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Watch: Luxon dodges Pfizer question, booed after leaving stage

The National Party leader was speaking at a public meeting today in Rangiora.

Counterspin Media were in attendance in the packed Towh Hall and asked Luxon if he was going to find out ‘what was in the Pfizer contract? Are you going to actually look at it? What did this government offer Pfizer to sell out this country? Are you going to release the unredacted Pfizer contract?’

Instead of answering he walked off stage accompanied by a handler. Other members of the crowd could be heard directing questions to him, but he did not address those either. ‘Is that it?’ someone asked, as members of the audience showed their displeasure by booing him.

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  1. It’s peculiar that the NZ government won’t publish the Pfizer contact, the only thing we know about it is that Pfizer has legal indemnity.

    Why would Pfizer require demand legal immunity if they were confident that their ‘vaccine’ was genuinely safe and effective?

    Now Luxon too is avoiding questioning. It’s all getting extremely concerning and somewhat sinister.

    What on earth are these crooked politicians trying to hide?

    • The whole of is an experiment in eugenics. Paula Jardine article COVID INSIDER FARRAR AND HIS EUGENICS AGENDA.

      What a flake Luxon is.

    • In relation to the Pfizer contract they were bribed, they are corrupt. No Politician in the current Parliment Labour or National are worthy of a single vote. How confronting and plain does it have to be ?

    • the EU( commission ; appointed civil servants) lead by von der leyen ( also appointed. No democratic ” choice) refused alsov to publish Pfizer contract Even the European members of the european parliament werev denied this right. The copy the european parliament got to see was heavily redacted. So that many pages were only black
      We all should be worried.

      It is nothing less, in my views, than a planned genocide. To get rid of the olds and vulnerables ” costing ” too much to western governments . Western governments prefering to ” invest” in wars than in citizen

    • They wanted immunity because they knew what the adverse effects and the rate of adverse effects were from their own clinical trials.

      I believe that our MOH and Government inner circle also knew what the adverse effects were and the rate they would occur but decided to go ahead with the vaccine mandates for disease that was in fact simply treatable with Ivermectin or HDC as proven by 15 years of research by DARPA.

      Doctors in the USA who were using these drugs through the delta wave, combined with other treatments saved hundreds of thousands of lives, some Doctors saved every patient with early treatment.


  2. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

    Another spineless, fake-conservative excuse maker and bullish!t peddler, in it for the payout.

    This man will be as bad, if not WORSE than Ardern.

  3. They’ve all been gagged and bound by the contract the press too.
    India told them to naff off long ago.
    Because it was criminal.

  4. Who made the effort to speak to the people on parliament grounds? Winston Peters. And Mallard got him trespassed. That’s how low they will go. Not one sitting representative, taking the taxpayers’money and watching the protest from the Beehive windows as they sniggered and nudged each other – and that includes David Seymour who is now making a lot of noise which I’ll guarantee is scripted – none of them say anything which is not approved by those who (really) put them where they are. Penetrators of our government as Schwab called them. The politicians are an absolute disgrace to this country. Every single one of them is a ticket taker sitting in the House of Representatives and they have brought the House into shame and disrepute. Every one of them. They have used their privileged positions not to advance the welfare of this country but to line their own pockets.
    We are in a dangerous situation. We have one chance left to get rid of the WEF servants in October this year. If we don’t succeed, if any of those grifters manages to cheat his or her way back into power, this little country, which was once almost self sufficient and debt free (before Roger Douglas), well, it will be nothing more than an open air prison and we will never be able to leave it.

    • Elections are scripted, friend. They’re as fake as the news and the polls. Current PM was literally INSTALLED last month, they just dispensed with the pageantry.

      Both sides of our WWE parliament work for the same masters. Nothing is going to change in October.

      I do agree with you though, they’re an utter bloody disgrace, corrupt to the core. But we aren’t going to vote our way out of this.

  5. Nothing will change until the minor parties are voted for EN-MASSE’, and a coalition among those minor parties are formed.
    Luxom is part of the massive problems, and seems to move from role-to-role in jobs that are handed to him by the PT, Masonic Lodge, WEFers, Old Boy Networks, etc.!
    If you want to save this country’s sovereignty, economy, production and population, then please; VOTE FOR THE OUTDOORS AND FREEDOM PARTY!
    Several O&FP Members are seriously considering running for Parliament under the O&FP Party banner, and we would all do well to listen to their plans for a massive reform which will include Neutrality, recalling troops from the Zio-Communist-inspired Ukraine mess, and reverting to the gold, silver, platinum and diamond-backed standard for NZ Currency, with the NZ Treasury taking control of the actual money supply as opposed to the usary system of the Reserve Bank!
    They would also work to repeal the Firearms Legislation to allow for self-protection under the Castle Law / Stand Your Ground Law under the UN Charter / Agreement of Chapter 7, Article 51 which allows for the same!

