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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

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Lynda Wharton
Lynda Whartonhttps://lyndawharton.com/
Lynda Wharton has been at the forefront of holistic therapies in New Zealand for over 30 years. She is both a Traditional Chinese Acupuncturist and a Naturopath, and is a member of the New Zealand Register of Acupuncturists (MNZRA). Lynda specialises in the holistic treatment of women’s health problems.

Lynda Wharton: Please don’t ever forget them

Please don't ever forget them news


“It’s time to safely turn the page on our Covid-19 management, and live without the extraordinary measures we have previously used,” Ardern said.

“Finally, rather than feeling that Covid dictates what happens to us, our lives, and our futures, we take back control.”

And with the utterance of those two sentences written no doubt by a parliamentary speech writer, New Zealanders pull the curtain across the Human Rights abomination that was the New Zealand Covid Response.


I awoke with a gnawing heaviness in my belly.

It took me a few hours to understand the blocked feeling in my gut, and the sensation of tears brimming just behind my eyes.

Then I got it.

I am feeling anger and grief for the thousands of New Zealanders who have become a part of my life in the past 18 months, those who shared their pain with me.

The vaccine injured

The vaccine bereaved families who have lost a mum, dad, child, brother or sister after their (possibly mandated) Covid injection.

The mandated out who have suffered professional and personal abuse, lost their careers, their professional esteem, their income….and their trust in the system.

The families who lost a loved one during lockdowns, and experienced the excrutiating pain of virtual imprisonment at home while a loved one died alone, frightened, in a hospital or rest home.

The Kiwis stranded abroad who were unable to get a quarantine room to return home for the death of a loved one or the birth of a child.

The New Zealanders (including me) who have been deemed the black sheep and cut off from family because of our decision to refuse the injection.

The mothers with adult children who will no longer speak to them because of the vaccine divide. The adult children with mothers and fathers who have shunned them for the same reason.

The teachers who were marched off the premises with nothing more than a box of personal possessions, and a warning that if they returned they would be charged with trespassing. Their crime? Refusing the injection. For that they lost their job and were refused the chance to even say goodbye to their beloved students.

The families where both mum and dad refused the injection, perhaps based on pre-existing medical conditions and a personal risk/benefit analysis. They lost their jobs. They lost their homes. Mortgages foreclosed.

The grandparents who for months were banned from seeing grandchildren because of their unvaccinated status.

The teenagers and children who lost their sport clubs, their team memberships, their ability to sit drivers licences, their ability to enter a library or a cinema. Their complete alienation and isolation as a result of their unvaccinated status.

The elderly living in retirement villages, who for months were forbidden from entering any communal space, and were virtual prisoners in their apartments, because of their vaccine status.

The patients who visited doctors and were “seen” in back alleys next to rubbish bins as they were deemed too high a risk to enter the building. Even with no covid symptoms and a negative PCR test. Virtual lepers because they refused the injection.

The doctors, nurses, surgeons, teachers, police, military (and more) who were severely injured or nearly died from their first shot and were refused an exemption from further doses.

The mandated who collapsed with severe Anaphylaxis from a dose….and then were refused exemptions, instead being instructed to take their next dose in ED with a resuscitation team and a crash cart by their side.

The teenagers who were crippled by Myocarditis and refused exemptions. Instead they were left with ongoing health problems, a potential shortening of their life… and kicked out of their Universities, training insitutitions and jobs.

The pregnant mothers who delivered their babies wearing a mask and surrounded by vaccinated staff wearing PPE equipment. Their partner allowed to stay for only a couple of hours before being removed from the premises.

The thousands of New Zealanders who have not received the medical care they needed due to staff mandates, chronic understaffing and a refusal to safely return unvaccinated skilled staff to the medical field, even with PPE and negative tests.

Thousands of years of medical and teaching skills removed from our community due to medical mandates. Surgeons, Psychologist, Psychiatrists, Pathologists, Doctors, Nurses, Midwives, Aged Carerers and more.


Many suicides.

  • Businesses lost.
  • Mortgages called in.
  • Husbands leaving wives.
  • Wives leaving husbands.
  • Teens plunged into depression and suicidality.
  • Vaccine broken and injured.
  • Vaccine bereaved.
  • Poverty. Isolation. Fear. Derision. Separation.Castigation.

Today many New Zealanders will sip their lattes and for the first time leave their masks in the car.

For them it is OVER. Covid is OVER.

My day will continue just as it has every day for the past 18 months.

I will receive emails from Covid vaccine injured New Zealanders seeking help and hope.

