More than a dozen youths climbed onto the roof of the Korowai Manaaki youth justice facility in South Auckland last night, making demands for fast food, cigarettes, and a getaway car.
Six of the 13 have since come down, but seven remain, reportedly tearing off parts of the roof and engaging in disruptive behaviour.
Among their demands were five Big Mac combos from McDonald’s.
Oranga Tamariki confirmed the incident and is working with police to resolve the situation, assuring the public there are no safety concerns.
What would Hitler have done?
The last lot got away with it
Which set a precedent
The good news is
We are one
My father used to say
“Hitler wouldn’t have put up with that”
Justice and this country are not close relations. I have to say I feel sorry for them. Many who end up in these so called facilities, never stood a chance of a normal life. So why not rage against the machine, I guess, you never know, one day it might just break……
It is a racial problem
Or more a lack of race problem
Race is the issue
Here comes’ the KFC and a lowered Nissan Skyline with an illegal exhaust…!
Maybe Pepsico can make a new ad for TV where the ‘Bro’s stage their roof protest, are given a Boy Racer vehicle, and then they abscond over to KFC, Maccas, etc. and then go driving inside of the shopping malls while holding a drumstick of KFC out the window, and a bucket of KFC on the lap of the tattooed passenger
Just a thought,…
We could remake “Good-bye pork pie”?
And …
Ah … and free meth (giveaway pipe!)