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US court convicts Trump

Donald Trump verdict news
Image – @WatchChad, X.

The guilty verdict is the first in American history for a former president.

Former US president and current presidential candidate Donald Trump has been found guilty of falsifying business records to influence the 2016 election, in a case related to alleged ‘hush money’ payments to porn actress Stormy Daniels.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, a Democrat, charged Trump last year with 34 counts of criminal behavior, alleging that the Republican politician sought “to conceal damaging information and unlawful activity from American voters before and after the 2016 election.”

The jury deliberated for two days and returned the verdict just before 5pm on Thursday: guilty on all counts, making Trump the first US president to ever be convicted of a felony.

“This was a rigged, disgraceful trial,” Trump told reporters after the verdict was announced. “The real verdict will be on November 5, by the people. And we will keep fighting, and we’ll fight till the end and we’ll win.”

The 34 counts refer to 11 invoices, 12 vouchers and 11 checks of Trump’s monthly reimbursement payments to his then-layer, for the $130,000 paid to Daniels. According to Bragg, this amounted to “falsifying business records.”

“Even a cursory review of the evidence shows this case does not have a leg to stand on,” argued Jonathan Turley, a Georgetown University professor and constitutional scholar. Turley pointed out that Bragg revived what could at best be an expired misdemeanor by claiming that it was done to influence the election, describing the entire argument as “so circular as to produce vertigo.”

The case was based on claims by Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen, that Trump instructed him to pay $130,000 to the adult film actress so she would keep quiet about an alleged affair with the presidential candidate. Trump has denied any relationship with the porn star. In 2018, Cohen pleaded guilty to charges of campaign-finance violations as well as tax and bank fraud, and spent two and a half years in a federal prison. He also lost his New York bar license.

Numerous Republicans have denounced the trial as a farce, saying that Merchan violated the state constitution by taking the case even though his daughter works for the Democrats.

If Trump is acquitted, “the country will see the damage done to our country by corrupt prosecutors,” former Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy told Fox News ahead of the verdict. “If he’s found guilty, they’ll see that a man is being sentenced for a crime that no one can actually name.”

“Either way, the real verdict is in November,” Ramaswamy added, referring to the date of the presidential election pitting Trump against the incumbent Joe Biden.

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Source:RT News

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  1. The people have judged the judge and found him wanting. But thats not the vast majority of normal people he should be worried about. My dollar is on the people rewarding the judge and their very nasty hitman he should be most concerned about. People with knowledge they don’t want out there are cancelled just like Epstein was. Ha ha judge, welcome to a life of looking over your shoulder.

  2. Lived in USA all my life (71yrs). It’s NOT a justice system, it’s a LEGAL system. And government will use that system to achieve their goals.

  3. Now the fake news muppets can gleefully giggle the words, “convicted felon” in all of their propaganda.

    The US (like NZ) doesn’t have a justice system, it has a legal system. The best legal system money can buy.

  4. I have a feeling that this will win him the election in a landslide…..even ordinary people seem to be aware now that this trial was a joke from day one.

  5. What an absolute circus! I think it could really ‘kick off’ when President Trump is sentenced in July, although I’m not sure if he will actually go to jail then.

    What I suspect may happen is the judge will say something like, “Report to jail after the November 5th election” or in other words, “Mr. President, you do not have to worry”.

    I wonder if a lot of this is being allowed to happen, but only go so far, in order to show the people how corrupt the federal government actually is. If so, then they are doing a good job.

  6. Even though everyone knew this was coming it’s a complete farce! America has become a corrupt sess pit of woke stupidity and degeneracy. His opponents are all idiots because all this is going to do is make his popularity and fundraising go through the roof.

  7. The small pimple has erupted and the pus is pouring outlike lava. Dumbocrat corruption is on full display; Even the blind can now see it, the deaf can now hear it and the dumb can now speak it.

    The landslide coming will never be matched before or after.

  8. This shows how the judicial systems works in the USA. How it can be manipulated to obtain a ” conviction” of whom or what so ever. Judicial system that is often made to use against any oponent, economic , politic, foreign you name it. To get what is coveted or to eliminate ” an ennemy”. It has nothing to do with justice nor equity
    That is how the WASP and associated J* banksters understand the “law”.

  9. A precedent has been set. NOW “no one is above the law.”
    Translation: No immunity for former politicians!


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