I’ll follow the chat threads of the groups I’m in where real New Zealanders seek and find comfort from other Kiwi’s who “understand” their pain and suffering.

Many who I now consider personal friends, will today simply try to survive yet another day in a torturous hell they never asked for…and were never warned about, before they rolled up their sleeve and took one for the team.

The amazing, courageous men and women who today will just try to make it through to bed time, doing battle with pain, exhaustion, depression, neurological disorders, cardiac dysfunction and more.

The wounded soldiers labelled “necessary collateral damage” by a high profile media personality; and a senior journalist in our leading newspaper.

As masks are discarded and workplaces open up to all Kiwis, not just those who complied with a medical order, please don’t forget those who are changed, perhaps forever.

As New Zealanders are invited to “take back control over covid”, not everyone has the physical, mental or emotional ability to do exactly this.

We are surrounded by “the broken”.

They may be invisible to you….but I promise you they are there.

Please never forget.

Lynda Wharton started a social media community called The Health Forum NZ, 18 months ago. At its peak her facebook group had almost 60,000 members. Many of them New Zealanders harmed by our covid response, mandates, and vaccine injury (before deplatforming by Facebook).

You can find The Health Forum NZ at:

If you want to share your story through The Health Forum media, or you seek help related to vaccine harm, please email Lynda at thehealthforumnz@protonmail.com.

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  1. Thank you, Lynda for a sobering reminder of the last two and a half years we have all suffered, each in our own way. The legacy of this Government will go down in history as the dividing of a nation. Those complicit, must forever live with their shame – those who overcame with their righteous anger. That such conditions now exist in our beautiful country is the greatest travesty done to its citizens, the dead and the maimed.

    Now we must find our solutions for healing and rebuilding. And as we go through this painful process, never forgetting how we came to this place. It is as important as remembering any loss this nation has suffered, as it was done to a people at peace and by stealth. It was done by those we were supposed to trust. It was done by the wicked.

    But we are now better armed for the future, and hopefully more awake to what may come this way again. And yes we will remember them. We must never forget… ????

  2. Thank you Lynda! I appreciate all you have done and are still doing. I will never forget what has been done to hard working newzealanders. You have said the words exactly how I ve felt and are feeling now,.
    It’s like treated as flippant and yet it has and us a huge injustice that’s happened through this experimental jab.

  3. I for one will never forget or forgive what’s been done to us in the name of ‘health’ by our malicious corrupt government.

    Coercing people into taking an unproven experimental gene therapy fraudulently masquerading as a ‘vaccine’ was wholly unethical and unlawful. All those involved in this crime against humanity must be held accountable.

  4. Lynda Wharton is a New Zealand hero.
    This amazing woman is the epitome of what makes us uniquely Kiwi.
    I suffered Myocarditis two days into 40 to keep my son safe, I almost died in front of him due to a major heart attack just hours later.
    Lynda was there to not only listen but to also create a safe haven for people who suffered horrible effects through the jab. It’s this safe space where I could start to heal mentally.

    Thank you for your dedication Lynda, you are an amazing person and there’s around 60 thousand fellow Kiwis (at least) that think the same.

    • thank you Damen for your lovely comment. It feels in all truth i have done so little as i am unable to “fix” the awful physical and emotional injuries from the injection. Glad you found some peace in our community though x

  5. Is now the time to really shock the ones that stood by this government division and cut their ties to the nanny state with surgical words.of wonder and angers at the unvaccinated alienation and shunning . This might get more to realise where they have been taken and now they, the vaccinated ones are the plandemic with escalating illnesses as their immunity levels collapse. Shedding is a realm thing so be very wary of too much close contact ..This opportunity ,the dwell before the next wave of fear is released before we just say no and walk away ..WE ARE THE BEES IN THIS HIVE IT IS OURS NOT THE BLOODY SERVANTS POWER TRIPPING FOR THEIR BOSSES IN UN. + WEF + WHO..TRAITORS HAVE FORCED CRIMES AGAINST OUR SOCIETY AND NEED TO BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE TO FACE THEIR PEERS BEFORE ENCARCERATION IN GAUNTANAMO FACILITY FOR WAR CRIMES AGAINST MANKIND.✅????????????

  6. WOW…beautifully written article. Thank you so much LYNDA. ???????????????? You have so wonderfully captured everything I have been wanting to shout aloud.
    It was NOT covid but PM and her govt who dictated and took control of our lives and rights. 2 years of misery
    Will there be anyone held accountable for all the suffering caused??


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