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Thursday, December 19, 2024

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Guy Hatchard
Guy Hatchardhttps://hatchardreport.com/
Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

Guy Hatchard: The New Zealand Herald stokes the fear factor

COVID fear news

Our Covid-19 infection rate is declining but the New Zealand Herald continues to stoke the fear factor.

They lead today with “Analysis: Covid-19 now one of NZ’s biggest killers” by ‘Science’ Reporter Jamie Morton. Statisticians are probably laughing into their coffee cups and school teachers wondering whether to use it as an example of how to misuse statistics.

The Herald reports that Covid is causing 1 in 7 deaths (week ending July 17th). Their greatest fear is that we are becoming indifferent to the ‘dangers’. Let’s fact check their figures:

NZ Herald: “Fifteen per cent of people are dying from Covid-19, about the same proportion of people who die from ischaemic heart disease, which is currently our single biggest killer” [attributed to epidemiologist Michael Baker]

Fact Check: MISLEADING For people unfamiliar with statistics, this statement could be confounding case death rates with mortality data. Thereby making some naively think Covid is fatal for 15% of people. Less than 0.25% of Covid cases have been associated with a fatality within 28 days of testing over the entire course of the pandemic, and the majority of these deaths are not due to Covid (the Omicron rate is understood to be much lower than this). This is more than 60 times lower than the Herald article erroneously could be seen to convey, and btw heart disease is not our biggest killer, cancer kills more than twice as many people than heart disease. Cases of Covid are also believed to be greatly underreported, further lowering the case mortality rate. (See also the next item, the 15% figure relates to an unreliable Covid data snapshot, it does not mean 15% of the whole population or 15% of Covid cases. See here.)

NZ Herald; “For the first time, Covid-19 has probably become the leading cause of death in New Zealand”, [attributed to epidemiologist Michael Baker]

Fact Check: FALSE Causes of death are established over longer periods of time than the one week of data referred to by the Herald. Many deaths with Covid are reported over time and delayed. They are often being entered into government statistics in batches. This causes significant and misleading volatility in daily and weekly data. If you pick one week, as the Herald article has done, you can arrive at false conclusions. The absurdity of this can be established by going back to the Christchurch Mosque massacre. If that week’s data had been taken in isolation, the Herald could have announced terrorism as NZ’s leading cause of death.

NZ Herald: “In two thirds of cases [of death reported within 28 days of Covid infection], the virus was listed as the underlying cause [by MoH]”

Fact Check: MISLEADING Two thirds of people dying with Covid are over 80 years old, but the life expectancy in NZ is 82 years. It is unlikely in this age range that Covid is the predominant cause of death, it is more likely that age and conditions associated with aging are major factors. As the Ministry of Health has not revealed how it is ‘adjusting’ Covid death data. The distribution of deaths by age should lead the Herald to ask questions about the latest MoH data adjustment.

NZ Herald: “Our excess mortality has increased this year and is now running at 10 per cent above normal and likely to continue while we report daily Covid-19 deaths in the double digits.

Fact Check: INSUFFICIENT INFORMATION Any analysis of the cause of our high rate of excess deaths will require information about cause of death by category and a comparison with previous years. Current NZ data of this type is not available, but overseas insurance data suggests that high rates of excess all cause mortality affecting working age people are not related to Covid.

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NZ Herald: “For those most vulnerable Kiwis, being boosted remained crucial, modeller Professor Plank said. It’s much, much better to get your immunity from a vaccine than from getting infected.

Fact Check: FALSE Studies published recently have found that unvaccinated people have 97.3% long lasting protection from severe Covid following initial infection with any variant, whereas 25% of vaccinated people are vulnerable to reinfection with more severe outcomes. Detailed studies by the German government have found the rate of serious adverse effects from vaccination is somewhere in the range between 1 in 500 to 1 in 5000 vaccination doses. The likelihood of adverse effects increases with each dose and the immune protection decreases into negative territory within weeks of boosting. This suggests that repeated boosters are risky.

At this stage of the pandemic, the public doesn’t need misleading articles like this one. It needs reliable information closely connected to current science publishing and objective data collection.

Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a food testing and certification company (now known as FoodChain ID). Website: HatchardReport.com.

Guy is the author of ‘Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness’.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of DTNZ.

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  1. Good one Guy ????

    NZ herald- biggest purveyor of fake news ever, only good for starting a fire. (can get bundles of old copies from the local supermarket lol)

    As for Michael Baker. The man hasn’t got ONE thing right, why are we still listening to that idiot? He’s a joke and the fact the herald gives him any credence makes the Herald a joke too.

    I prefer to listen to Dr Peter McCullough who is a cardiologist, an internist AND an epidemiologist, he has written more peer reviewed papers than any other doctor IN THE WORLD AND! He has actually TREATED covid patients! Thank goodness I can identify a genuine expert over a paid mouthpiece.

  2. The relentless fearmongering and misinformation spewed by NZ’s Orwellian doublespeak legacy media is truly staggering.

    Stuff and Herald’s misreporting of covid has crossed the line from unethical to psychological abuse.

    Laura Dodworth’s ‘State of Fear’ is worth a read on this topic.

  3. NZ Herald has to work for the funded “public interest” dollars. Fear is the main weapon in this plandemic as explained in https://rumble.com/v1ewe1x-the-plan.html
    “Yellow jounalism” is the old phrase which is now called “fake news”. Highly biased, subjective narrative embeded with mis/disinformation has become the “progressive” journalism. Stenographers of ODT also republished this, and begging bowl STUFF will come up with something similar soon. We will then have a special Jabcinda press conference too.

    The numbers vary a lot from year to year. There is no discussion of variability at all. Covid deaths data is highly confounded, which also includes many jab related side effects. Jab does not stop getting or transmitting covid flu and there is no way we can find exactly how much was due to covid or jab. If we compare the unjabbedd with the jabbed, the jabbed population is not faring well at all.

  4. When and how can we bring these MSM stenographers and the likes of Baker and Plank etc to account. The issue I see is that the Jabcinda sheep are believers.
    Cant wait for the sea change I know is coming

  5. Welcome to ‘Animal Farm, New Zealand,’ Series One – The Plandemic Special, in which our leading characters ruin a wonderful yet flawed country through their campaign of public betrayal, sustained fear, stratospheric debt, civil division and loathing, Faustian mandatory mass injections, orchestrated lying and medical misinformation, second only to that of prewar Nazi Germany, to rule and ruin these antipodean islands, once the democratic home of many millions of freedom loving inhabitants.
    Also in this first series we see the formation of an increasing truth-fuelled groundswell resistance to the draconian control of these overlords and their spies, ministers, misinformers and lackeys all in the government’s pockets, well-padded from fleecing hardworking citizens desperately keeping body and soul together, while their taxes are squandered and wasted.
    What will the outcome be when more and more people realise the truth and face the facts? Will they remain silent or what will they do? Will they consider what their children and children’s children will ask concerning their response in this unprecedented time? How will they be portrayed in this series? And in Series Two, the Great Reckoning, when things begin falling apart, the toll mounts and the chips fall where they must?

  6. MoH data must also include in how many cases of death Midazolam was used. I would suspect this percentage will not be a small number.

    • Think of the harm you’re doing to the budgie……best use the Herald for bottom wipe and Pravda (1972 publication) for the bird. At least the bird will learn a foreign language.


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