the biological agents suggest that the work done in these laboratories had been part of some military biological programs,” the general has said, adding that just one such laboratory in the western Ukrainian city of Lvov had destroyed as many as 320 containers with pathogens causing plague, swamp fever and Malta fever among others.

“If these collections fall into the hands of the Russian experts, they will highly likely prove Ukraine and the US have been in violation of the Biological Weapons Convention,” Kirillov has said, adding that “this is the only reason that can explain the hasty destruction” of those materials.

The general has also expressed his concerns that all the biological materials needed for the alleged military biological program to continue had been already transported to the US.

Kiev has denied developing bioweapons, and Washington has not commented on the Russian military statements so far.

Moscow has been raising alarm about the activities of the US-financed biological laboratories located in the former Soviet states for quite some time. Earlier, it pointed to the Lugar Research Center – a US-funded laboratory in Georgia – as a place where some dangerous experiments are being conducted.

The Pentagon brushed off such accusations as a “Russian disinformation campaign” at that time.

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Source:RT News

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  1. See This is the problem with spending decades openly lying to us, rigging elections, forcing woke dogma on our children, flooding our countries with stabby “diversity”, deliberately wrecking our economies, breaking laws and violating our human rights to push vaccine mandates.

    Now when Russian generals make these sorts of accusations, no matter how far fetched they sound, you have to stop and think twice because it wouldn’t be out of character based on the fun and games western governments have had these last few years.

    One group of historical liars is accusing another group of historical liars of lying, and the counterpoint is effectively, “Nuh uh, we’re not lying, THEYRE lying”.

    We’re all left not knowing who to trust, not knowing what to believe.

    And it wasn’t “Russian bots” or youtube “misinformation” that brought me to this point. I would’ve stopped paying attention to it years ago if it had at any point stopped being accurate.

    To hell with all of it.

    • None of tge things in your first paragraph are real, buddy. Why do you believe all the lies Donald Trump tells you?

      • Yip, agree with you here. This guy’s obviously a total dummy.

        1990-2021 clearly never happened. There were never any false flags, no one ever lied about WMD’s, there were no wars in the Middle East, no consequent mass migrations, no political spying, no media malfeasance, no Panama papers etc. And it’s not as if they literally just spent two years locking down the entire planet, pushing jab mandates and vaccine passports or anything like that. Nope, the last two years of all of our lives didn’t happen, we’re just remembering it all incorrectly.

        It’s all a conspiracy that the bad Orange man cooked up. The truth is governments love us and want to be our friends ????

          • Seriously? THAT’S your comeback? ????

            Lazy dude, you’re better than this.

            I’ll give you another chance, go on. “Refute” everything I said line by line with flimsy MSM talking points, then add a thinly veiled insult at the end. Call me an idiot for pointing out clearly observable events everyone just lived through. Warn others here that listening to me makes them stupid too. Be the best troll you can be.

            You owe us that much at least.

          • Yeah I thought that the quality of trolling has really gone down too. My one ended up sounding like someones Mum threatening me with some kind of ‘Boogyman’.

      • TDS even gets in here in NZ. What the jaxx team running out of trolling ideas or have we just been left with the dregs(troll you know what dregs is)

    • Russia is not the Soviet Union, I am inclined to give it the benefit of the doubt until it has proved it is untrustworthy like the US.

  2. This article is a good introduction to the situation in the Ukraine from 2014 onwards. Human rights violations have been widely reported by human rights groups, see below, but this is being ignored by the legacy MSM in light of the invasion.



    “Allegations of torture and other ill-treatment, particularly in police custody, continued. Security service officials responsible for secret detention and torture in eastern Ukraine from 2014 to 2016 continued to enjoy complete impunity. Attacks by groups advocating discrimination against activists and marginalized minorities continued, often with total impunity. Intimidation and violence against journalists were regularly reported.”


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