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Guy Hatchard
Guy Hatchardhttps://hatchardreport.com/
Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

Guy Hatchard: Countering the coming tsunami of biotechnology

Biotechnlogy news

Hatchard Report New Year Message—Our Task for 2023 – Countering the coming tsunami of biotechnology.

Jeremy Fleming the head of GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters), one of three leading spy agencies in the UK, has publicly discussed that the agency wishes to promote “pre-bunking”—feeding the public with information designed to undermine narratives before they even appear on social media. In other words, spy agencies originally tasked with monitoring events are now engaged in spreading propaganda about things that haven’t actually happened and probably have been doing so for a long time. They appear to be pre-empting the truth with their own imagined version of events.

Fleming described pre-bunking as a process of issuing ‘public warnings’. This is, you will appreciate, a misuse of the term since the ‘public’ is not aware that they are listening to ‘warnings’. They are being fed information or denied access to information without being told who is ultimately controlling the narrative. This is happening all over the world as revealed by Elon Musk’s revelations about the role of the FBI in closely censoring Twitter content.

The pandemic has multiplied information actors with shady sources of funding and likely ties to government and big pharma, who are tasked with spreading pre-bunking narratives. Among these are a host of fact checkers. Full Fact UK presents itself as an independent fact checker located not a million miles away from Westminster and GCHQ with a host of funding sources including Facebook, the National Endowment for Democracy, the International Fact Checking Network, and many others.

Part of Full Fact’s funding is specifically tied to, yes you guessed it, vaccines. In an article entitled “No evidence rise in deaths due to unknown causes in Canada is linked to Covid-19 vaccines”, Full Fact reveals its pre-bunking role. It is concerned about the following sentence publicised on YouTube and shared on FB:

“In Alberta, Canada, unknown causes of death are causing even more deaths than heart disease, strokes and diabetes combined”

Full Fact doesn’t dispute that this is entirely true, it merely wants you to feel assured that there is no evidence these deaths were caused by Covid-19 vaccines—something that the creators of the YouTube source video do not actually assert. In other words, Full Fact wants to pre-empt any suggestion that the undisputed huge rise in unexplained deaths in Alberta, Canada (and presumably the many other highly Covid vaccinated nations suffering in the same way) is anything to worry about. That is a curious kind of manipulation of which GCHQ would no doubt be very proud. Just remember these are deaths in need of explanation, not inconsequential data sets that can be swept under the carpet.

So should we be concerned about statistically significant rising excess all cause deaths in highly vaccinated countries around the world and incidentally low birth rates in the same countries (see here and here)? Effects that are not being seen in nations with low vaccination rates, in Uganda for example as reported in this video. Yes, we should be concerned, because the consequences of ignoring these trends would be catastrophic for Western civilisation (if such a thing exists).

Let us examine a hypothetical country of 5 million people with a previously stable population year on year. Each year 35,000 people die and 35,000 babies are born. If annual deaths rise by 15% as they are in NZ for example and births fall by 13% as they currently are in Sweden, what would happen? In one year, 5250 extra people would die and 4550 fewer babies would be born. A net loss of 9,800 persons in the population. 

That is a net loss of 0.2% of the population size. So not too much to worry about then, or is it? 5250 extra deaths are 5250 people with families and jobs who died too soon—5250 tragedies. These are figures for 2022, no one knows if these percentages will rise or fall in 2023, so far they are steady or rising. Irrespective of the outcome, adverse events directly affecting individual well being and capacity to work are already a huge multiple of the number of deaths. 

Medsafe safety reports indicate serious health outcomes could be as much as 1,000 times the number of deaths proximate to mRNA vaccination. We could speculate maybe a 100 times the number of excess deaths over a longer period. Scale that up to the whole world’s population and you would arrive at 8.4 million deaths along with an incalculable impact on global health, possibly 20% of the world’s mRNA vaccinated population affected with a significant health deficit—more than one billion people. 

Why are people dying and falling ill? They are dying as a result of a new technology—mRNA biotechnology—which governments, big pharma, and the medical establishment are currently bidding to mandate widely for hundreds of conditions stretching into the future. A February 2022 article in Nature lists 90 mRNA lead developers in the global vaccine landscape with 137 mRNA vaccines in the pipeline, you can bet your bottom dollar that number has grown substantially since. Commercial biotechnology experimentation is rife and cast adrift from rational considerations of human safety.

