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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Watch: Pro-jab TV doctor turned mRNA opponent issues grim COVID jab health warning

Dr. Aseem Malhotra was one of the first people in Britain to take the 2nd COVID jab.

He was also a mainstream TV pundit advocating mRNA vaccination at the beginning of the ‘pandemic’, featuring on Good Morning Britain and other programmes.

Dr. Malhotra now considers the mRNA jabs to be a serious health risk and believes they should be immediately pulled from the market.

In his latest video he reiterates his grim warning.

‘It’s my duty as a consultant cardiologist and public health campaigner to urgently inform every doctors, patients and members of the public that the COVID mRNA vaccine has likely played a significant role of being a primary cause of unexpected cardiac arrests, heart attacks, strokes, cardiac arrhythmias and heart failure since 2021, until proven otherwise.’

The New Zealand Ministry of Health continues to push the Pfizer mRNA injection despite growing scientific evidence that it is neither safe nor effective, and also despite the warnings of Dr. Malhotra and other credible medical professionals and scientitists.

Last week a top Pfizer executive admitted the product had not been tested for transmission prevention prior to roll-out in testimony before the European Parliament.


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  1. Another one who has done a sudden about turn.
    As a cardiologist it was his duty right from the beginning to have doubts about an mRNA experimental jab. I’m no medical person, but if I knew the injection contained a patented substance which permitted the mRNA to override the toll-like receptors, the little watchers which warn the immune system to gear up, why didn’t he? The information was all over the internet. I don’t believe he has had any injections. I don’t believe a word this man says.
    All of them, all running for cover now.

  2. Red flag #1 during this “vaccine” roll out was the involvement of Pfizer. That company had to pay 2.3 billion USD in 2009 for harming people with their products through misinformation. NOBODY in the MSM asked why we should trust them a decade on. Dr. Malhotra and thousands of other prominents should have asked that question then.

  3. I think this originally brainwashed Cardiologist Dr has been consulting with another of his other Cardiologist colleagues. I think he has done an about turn because he has been given some very disturbing news ! As he reflects on his neglect of duty to question an experimental jab his fate that is constantly awaiting him gets forever nearer.


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