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Thursday, December 19, 2024

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Watch: Drone footage of Parliament Protest

Stunning footage of the Parliament Protest has been posted to Twitter, showing the tent city and blocked streets adjacent to the camp.


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  1. The police (the government’s gang) don’t want any more shots of their thug element holding people down on the ground, pushing their heads against the lawn or dragging naked women by their hair from the crowd. These images go across the world to audiences in seconds from phones. They can’t stop any trucks from entering the city as they can’t be turned around on entry roads and could block roads if the drivers chose that option.
    We’ve got herb gardens on Parliament’s lawn now – don’t ever say nothing gets done in Parliament. What’s clear is that there’s only one Party now. They’ve all joined together to become one when democracy’s believers have had enough.
    Seymour wants to solve this and remains the only likely Party leader with any concept of voters/taxpayers being employers of politicians. The media will try to slam him at every opportunity as a wrecker. Typical Trotsky playbook stuff. Who would have guessed we’d end up with the protestors keeping Covinda off the front pages so well?

    • Stay away from Seymour, he is controlled opposition.
      Choose between Social Credit or the Outdoors party or some other party that has credibility. First priority is to ban the mandates, second is to repeal the 4% threshold to zero so it will be easier for them to return to parliament.

  2. We need to arrange a “tools down” protest, for a set date. So everyone can show their support and prove to everyone we are not a minority. If everyone goes on strike for a day or half day all at once everything would come to a stand still and everyone will take notice of our number and importance then. Please someone arrange this.

  3. Trudeau has elected to go with option 2 (violence), and has now sent his jackbooted thugs in. At least two people trampled by horses; one (a little old lady) rumoured to have passed away from her injuries.

    Watch the reaction of our politicians very carefully in the next 24 hours. None of them will condemn Trudeau because they’re all planning on doing it too.

    “Peaceful” anything is a losing strategy, it’s time to start playing for keeps

  4. If the Governor General is “allowed” to leave the clutches of the PM we could see Parliament dissolved by order of the Queen and a true election called tomorrow without UN or NWO interference for the first time in history.

    • She’s a sweet old lady, the Queen. But the way her bouncing baby boys rub elbows with the Epstein and Klaus Schwabs of the world, I would strongly advise you NOT to place any sort of faith in the Royals.

  5. What we are seeing in Canada is an illegal and unconstitutional use of war-time power to deal with a civil protest. The seizure of property and private bank accounts of protesters or those supporting the protesters is inconceivable in a democracy. In case you haven’t noticed yet, the covid-19 pandemic is a ruse, the vehicle that is being used to facilitate the Great Reset. It’s a global ‘criminal conspiracy’ in which the NZ government is participating, to establish a planetary dictatorship. The NZ Government is an existential threat to all New Zealanders. Our politicians are either extremely ignorant people who doesn’t grasp what’s taking place, or are guilty of democide and treason against the people of New Zealand.

  6. Thank you to the protesters, makes me proud to be a kiwi. For those of us unable to make it to Wellington, lets keep the momentum going in the towns and cities. Keep protesting, don’t scan or sign in, don’t get tested, don’t wear masks and don’t tune in to the mainstream news. Be strong.

      • Yep, time to trade out of the circle of fear psychosis. No scanning, no signing in, no conversation entered into about any of it. Business as usual as in the UK and IRL. Onward and upward. The daily count of cases is all that’s on offer from a government that has stolen RATs from companies and won’t even show up on Parliament’s steps.

  7. It’s time to dismantle the current governance structure and move to a consciousness of self governance of the people for the people by the people through natural law. This is occurring around the world and in nz the genesis of this movement has begun as well. There are people at parliament occupying for this reason. The current system is so corrupt it needs to be dissolved and the restoration begin. Financial, health, security, housing, education, environmental systems all need huge input from the people to create a better world. Politicians are not here for us. They are bought and paid for by the elite cabal that have been running the show for decades. Stand up for your rights as a sovereign individual on earth

  8. I am pleasantly surprised to see so much resistance against our current dictatorship. I didn’t think you Kiwis would have it in you….so not just 5 million sheeples ay?! I’m proud of you protesters….THANK YOU!
    And yes Tbone I whole-heartedly agree. Democracy has gone out the windows loooong time ago….if we ever had any. The governance structures we had until now, have miserably failed….otherwise planet Earth would not be in such an alarming state. Viva la Re-volut-ion!


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