This represents a massive investment of money and personnel, an expectation of massive profits, and a speculative biomedical revolution aimed at the prevention and treatment of almost every illness. Expectations that are proving very hard to relinquish in the face of growing evidence of ineffectiveness and serious risk—risk of ill health and death. It is hard to comprehend why anyone involved would not be raising red flags.

Similarly falling birth rates are a very serious concern. Biotech PR is busy pre-bunking this too, promising designer babies growing in pods for us all. A preposterous dystopian Brave New World future vision that has no basis in proven technology. Even a child can work out that an ordinary pregnancy and a family environment works efficiently with love and the immense personalised computational power of our physiology. Whereas even if baby pods did work (they don’t exist, except in the imagination of wannabe biotech profiteers) a whole army of biotech baby technicians will be absurdly expensive, mistake-prone, impersonal, and wholly frightening.

In 2023 we are about to be engulfed by a tsunami of biotechnology involving an army of biotechnologists, their investors and supporters who are hoping against hope, like Full Fact UK, that we don’t notice how many people are dying suddenly for no recorded reason. They are busy along with thousands of other funded experts (???) pushing out the message that there is nothing to see here. They are hoping that regulatory agencies are going to approve their products at lightning speed with a minimum of scrutiny and fuss as happened during the pandemic. In fact, the FDA has already flagged a speeded up process for mRNA look alikes—regulation lite. 

The alternatives for wannabe mRNA billionaires are unthinkable. If biotechnology is fingered as the cause of the current wholly unprecedented rise in deaths and injury, their finances, reputation, and future will fall apart. Therefore they, like GCHQ, are incredibly busy pre-bunking to save their pet biotech projects from cancellation due to the risk of death and injury. They don’t care if you die as long as no one works out what you died of. Canada, New Zealand, Australia, the EU, USA, and the whole Western world are playing along by pretending, with the help of their spy agencies, that no one knows why so many people are falling down dead. They are busy hiding data, delaying investigation, and looking the other way.

If we don’t debunk and stop them very soon, they along with the police, the courts, and our employers will be breaking down our doors in 2023 and coming for us with deadly needles for every ill we don’t even have. Given the disastrous and deadly failure of Covid vaccines and lockdowns, this could only be described as a futuristic frenzy of psychopathic dysmorphia—a distortion of real appearances. It would make 2022 look like a cake walk.

Conversely for us, the general population, the hoi polloi, if we put our thinking caps on, if we stand up and speak up with evidence, we could regain our life, choice and truth.

So our task in 2023 is to get this one message across: not just Covid mRNA vaccines, but biotechnology and gene editing in general is inherently risky and dangerous. It bids to redesign, and therefore undermines, the stable basis of physiology—DNA—built up over millions of years of evolution. 

This is a task that can only be achieved if our efforts are global, if MPs, business leaders, senior civil servants, medical decision makers, and people of influence and common sense all over the world are approached, challenged, and re-educated. For this reason, in 2022 we founded a dedicated website: GLOBE.GLOBAL. You can visit now for more information and register for regular updates by email. GLOBE stands for a campaign for Global Legislation Outlawing Biotechnology Experimentation. 

We have been producing articles in 2022 to publicise the inherent risks and outline the steps to rein in the deadly biotech juggernaut. In 2023 we will extend to podcasts and videos. Our reports aim to explain the results of complex research in terms accessible to the layman. These are intended to enable you to brief those in power and authority, in order to bypass the efforts of global commercial powers aiming to subvert the course of our health and our right to justice.

Biotechnology is a serial killer. A killer that has been identified by irrefutable evidence and now needs to be convicted and sentenced in the courts of ancient common law, public opinion, and fair leadership. We cannot leave this task to unnamed others or the vagaries of chance. It is up to us to get this done.

Image credit: Chokniti Khongchum

Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a global food testing and safety company (now known as FoodChain ID). You can subscribe to his websites HatchardReport.com and GLOBE.GLOBAL for regular updates by email.

Guy is the author of ‘Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness’.

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    • Following the money. Britain just signed a 10 year agreement with Moderna to build a facility “in country” to produce mRNA vaccines. Curiously, it’s a secret contract not for public view.
      Many are questioning​ the role their PM Rishi Sunak may have had. Rishi was a partner in Theleme hedgefund which in 2015 had 500 million invested in Moderna.

  1. Hard for an intelligent person to believe manufacturers could be this incompetent. Truth is, about 2/3 of the population IS totally incompetent, which makes it believable.


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