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Monday, March 10, 2025

Popular Now

Watch: WHO launches the ‘global digital health certification network’

The announcement was made by WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebryesus.

‘This is the first building block of the WHO Global Digital Health Certification Network that will develop a wide range of digital products to deliver better #HealthForAll,’ the organisation tweeted.

‘Building on the success of the EU system, the WHO is today proud to announce the global digital health certification network’.

‘In June 2023, WHO will take up the European Union (EU) system of digital COVID-19 certification to establish a global system that will help facilitate global mobility and protect citizens across the world from on-going and future health threats, including pandemics. This is the first building block of the WHO Global Digital Health Certification Network (GDHCN) that will develop a wide range of digital products to deliver better health for all,’ the organisation said in a press statement.

WHO states this is ‘the first building block’ of the global WHO system, which becomes operational this month, and ‘aims to be progressively developed in the coming months.’

Responding to the announcement, comments were overwhelming negative, with most people saying they will not comply, and questioning WHO’s authority to implement the digital system. Many feared the digital certificate would restrict international travel, and saw it as an attack on fundamental human rights and freedoms based on ‘vaccination’ status.

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  1. Senators, Congressmen, MP’s, ALL HAVE BEEN WARNED!
    As Australian Army Lt. Col. Ricardo Bosi has said; ‘Remember them, and what they have done!”

  2. Utterly reject this tyranny. And know also that Dr Ashley Bloomfield, former director of health of New Zealand is now the co-chair of the WHO International Health Rules Review Committee, a very safe pair of corporate globalist technofacist hands guiding the tyranny of health kollectivism, mandated shots, health ‘passports’ and infinite surveillance. But NZzzz.

  3. Politicians are supported by big business. STOP buying products from corporations that support these crooks!

  4. The Director of the WHO is a former International terrorist installed and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The WHO has now been recognised as a criminal organisation to further the enrichment and controls of ‘Big Pharma’ and themselves.That should say it all but not quite. What was the reason for Bill Gates recent private visit and private meeting with Aust. PM Anthony Albanese ? A handshake an agreement a payoff ? If the Aust. Govt. or any other Govt. for that matter honours any agreement with an unelected body such as the WHO and any of its cohorts without a referendum from the people, then they also will be participating in criminal activity.

    • if they don t comply, they will be murdered and replaced by someone else.

      The only solution is like gandhi did. Peacefull resistance of many. If eveybody sit down, go on strike and helps each other, we can achieve anything.
      Disobey and resist. And help the ones in need of help

    • About as much of a doctor as those Wellington academics who bleat about colonialism and then go and get themselves a PhD fully funded by people they call colonisers.

      Hypocrites the lot of them.

  5. Whatever, I certainly won’t be complying. With all due respect these evil wannabe tyrant scumbags can all go f*** themselves.

  6. Feel like I’ve been hit by a truck reading this. I wrote to my MP for King Country, the silly cow had no idea what I was talking about and after sending a link she said it can’t happen in NZ. We have no chance of stopping this if all MP’s are as thick as she is.

  7. Correct me if I’m wrong but weren’t we accused of spreading mis/ dis information when we spoke of this. Weren’t we accused of being conspiracy theorist? Well bugger me here is your digital passport NZ, gosh I’m sure the cashless society we spoke of also is just around the corner, 15 min cities, culled stock, lawlessness, another plandemic, just to mention a few. It’s as simple as throwing away our phones if we all did that it would be game over for the globalists, but we won’t ,for it is written…..

  8. Global fascism rears it’s ugly head once again under the guise of ‘public health’.

    I won’t be participating in the new normal 4th Reich thanks very much.

  9. We will NOT COMPLY!!!
    We will begin the covert and secret manufacturing of 3D parts for our vehicles, firearms, and defensive equipment!
    What we can’t 3D, we’ll manufacture via machining in ‘out of the way’ places.
    ATTENTION; HECTOGRAM 99 IS GIVEN. Follow your instructions!


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