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Friday, March 14, 2025

Popular Now

Voices for Freedom: ‘The Data Says What?!’

Republished with permission from Voices For Freedom.

How many times in the last 18 months have you heard the line spouted that the Covid vaccine lowers your chance of becoming unwell enough to be hospitalised? Or, that you’ll be less likely to catch the coof in the first place?

Before anyone has a conniption and feels compelled to yell MISINFORMATION!, let’s take a look at the Ministry of Health’s OWN data.

There is a running tally of 7 day averages being published by RNZ. It’s worth a visit. There you will find charts like this one.

unvaccinated news

This chart displays the percentages of people who have (or haven’t) been vaccinated and how many doses they’ve received.

It also shows the same breakdown for the case numbers by vax status and the hospitalisation rates as well.

We have been told since late 2020 that this product is 95% effective

The actual trial results quickly morphed into something different that was then promoted by the media and our government officials at every opportunity – day and night on TV, radio, internet, newspapers, text messages, emails, phone calls, magazines, posters, billboards, flyers, and from medical professionals, scientists, politicians, so-called ‘experts’, influencers, and anyone with a ‘professional’ role or a mouth in their face. It was inescapable, feverish, and well past the threshold of obsessive.

We were told that:

❌️ The vaccines were safe and EFFECTIVE.

❌️ The vaccines would prevent sickness, hospitalisation, and death. (Remember that gem of a press conference, Jacinda, where you said “you won’t get sick and you won’t DIE”? We do).

Now, let’s look at the data. The facts. What actually happened.

Their OWN data shows that the vaccine-free make up 7% of the population, but only 2% of the new cases, and 6% hospitalisations. That ‘dangerous’ group is UNDER-REPRESENTED in both the case and hospitalisation stats. Awkward.

Moving on to the fully vaccinated crew. The twice-jabbed make up 26% of the population, 26% of the new cases, but 37% of the hospitalisations. They are OVER-REPRESENTED in one of the most serious categories – being hospitalised. They are, in fact, MORE LIKELY to land in the hospital than those without a jab. Uh oh.

Then there’s this graph.

Unvaccinated news

It shows the rates of hospitalisation per 100,000 people in the population. In this data we can compare how many people from each of the groups (Under 12/Ineligible, Unvaccinated, Partially Vaccinated, Fully Vaccinated, and Boosted) ended up in hospital.

Again, it is clear from the data that the fully vaccinated are ahead of the race (and not in a good way) with 2.3 cases per 100,000 compared to 2 per 100,000 in the unvaccinated.

If the 95% effective claims were correct, the bars showing the fully vaxxed and boosted people should be near pancake-level; a small fraction of what they actually are – around 5% of the unvaccinated group.

But they’re not and you’re not being told about it.

Instead, we are still being bombarded with messaging to get shot up with more, and more, and more ineffective products.

Where is the mainstream media on this? It would appear they’re too busy shouting mis- and disinformation at anyone trying to sound the alarm and shine a light on the facts – just like they have the whole way along. Shame. On. Them.

What will these charts look like in the months to come as the narrow ‘immunity’ conferred by the vaccine wanes even further?

How much negative efficacy or increased risk will we see? When will the unintended consequences become so obvious that they’re no longer able to be swept under the rug?

All we can do is watch, wait, and share information like this in the hope to inform those still thinking that more is best.

Stand up. Speak out. Be on the right side of history.


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  1. Some of our agents somehow slipped and released data without fully checking. Just wait… If facts does not fit our narrative, we will change the definitions, and thereby the new summary data will fit our narrative. We have over hundred hit piece journalists, and paid information war mercenaries to spread the narrative aka “turth”. No big deal. Amen 🙂

  2. Just so we’re all clear, I WONT be taking a monkey pox vaccine either.

    Stick it up your arses ????

  3. “They are, in fact, MORE LIKELY to land in the hospital than those without a jab. Uh oh.”

    Yes, yes, Old Bean, but they are dying more COMFORTABLY. Down the chute before they know it. The Govt. cares about folks.

