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Watch: Convoy 2022 NZ – Day 1 big momentum is building

Day 1 of Convoy 2022 NZ saw large crowds show up for roadside support, and estimates of the North Island Convoy at 20km long, and up to 45km for the south at its greatest extent.

Aucklanders braved the weather to cheer on the convoy from almost every overbridge on SH1.

Earlier, the convoy started at Cape Reinga at 6.30am, with vehicles joining as it made its way down through Northland.

One of our contacts on the ground, who was watching from an Auckland overbridge, estimated it took 30 minutes for the convoy to pass by, and included ambulances and buses tooting, as well as trains. Even a police officer gave a salute.

Crowds were drawn from a wide cross-section of New Zealand society, sick of the ‘COVID narrative’ from the ‘podium of truth’ and ‘fear-porn’ of the legacy mainstream media.

In Warkworth a large crowd gathered at the roadside to cheer the convoy on.

A generous farmer in Ohaupo has opened up a paddock for participants to park for the night.

South Island Convoy

The South Island convoy left Bluff at 6.30 this morning. A Twitter user, from Dunsandel, estimated the it took 45 minutes for the convoy to pass by their house.

Meanwhile, in Balclutha:

According to independent journalist Chantelle Baker, there were big crowds in every South Island town.

Read more: History in the making – Convoy 2022 NZ starts Sunday: What you need to know


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  1. Way to go Kiwi”s. Everyone needs to get behind this freedom movement, to show these evil politicians they are not respected or going to be listened to.
    On another note, word is trudeau has bought every Canadian 10 that is ten vaccines each. Just wondering how many the wicked witch has got for each of us. Just might explain the sudden increase in her net wealth. Gallows are the only way forward for this corrupt grifting bunch of politicians .Maybe we set some up on a truck and go after these politicians when the PEOPLE arrive at the beehive. Let’s go for the queen bee. The Country is putting adern on notice. She has declared WAR on all New Zealanders and we should respond in kind

    • Yes! With you on this. Come on kiwis stand up and shout out against this evil, tyrannical government. Labour must be stopped. Jabcinda and her regime must be held to account. Vote them out in the next elections. Hold the line and be strong. God defend NZ. On country. One people. NZ for everyone.

  2. Posted by The Daily News | Nov 3, 2021 | Covid19, General News, Justin Trudeau, Lockdowns, Scandals, Uncategorized, Vaccines, Watch | 11 |

    Justin Trudeau has failed to report to the Canadian public that the government is recieving kickbacks for everyone of the Pfizer and Moderna shots. Acuitas & Arbutus pharmaceuticals both out of British Columbia are the ones that invented the lipid nano particle that is licenced to inject the pathogen into everybody. The scumbags running Canada wins everytime there is a shot. That may explain why Justin Trudeau ordered 10 times more vaccines then there are Canadaian’s. Why would we need 10 times more doses then the sum total of all of Canada plus the moose! That is what is known as racketeering, because if you get a kickback for every dollar spent, guess what you get to do? You get to pocket a whole lot of money, from all over the world which is exactly what is happening.

  3. The new NAZIS see a world with just them and a few slaves in it. Chemistry, computerization, AI, hi-level mechanization, instant global communications, have all come together in the 21st Century to make the UNTHINKABLE more than just possible. It is here. They are going for it. They WILL murder us and our children to attain their hideous goal. These ‘people’ and the SS filth that guards them are NOT human. Treat accordingly.

  4. “Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Presents Opening Statements at Grand Jury Investigation Into Crimes Against Humanity Disguised as COVID Pandemic.”

  5. Just discovered dailytelegraph.co.nz. What a breath of fresh air! Thank you so much for telling us what the mainstream media are actively censoring from us. Please keep up the good work.!!

    Also just discovered thedailyblog.co.nz. What a disgrace! “Read the other side of the story” it claims. What a joke. It is actually the opposite, just the mainstream censors in disguise! Bradbury should be ashamed of himself.

    [Sorry this is anonymous for now…]


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