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Unscripted and unfiltered: Trump tackles politics, culture, and controversy in explosive Joe Rogan interview

Trump - Rogan interview

In a candid and high-energy conversation that spanned over three hours, former President Donald Trump sat down with Joe Rogan for an interview that delved into everything from his presidential regrets to his opinions on election security, all without a script.

Critics noted the interview was something Kamala Harris “could never do”.

The interview, punctuated by humour and nostalgia, began with Rogan refering to a 2015 clip from left-wing legacy media talk show The View where Trump was warmly welcomed by host Barbara Walters.

“This is literally bonkers,” Rogan remarked, shaking his head in disbelief as Walters introduced Trump as her “friend.” Rogan continued, “We’re in an alternative universe, okay? Because this is not that long ago.”

The View has since become a major platform for ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ or TDS.

(TDS) is a term used to describe intense, often irrational-seeming aversion or extreme reactions to Trump, typically suggesting that some critics may respond to him emotionally based on legacy media fabrications rather than objective facts.

Trump acknowledged the shift in perception, especially in light of his presidency, and began reflecting on his time in office.

When asked about the biggest mistakes of his administration, Trump was forthright.

“I made some bad appointments, Joe. No question about it,” he said, specifically naming former National Security Advisor John Bolton and Chief of Staff John Kelly.

“You think you’re bringing in the right people, but sometimes they turn out to be the wrong ones,” he explained. Trump described the challenge of the presidency’s approximately 10,000 federal appointments, stressing that now, with his firsthand experience in Washington, he’d make more strategic choices if given another chance.

“I’ve seen the swamp with my own eyes now,” he said. “Next time, we’re going to drain it for real.”

Rogan, who has previously criticised Trump on his podcast, surprised viewers by commending the former president’s “raw authenticity.”

“One of the beautiful things about you is that you freeball,” Rogan said with a laugh. “Like, you get out, and you do these huge events, and you’re just talking. We’ve highlighted you on the show many times when you did this Biden impression. It’s funny, it’s stand-up, it’s funny stuff.”

Rogan then recalled a defining moment in Trump’s 2016 campaign: “When you told Hillary, ‘You’d be in jail,’ that was unheard of, man. That’s punk rock in politics.” Trump responded with a grin, “People loved that. They wanted someone to say it straight, and I did.”

Trump expressed his admiration for Elon Musk.

He described Musk as “from a different planet” and marvelled at the achievements of SpaceX.

“I was on the phone with an important guy when I watched his Starship land perfectly after that insane test flight,” Trump said.

“I remember asking, ‘Who else can do that?’ Nobody. Russia can’t do it. China can’t do it.” Rogan echoed Trump’s sentiments, saying, “Musk is one of a kind. He’s pushing us forward.”

The former president nodded in agreement, adding, “He’s the kind of guy who reminds you of what America is capable of—when we get out of the way.”

The conversation shifted to the controversial topic of the 2020 election, with Rogan raising concerns about election integrity.

“There was a lot of weirdness, particularly with mail-in ballots,” Rogan said, citing how unusual it is for both liberals and conservatives to believe there’s zero chance of election fraud. Trump responded confidently, “A lot of people don’t trust the system anymore, and I get why.”

He criticised Kamala Harris for comparing him to Adolf Hitler, calling her “a very low IQ person” and even challenging her to take an IQ test. “She took two days off to prep for that Anderson Cooper interview,” Trump said with a laugh. “Two days. And still, she completely fell apart. That was a real embarrassment.”

When the topic of censorship came up, Rogan pointed out what he sees as a shift in American politics.

“Republicans are now the rebels,” he said. “They’re the ones challenging the system.” He continued, “If you want to be punk rock, if you want to push back, you’re conservative now.”

Trump nodded in agreement, adding, “The liberals have become the establishment. They’re silencing voices. They’re censoring speech.” Rogan shared his frustration: “They talk about regulating free speech. It’s bananas to watch.”

The two also touched on potential plans for a Trump second term, with Trump enthusiastically voicing his intent to bring Robert Kennedy Jr. into his administration. “I’m completely committed to it,”

Trump said, holding up a chart he’d brought to illustrate a shocking decline in American life expectancy compared to other nations. “We’re spending so much, but we’re not getting healthier,” he said, acknowledging Kennedy’s vocal opposition to Big Pharma.

“They’re not thrilled about this, but I don’t care.” Rogan interjected with a laugh, “Just keep him away from the environmental stuff!” Trump chuckled and replied, “That’s the only thing I’m worried about, honestly. I love oil and gas.”

Rogan challenged Democratic politicians who oppose voter ID laws, stating, “The only thing that makes sense is they want to cheat.” Trump seized on the point, citing a Gallup poll showing that 84% of Americans support requiring photo ID to vote, including a surprising 67% of Democrats.

“It’s common sense,” Trump said. “And they’re against it because it makes it harder to rig the system.” Rogan added,

“They talk about democracy, but if you’re against something so basic, you’re not about democracy.”

Near the end of the conversation, Trump turned to Rogan with an unexpected question,

“Can you imagine Kamala doing this show?” Rogan smiled and replied, “I could imagine her doing this show,” but Trump pressed, “But she’d be lying on the floor in ten minutes, needing a medic.” Both men burst into laughter at the idea, with Rogan conceding, “Yeah, probably.”

Wrapping up the three-hour interview, Trump expressed his admiration for Rogan, calling him a “fascinating guy” and saying, “It’s been an honor, Joe. We’ll do it again.” As he left, Trump joked, “If my speech tonight is a little off, I’m blaming you.”

The conversation left viewers with plenty to think about, ranging from election security and Big Pharma’s influence to the role of free speech in American politics.

Trump’s unscripted interview highlighted his continued ability to capture attention and spark debate, a quality Rogan praised as “authentic.”

For many, it was a side of Trump that mainstream media rarely showcases, one that might resonate with voters seeking a return to unfiltered, candid leadership.

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  1. You will find most who have TDS have low IQs, even if they are otherwise successful in life, or even conservative/right leaning. They have a complete inability to see and think outside the matrix.

  2. Doesn’t change anything
    He’s still a Wailing Wall suck hole
    All bought and paid for
    The truth is there is no real choice of candidates
    There is drop kick or kick start
    Perilous state of affairs


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