  6. Good on you Rangiora. Now let the rest of us have a crack.

    Lets keep asking the questions around the country in these meetings until he answers or takes a hike like the last thing that crawled away from her duties

  7. This just reaffirms my belief that we should Ignore the next election and instead of voting for any of these globalist puppets get out and protest their globalist agenda instead. send a loud message to them all that if you support the globalist agenda in anyway you are not welcome in New Zealand that includes individuals , organizations and corporations.

  8. I am starting to wonder if the pharmaceutical company required all party representatives to sign their contract document in case change of government happened over time. It will be interesting one day to find out the real reasons all parties and MPs in Parliament are being so guarded and undemocratic.
    One day that contract may reveal much more than we can anticipate at this time. In the mean time to see National party leader do same act of avoidance as the labour party ex PM really makes me wonder why this copycat behaviour exists at all.

  9. Pfizer got indemnity via a US law signed by President Regan —big pharma effectively put him over a barrel saying they could not afford the risk of developing new drugs and vaccines under the then current rules. When Covid came along they got this indemnity in the USA and as they knew how desperate other Governments were because of the hyped up fear, they just put it into the other contracts. My guess is there is also a clause in all the contracts that says they cannot publicly disclose the contract details and that is why we have not seem it.
    BTW I agree with comments above that all main NZ political parties have been bribed with large donations from Pfizer.

  10. Luxon is a peculiar combination of uncharismatic, awkward, dim-witted, devious and evasive.

    Certainly mot Prime Ministerial material obviously.

    At least evil weird creepy Jabcinda was moderately intelligent, well kind of.

  11. Love all the comments 🥰 What are you up to Luxon? How dare you ignore the nation’s people!! You walking off the stage, refusing to answer their questions is a slam dunk admission of your allegiance to the NWO!! We knew that already. I hope all of you bas***ds get asked these questions up and down this country and show yourselves to be the treasonous, power hungry traitors that you are!! WELL DONE RANGIORA 👏

  12. Luxon like the rest of the scum took the rural folk for fools. Thought Rangiora was a safe bet and would be asked farming type questions only. Fell into the trap.
    I assume he will now only appear in schools or is he too gutless to even do that.
    He has just as much to hide as the left.

    He thinks National is a shoe in at the election does he… all you have to do is ask him the right questions to find out he is
    not what you want in govt, thanks Rangiora folk for exposing him.

    All of them have been involved in covering up and supporting crimes against humanity with the poison jabs. For some reason they are unaware that the lid is off that can of worms.

  13. Luxon is as much fable as the Easter Bunny. Looking like ridiculous theater. I’m ashamed to have been asleep at the wheel at the last elections, woke up with a start not long after. I agree with voting for the minority parties, hopefully bringing in a diverse group of voices, good healthy debate, mature methods of configuring ideas into sustainable workable structure to benefit society

  14. The undisclosed FULL ingredients list of the Pfizer jab that Medsafe & the MofH have refused to release is currently before the Ombudsman.
    MofH refused on the grounds of “commercial sensitivity”.
    Chris James at Medsafe under my OIA request initially refused to release the documents, on my second attempt released only a fully redacted copy only releasing the RNA portion inside of the LNP’s but not the specific LNP ingredients themselves as requested. Anyone wanting a copy of that OIA can request it. H202111356 See for yourselves

  15. Something to think on: pfizer contract, fraud negates immunity .Only vote for minor parties, this bunch of traitors are all paid up. There is only one solution for traitors. Better practise running Luxton, you will need that skill, goes with sucking klaus little appedage.

  16. According to Mr Google The three top individual/insider shareholders in Pfizer are Frank A. D’Amelio, Mikael Dolsten, and Albert Bourla. The three top institutional shareholders are Vanguard Group Inc., BlackRock Inc., and State Street Corp.
    Frank D’Amelio and Albert Bourla look closeley related and Makael Dolsten not far removed. Albert Bourla’s leverage technique includes ambushing respected intellectuals with “exciting new experiment” and stabbing them with a needle before disappearing. I would suggest impenetrable outer clothes now a must as you don’t know when or where these clowns will show up out of nowhere with the next ‘friendly’ bio-weapon.
    Pfizer’s third quarter 2022 revenue was $22.6 billion.


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