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Love to fellow Kiwis


Love to Fellow Kiwis
Photo © Mary Hobbs..

All great questions must be raised by great voices, and the greatest voice is the voice of the people – speaking out — in prose, or painting or poetry or music; speaking out — in homes and halls, streets and farms, courts and cafes— let that voice speak and the stillness you hear will be the gratitude of mankind. — Robert Kennedy

Thank you to all in the Freedom movement who tirelessly speak out on the front lines to bring Kiwis the truth and — despite the gaslighting — hold the space for more to stand up and speak out. Thank you to all who read the articles on the Daily Telegraph, NZDSOS, and many other freedom outlets. Thank you for keeping yourselves informed and spreading the word by listening to the valuable and informative interviews on Reality Check Radio, FreeNZ, The Health Forum, Hatchard.com, Counterspin, and elsewhere, as well as reading the fantastic sub-stacks and news items that are increasingly available from off-shore experts who strive to blow the whistle, too, from experts in the field such as: Sasha Latypova, Dr David Martin, Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Michael Yeadon, Natural News, Dr John Campbell, Dr Ryan Cole, Dr Naomi Wolf, Drs Sam and Mark Bailey, and many, many others. Thank you to all who provide feedback, which takes time, and is appreciated more than you could possibly imagine.

Thank you for the Braveheart whistleblowers in this country, with the most recent being Barry Young and Dan Picknell. You move the world. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And also thank you to your amazing family members who have stood strong beside you.

Thank you to those Kiwis who, despite having been tragically bereaved, or severely injured as the result of this experimental jab, have found the extraordinary courage and fortitude to come forward with your stories at the darkest of times, when the future seemed so bleak and life seemed to have lost its colour and meaning.

We see you.

We hear you.

We stand with you. And we will fight for you by helping make the truth known and by telling your stories wherever we can. We will not forget your courage, your strength, and your bravery. We will continue to help carry the baton to fight for your right to be fully compensated for such betrayal. We know it won’t make up for the losses endured, but we hope it can be of some help. You have many friends you haven’t met. Friends who stand for you.

Christmas is a time for family, friends, and summer holidays. It is a time for making the best of life and sharing love and laughter. We wish that for you — and for all Kiwis that don’t intentionally harm others. But we will also take time to send love, much love, and strength to those for whom Christmas may not be so bright. We won’t forget your circumstances may have dramatically changed. We send love from our hearts to yours this Christmas, and will keep watch and renew our fight for justice for you in the New Year.

Remember the indomitable strength of the Human Spirit. It will triumph.

Keep strong and laugh in the face of fear, for you are stronger.

May peace prevail over our New Zealand in the future.

May God Defend New Zealand. (In Maori first. English words from 1.11)

From our hearts to yours, with love and gratitude.

Love to fellow Kiwis
Photo © Mary Hobbs..

It is from the numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal or acts to improve the lot of others or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centres of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance. — Robert Kennedy

All photos © Mary Hobbs.

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  1. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you Mary, as well as everyone else at DTNZ.

    Thanks for another year of hard work and ACTUAL journalism.

    Hats off to you all 🎩 👏 👏👏

  2. Beautiful words Mary.
    Thank you for all your wonderful articles you have written this year -all written with such grace, commonsense.

    • Thank you Jeremy.
      So appreciated. I hope you get a well-earned break, too.
      Best wishes to you and yours over this season and beyond.

  3. Thank you Mary, we hear you, our hearts go out to those damaged and distressed.
    We are making a difference, we are learning and passing it on.
    We have faith in man kind.

  4. They do Michael.
    We will carry on making it known and speak for them.
    The tide is turning.
    Best wishes for a great Christmas and New Year with your loved ones.

  5. Thank you for your always sensible and insightful commentaries Mary and best wishes for the season and 2024, which will no doubt be a momentous year, again. Great to see you include Drs Sam & Mark Bailey in your shout outs. I don’t understand why their NZ support doesn’t match their massive international following but sadly NZ is often a bit behind… Sam & Mark have taken a step further than most local freedom fighters in their truth-seeking and necessary calling out of virology generally, which is more vital than most realise. They seem to being shunned for their trepidation even though it is based on actual science. I encourage more people check out their work at drsambailey.com They are definitely ahead of the pack. And Barry Young is an absolute legend for risking all to get that vital data out against all odds.

    • Thank you Sue. That is so appreciated.
      Drs Mark and Sam Bailey are amazing and their evidence in regard to how we have all been mislead on “virology” is backed by strong research and evidence. The book, Virusmania, makes that clear. They have shaken the foundations of one of the pillars of modern medicine and it takes a while for the dust to settle…They continue to communicate on this point as we need to rebuild the foundation of medicine again on truth.
      Barry is definitely a Kiwi hero. Dan Picknell, too. And so many many more. Wishing you well for the coming year.

