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Saturday, October 5, 2024

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Wairarapa cops crack down on poaching as rural patrols ramp up

Wairarapa Police are intensifying efforts to combat poaching across the region, stepping up patrols and urging rural communities to report suspicious activities.

Acting Sergeant Nick Bunny, Wairarapa Community and Rural Manager, said there was a need for collaboration with locals, as recent convictions highlight the consequences poachers face.

“Poaching is a significant issue for our rural communities, and it’s a problem that’s grossly under-reported,” said Acting Sergeant Bunny.

In response, Wairarapa Police have increased patrols on rural roads, with officers stopping vehicles to investigate potential illegal hunting.

“We’re not playing around,” Bunny added. “Poaching has real effects, and offenders will face real-world consequences. If we catch you poaching or illegally hunting, your rifles, ammunition, and other equipment will be confiscated, and you could be charged with firearms offences.”

Wairarapa Police have already secured multiple convictions over the past year, with poachers facing prosecution, the revocation of firearms licences, and the destruction of equipment.

Bunny noted that one individual in South Wairarapa had pleaded guilty to unlawful hunting, resulting in the loss of his firearms licence and equipment.

To help Police tackle the problem, Bunny is calling on rural communities to report incidents, stressing the importance of these reports in guiding enforcement efforts.

“From our conversations with farmers, we’ve become aware that many unlawful hunting incidents aren’t being reported. Almost every farmer had a story of hearing gunshots at night or seeing suspicious vehicles on rural roads at odd times,” Bunny explained.

By reporting suspicious or illegal activity, farmers can help Police target poaching hotspots. “When you report suspicious or illegal activity, it builds a picture for us of where our focus needs to be – we really need the rural community to help us by making those reports as soon as possible,” he urged.

As spring brings new growth and mating season, Wairarapa Police have launched night patrols targeting known poaching areas. “Our focus won’t stop here,” said Bunny.

“We need these communities to feel safe and prepared to report poaching or suspicious activity.”

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