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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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UK Home Secretary approves extradition of Assange to US

Assange extradition news

The Wikileaks founder faces 175 years in prison.

The extradition of WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange to the US moved a step forward on Friday after British Home Secretary Priti Patel gave the green light to hand the transparency activist over to American custody.

“The UK courts have not found that it would be oppressive, unjust or an abuse of process to extradite Mr. Assange,” the Home Office said. “Nor have they found that extradition would be incompatible with his human rights, including his right to a fair trial and to freedom of expression, and that whilst in the U.S. he will be treated appropriately, including in relation to his health.”

Julian Assange has 14 days to appeal.

WikiLeaks called the development a “dark day for Press freedom and for British democracy,” and added that “the decision will be appealed.”

Previously, a British court had refused the extradition request on the grounds that Assange may otherwise kill himself or be subjected to inhumane treatment in US detention. But the US successfully appealed the ruling, offering Britain assurances that his rights would be observed.

Supporters of the jailed activist say he is being persecuted for exposing the American government’s dark secrets and that his demise was meant as a chilling warning to any journalist who would think of doing the same.

“It was [in] Priti Patel’s power to do the right thing. Instead she will forever be remembered as an accomplice of the United States in its agenda to turn investigative journalism into a criminal enterprise,” WikiLeaks said in a statement.

WikiLeaks said it will continue to fight for Assange through the legal system to protect him from being disappeared in “the darkest recesses of [the US] prison system for the rest of his life.” The US wants the 50-year-old Australian for alleged crimes, and if convicted he may be sentenced to up to 175 years in prison.

It recalled that Washington had “plotted his assassination,” referring to reports alleging that the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), under Donald Trump’s then-CIA Director Mike Pompeo, had discussed assassinating or kidnapping Assange while he was taking refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.

Assange has been a target for the US since 2010, when WikiLeaks published a trove of State Department cables and Pentagon documents that depicted alleged war crimes committed by US forces in Afghanistan and Iraq. He has been accused of attempting to hack Pentagon computers and is charged under the US’ Espionage Act, over WikiLeaks’ publication of classified materials.

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Source:RT News

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  1. What is being done to Assange by the UK and US is pure evil. All the charges against him are made up legalese nonsense. Julian Assange showed the world what criminal acts America has done and for that revelation those same criminals – with their partners in crime in the UK – have kept Assange imprisoned for ten years.
    Julia Gillard and Joe Biden were two who particularly condemned Assange’s release of the information.
    Trump could have pardoned Assange but did not.
    Assange gets jail for telling the truth. Tony Blair gets a knighthood for telling lies.

    • Look what happened to John McAfee…
      Look at what happened to Epstein…
      Waiting to see what will happen to J3wess & Talmudic Zionist Ghislaine Maxwell, who found and groomed Goy Girls for the sexual entertainment of the ‘elite’…
      & check out the Clinton Death List of those who have been ‘Arkancided’…!

  2. And soon we’ll read how inexplicably baffled they all are over this man’s suicide while the cameras were turned off and the guards were on break. Another “perfect storm of unfortunate errors”.

    Fuck these people forever, these godless, psychotic politicians and the global intelligence agencies blackmailing them through prostitution, pedophilia and who knows what else. The liars on our tv’s and radios who implore us to shut our eyes and ears and just comply, and the jackbooted thugs who beat, taze and pepper spray is when we refuse to.

    The whole filthy, cancerous one world government that we ALREADY live under. I’m sick and tired of working for it and paying taxes into it just to keep watching it sequentially ruin the world around me that my children are supposed to grow up in.

    I’m sick and tired of watching ACTUAL truth tellers like Assange and others be viciously pursued, persecuted and destroyed by the state, while their sanctimonious “real journalists” sit there in their expensive clothes and nice flashy studios saying things I ALREADY know are outright lies and propaganda.

    They think if they kill Assange and censor the entire internet, we’ll all just go back to blindly trusting the man on the idiot box again like it’s 1950?!

    Nope – I dunno about the rest of you, but I’m NEVER going back. I will never trust anything from any government ever again, not after what they’ve spent the last two years planning and carrying out, and not after what they still PLAN to do.


  3. Julian Assange’s lawyers need to;
    1.) Appeal
    2.) demand a bond hearing
    3.) IF freed on bond, Assange should go immediately to the Russian Embassy and ask for Political Asylum in Russia just as Snowden did!
    4.) Alternative transportation from the UK to the Russian Federation should be i place.
    Noteworthy in all of this is that Australia has done NOTHING to demand the return of their citizen, and will thus be accomplices in Assange’s torture, malicious prosecution, and eventually being ‘Epsteined’!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Being a truthful and honest historical journalist is now a VERY dangerous ‘profession’; look at what happened to the American / Palestinian reporter Shireen of Al-Jazeera, assassinated by the Mossad’s military elements!
    (& what the **** did to her funeral procession was beyond disgusting!)
    We can see how all of this is forming-up with regards to resisting the WEF ‘Great Reset’ / NWO; resisters will be prosecuted and / or hunted down (see the trailer to ‘Gray State’…)
    Just yesterday a judge in the U.S. declared Trump and his supporters are a ‘clear and present danger’ (to the globalists,…!) so we all know what comes next: Political persecutions of Trump supporters!!!

  4. Both Australia and NZ claim to have a left leaning governments. Julian is an Australan citizen too. These two governments are very quiet on this issue and also the MSM here. This proves that both Austrloia and New Zealand are just colonies and there is no independent voice or leadership.

    Jabcinda is good at virtue signalling and never deals with any real matters of life, politics and golbal issues. The pereption of our PM is very limited other than virtue signalling based on what she reads on the media. Of course it is better than reading the old news papers for packing fish & chips at the Golden bay shop! But it puts NZ in the bottom of the countries who respect human rights. She did the dirty work with the mandates; so nothing is going to be spoken by the NZ political leadership on the Julian Assange atrocity.

  5. The silence of mainstream media in NZ is deafening about the UK Home Secretary’s corrupt approval to send Julian Assange to face a kangaroo court in America for exposing some of America’s war crimes. The silence of our media and in other western countries, speaks volumes about their inability to investigate and present truths that contradict the narratives the treacherous western status quo wants presented to the world. In this way the west continues repeatedly to violate international law, human rights and the very values of democracy it claims to possess. WE are living in Orwell’s nightmare world.


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