  6. Daring to step into the echo chamber of anti-vaccine conspiracy theorists might I suggest exchanging Christmas presents of Dr Peter Hotez’ new book from John Hopkins Press titled ‘The Deadly Rise of Anti-science – A Scientist’s Warning’.
    Hotez is a highly respected American scientist, pediatrician, and advocate in the fields of global health, vaccinology, and neglected tropical disease control.
    He and Dr Maria Elena Bottazzi of Texas Children’s Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine developed a COVID-19 vaccine that is proving beneficial to countries with fewer resources.
    Authorized for use in India it is hoped it may help solve one of the most vexing problems in global public health i.e. how to supply lower-income countries with a COVID-19 vaccine that is safe, effective and affordable.
    The vaccine, CORBEVAX, uses old but proven vaccine technology and can be manufactured far more easily than most, if not all, of the COVID-19 vaccines in use today.
    In his new publication Hotez discusses how the anti-vaccine movement has become a dangerous political campaign promoted widely causing thousands of deaths but even as he paints a picture of the world under a shadow of aggressive ignorance, he demonstrates his innate optimism, offering solutions for how to combat science denial and save lives in the process.
    Seasons greetings!

    • Sorry dude, you lost me at ‘Hotez’. That grifter has been exposed as an incompetent liar on countless occasions so you lost any credibility there. You believe your BIll Gates pipe dreams, but for those of us who dont why dont you just leave us alone? After all, your bi-annual boosters for the rest of your short life are supposed to protect you right? Or dont they? If they do, why don’t you just ****** ***?

    • Douglasr have you seen the state of Hotez? A man who openly admits he binges on unhealthy high fat and high sugar food, clinically obese, red-faced and with a chronic plaque issue on his teeth – your so-called expert is the last person I’d seek medical advice from, good luck to you on that!

  7. Thank you for your comments. I urge you to read the work of NZDSOS (nzdsos.com), Dr Peter MCullough, Dr Aseem Malhotra, and Dr David Martin. Perhaps also check into where the funding is coming from for John Hopkins University. Season’s greetings to you too Douglasr.

    • I’m well aware of the COVID anti-vaccine stances of NZDSOS, McCullough, Malhotra, and Martin along with others including Kennedy, Kuldorf, Gupta, Bhattacharya, Thornley, Malone, Kirsch, Nass and Risch all of which are largely components of a widespread COVID dis-information cabal.
      Many have had reputable academic careers but turned rogue on valid, and therefore reliable, COVID vaccine science.
      Counterspin is there too. See how a fact check of Counterspin’s patron Joe Rogan’s interview with Robert Malone is taken apart by the New York Times at:
      I have checked where funding is coming from for John Hopkins University.
      Like many private universities, Johns Hopkins relies on a combination of funding sources to support its operations. The main sources of funding for Johns Hopkins University include tuition and fees, research grants and contracts, philanthropy and donations, endowment income, auxiliary enterprises and government funding.
      Specific amounts and proportions of funding from each source can vary from year to year.
      See the JHU consolidated financial statements (44pp) June 30, 2023 and 2022 at:
      To imply that the John Hopkins University Press, which publishes 150 new books each year and maintains a backlist in excess of 3,000 titles, has been bought by some influencer to publish ‘The Deadly Rise of Anti-science – A Scientist’s Warning’ is a stretch too far.

        • That $1billion from the Gates Foundation to JHU was over a period of ten years for a wide range of research support.
          An extensive review of the Gates Foundation COVID-19 response is at
          COVID-19 FAQ | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
          Numerous fact checks have determined that there are no widely accepted or credible conspiracy theories related to the Gates Foundation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
          Some conspiracy theories have falsely implicated the foundation in the creation or spread of the virus, often with unfounded claims about vaccine development and distribution.
          Conspiracy theories can be harmful as they may contribute to the spread of misinformation and undermine public trust in accurate and evidence-based medical and epidemiological science.
          Spreading such theories through The Daily Telegraph NZ is cruel.
          Go to Committed Grants | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation , download a spreadsheet version of the foundation’s data base updated to 15 December 2023 showing full details of grantee and purpose of 35,213 foundation grants over the past few years.
          A word search for ‘Hopkins’ details every grant to JHU.

  8. Thank you for your in depth writings Mary, and your lovely Christmas message describing the many feelings, tragic and heartfelt of all all of us. Your articles are truly special.

    Wishing you a happy holiday season, a peaceful, healthy and stellar 2024.

    • RoK, thank you so much for this lovely comment.
      Much appreciated.
      I hope your holiday seasonm and 2024, is also happy, healthy and stellar!

  9. I saw the title and KNEW it was you writing this Mary. Bless YOU for all you have done and are doing. I love reading your articles and listening to your fabulous interviews. You are also one of the hero’s. People like you have helped keep me sane these past few years. To all the freedom fighters and truth tellers – thank you, thank you THANK YOU! Keep shining the light, keep speaking the truth, we WILL win this fight against the evil. Keep fighting everyday to wake up others with truths. Put a ripple in their pond.

    God bless you all 🥰

    • Anon, thank you so very much. Your incredibly special comment spurs me on to write more.
      I am so grateful to everyone who writes in with messages to say that my articles make a difference and have helped them, as to know that I may have helped to uplift in some way makes it all worthwhile. Thank you so much.
      I hope the upcoming year is a great one for you!

  10. Much appreciation to all who stand in authentic truth. Many thanks to you Mary, I so enjoy your well researched and heart based style of writing. Merry Christmas, may we all know truth and much love

  11. Dear Waison, I’m delighted to hear from you again! And thank you so much for your kind words. Much appreciated.
    Wishing you a wonderful year ahead. Many thanks…


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