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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Watch: Counterspin videos show Posie Parker attacked, Greens co-leader blames ‘white cis men’ for causing violence in the world

Posie Parker news

Extraordinary scenes in Albert Park Auckland as Posie Parker takes the stage.

More video updates available on the Counterspin Telegram channel.

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  1. disgusting behaviour created by the very people who r supposed to represent nzers. enjoy your time nasty piece of work from the so called greens party and the wasps nests your time is neigh, elections are coming… 🙂

    • Up until today I didn’t give a toss about the trans/queer/whatever people, I let them do their thing and just got on with my life. Today that changed. I will now treat them all with disdain; their attitude to Posie Parker was utterly disgusting. The queers want to be accepted in society for what they are but pile on anyone with a differing view. That’s not ‘inclusive’ in anyone’s book and from now on I will be as tolerant as they have been.

  2. In the USA, these malcontents are bussed in, paid to protest through one of George Soros NGOs. Not sure what goes on there, but looks very similar.

    • i have been defending recently J.K. Rowling who opened a house in scotland for battered woman and where ” trans-“”””women”””” -with-a-penis were excluded. Rowlings got tons of abuse thrown at her. Me too, by what i thought ” educated” people. It is senseless. The world has gone mad.

    • yes it is in all western societies, with the exception in europe of Hungaria as Soros and his NGO was thrown out of the country by mr Orban .
      To the great” displeasure” of head of EU, ms von der Leyen, top dog and poodle of the USA. To punish him she withhold subsides the country is entittled to.
      Better be poor though than having those circus creatures take a foothold in the country

      • Yes the Rainbow (flag) is a lie. It was devised by Soros to group people ‘inclusivity’ to introduce more and more perverse groups so that now there are peodophiles using the rainbow umbrella.

        It used to be the pink triangle. The rainbow kidnaped the gay freedom movement and jumped on board. Walk away. #walkaway was created after Trump was elected. There is #gaysagainstgroomers And #gaysagainstrainbows

        If you think about it rainbows are for children a story book concept. A biblical reference too used to teach children about Noah. We used to draw rainbows everyday at school in year one as a part of creative expression. To give children experience in holding a crayon in order to learn to write.

        It was the gay freedom movement first and by that it was for homosexual men and then for women. The the L was added.Then the B and from there was Q. Then the T then the I which is extremely rare. And so on. They are gaslighting for P

        It was a mistake to be inclusive all sections are disparate, even with gay men they all have different lifestyles and points of view. It is wrong to assume because you are one thing you are this as well. It became a trap.

        So this is where we are now. Pretty horrible isn’t it?

  3. The VFF video was interesting, the cops standing in a line doing nothing. If this was a regular domestic abuse case they would have been on the job. But no. It seems to be OK for some women to be assaulted while others are protected. These are not police they are paid henchmen, paid by the state, and they are half a step away from total disgrace.

    • They went about 100 metres past the “total disgrace” line the night they marched into an Auckland hospital room to confiscate a baby boy from his family.

      I will never forgive them.

      • I stand corrected. Yes true, thanks for reminding me of that appalling episode, I had tried to put it out of my mind. They are an utter disgrace no longer worthy of respect.

        Cheers 🦆🦆

  4. Ah… pretty sure I saw a knife. Cellphones are rectangular and not so pointed. One that looked like this 🔪. Is that what you saw?

    Not sure what Marama Davies had to say she’s a messed moron. I didn’t listen. Nothing the Greens have to say is worth listening to.

    Division is a powerful tool. It is evil to want to enslave us. Nasty cult ideology.

    • Exactly. Divide and conquer, the oldest trick in the totalitarian handbook.

      The woke cult members are simply useful idiots.

    • Whatever her f***ing stupid name is.lol. she needs to dye her grey hair, lol. Bunch of unelected trolls. Golriz too. Maggot from now on eh? Easier to remember.

  5. The indoctrinated woke mob displaying their true colours. Laughably they pretend to promote tolerance, diversity, inclusion and kindness.

    It’s become crystal clear who the real fascists are.

    • As far as I can see Posie has definitely proven her case. Now when are the gutless police going to charge the low lifes from the sexual deviant society including serving MPs? These trans and pride people are about one step from pedophaelia and appear to have the unreserved support of the governing labour/greens cult. I am ashamed of our country, the police and the ruling disgusting corrupt government.

  6. Marama Davidson might like to be reminded that the Chinese under Mao Tse Tung, raped, tortured, maimed, cannibalised, murdered an estimated 80 million Chinese people. Totally destroying their Taoist culture that had the royal male and female, as the sacred centre of their universe.

    That her extreme Marxist Green party view, including its foundation policy of the mass murder and mass maiming of NZ children and NZ families,on iously includes that normal white males are the ones who commit the violence forgets her communist trans agenda roots.

    And exposes her and obviously her fake Green Party, personal rotten to the core extreme Mass murdering Marxist Green Party lying underbelly.


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