  4. Lets’ see; a Prime Minister who was once (and still is, by the Mormon Code) a member of the ‘Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints’ (which, BTW was formed by a Freemason known as Joseph Smith and his brother Hiram, both of whom were shot by a posse at Nauvoo despite giving the Masonic hailing ‘sign of distress;…).
    The father is a Freemsaon…
    The current PM went to Uni on a Masonic scholarship.
    Freemasons erected the Georgia Guidestones.
    The PM attended the Youth Socialist Organisation twice in a row as a leader.
    The PM served under *Tony Blair (*Bill Clinton’s room mate at Oxford…before Clinton was asked to leave) and Helen Clarke (the latter is consulted every morning over a cup of coffee…)
    Zionists Klaus $chwab, George $oros (aka Georg $chwartz), eugenics-compliant ill Gates, and Mark $uckerberg have all conspired against the human race, and the minions of the MSM and governments that support their agendas are about to be thrown under the bus (see Jay Parker’s YouTube video ‘Illuminati Ritual Abuse Parts 1, 2 & 3).
    We have a child who was deliberately targeted by a certain District Health Board for a parent standing-up to the bullying, exploitation, and threats to the parent’s life in the workplace.
    The parent went to see a lawyer…
    The law firm was compromised with a conflict of interest…
    & hence the ‘health care (UN)-professionals targeted the child with a double-dose of HiB, and now is on the autism spectrum. Prior to vaccinations, the child was a ’10’ on the APGAR Scale. (note; only the first scale is used in NZ, the scale is actually three levels in other countries…)
    We quit all vaccinations, and the length that this particular DHB went to to try and get us to continue vaccinations using false excuses was incredible. Even the CARM Centre in Otago tried to down-play the adverse events.
    After seeing specialists in no less than three other countries, it became apparent that vaccines do cause autism, and that the vaccines are weaponised against those who don’t go along with the status quo, not submitting to your ‘betters’, exposing the corruptions of the DHB’s and who do not buy into the lie that we have had directed at all of us now.
    In another 2-3 years, the death toll will be at disastrous levels as a result of Covid-19 bio-weapon vaccines, and the damage to the blood/brain barrier that is removing critical thinking in the brain.
    Couple this with man-made droughts, fires, crop losses, and the recipe is in for extinction
    & ‘Climate Change’ is another misnomer (formerly ‘Global Warming’ …which couldn’t be proven) being orchestrated by the damage from volcanoes under the seas, EMF, HAARP, and satellite weapons emitting microwave radiation.
    Get prepped…!!!

  5. I haven’t got time to pick through the data. What I have noticed is that both sides of this argument appear to select data that may support their argument whilst ignoring contradictory evidence.
    In this case, I wonder whether the confounding factor is that a lot of eligible young people did not get vaccinated. Because of the massive age-risk gradient of Covid, this would skew results. The overwhelming majority of young people who get the virus don’t get sick, so they will clearly weight the results in hospitalisations etc..
    Conversely the double and treble jabbed will be in older and more exposed age categories and so weighting there also skews results.
    I think the solution is to look at changing the system so that governments and scientists can’t screw the scrum. A few suggestions
    1. The trial design for new drugs should be agreed by a third party panel drawn from a large pool of accredited experts. This would have the objective of ensuring the trial results would not simply be a self-fulfilling prophecy
    2. The results of modelling forecasts should be ascribed an automatic “critical” rating which means it should not be used on its own to inform public policy;
    3. The academic peer review process should be overhauled such that the submitter and reviewer are blind as to whose work is being looked at and by whom;
    4. Randomised double blind clinical trials should have a the highest weighting in a meta analysis, such that if a RCT has a contradictory outcome to an observational study, the assumption is that the observational study has confounding factors and should be ignored until another RCT changes the position
    5. Media should legally be bound to give air time to contradictory viewpoints; and
    6. The terms of an inquiry should be of the widest possible scope and not set by the government who designed the policy. In this case, I want to know what the government did to consider the collateral damage – the cost-benefit analysis (and not just economic) from their policies, and the long term impacts on children in particular
    There are so many things wrong with the current approach that it needs a complete change. However, giving more power to the WHO is definitely at the bottom of the list for me.

  6. Jacinda Ardern and her scientific advisors are getting caught in their own lies. The twofold problem is – the RT-PCR test cannot distinguish between a vaccinated or unvaccinated person. Neither can the PCR test, test for an infectious disease. It’s a complete fraud, just as the MOH data demonstrates.


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