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Saturday, February 22, 2025

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Guy Hatchard
Guy Hatchardhttps://hatchardreport.com/
Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

What we don’t know and who wants it to stay that way

A few days ago the liberal New York Times with a two year history of supporting the official US government Covid narratives published an unusual article “The C.D.C. Isn’t Publishing Large Portions of the Covid Data It Collects”.

Sound familiar? Here in NZ you have to go through a complicated process of separating historical data from the cumulative reports our Ministry of Health publishes, you then discover what the current situation is—Omicron is affecting the vaccinated proportionately more than the unvaccinated. Why would our Ministry of Health be concerned to hide this from us?

Ministry of Health news

You may not be surprised to learn that there is a global effort to make sure the information we receive is heavily slanted towards a continuing programme of mRNA vaccinations for all. Two days ago I sent a letter to Paul Hunt, Chief Commissioner for Human Rights in NZ. With Dr Hunt’s permission this letter has been widely circulated.

Today I received an email from Australia with some pushback. Apparently a kindly GP over the ditch wanted to point out that my letter was inaccurate and I was a prime example of the ‘unscientific’ thinkers questioning the wisdom of vaccination. He cited what he referred to as a ‘large study’.

So I clicked on the link and came to not a ‘large study’ but a newsletter published by ‘Health Desk’. Health Desk described itself as an initiative of ‘Meedan’. Meedan is an organisation devoted to strengthening global journalism by uncovering ‘misinformation’. Meedan undertakes cooperative ventures with the Google News Initiative to develop machine learning technologies in order to mine social media and create ‘fact checkers’. Probably the same fact checkers that delete any posts from social media sites which raise questions about Covid vaccination safety and deaths. Including the deletion of published papers from reputable scientific journals such as the BMJ. This is a case of AI machines programmed by people to promote their agenda.

Meedan is founded and supported by Pierre Omidyar, co-founder of eBay. Omidyar Foundation is allied with many organisations. Among its largest financial contributors are the World Bank and the World Economic Forum. Meedan is also supported by the Robert Wood Foundation, a 13 billion dollar US foundation devoted exclusively and rather vaguely to healthcare coverage.

Health Desk states that its purpose is to serve journalists worldwide by publicising content about Covid-19 vaccination created by Science Media Centres in order to counter ‘misinformation’. Science Media Centre (SMC) was first set up in 2002 in the UK to counter opposition to GM crops. It has since blossomed into a global science lobbying service with outlets in many countries (including NZ). It is supported by among others AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Dupont, and Welcome all of whom are possibly known to you as global pharmaceutical organisations.

I quickly found that the article in Health Desk contained exactly the same ‘errors’ that our Ministry of Health is making. The latest Covid data is confounded with historical data in order to make it appear that unvaccinated individuals are more vulnerable to Covid-19 infection and hospitalisation, whereas with Omicron the reverse is true. It might not have escaped your notice that there is a potential benefit to pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer and AstraZeneca if the myth of Covid mRNA vaccine efficacy could be perpetuated.

So why would our Ministry of Health and Medsafe cooperate with this drivel? Medsafe itself is locked into an ‘information’ system similar to SMC with a close association to the pharmaceutical industry—the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA). ICMRA sends out Covid policy advice to Medsafe via a global database. Just as Science Media Centres began with a mission to support GM crops and thereby oppose natural crops, ICMRA began with a mission that called for the extreme regulation of herbal medicine and natural products.

My critic from Australia finished his assessment by referring to the advice of the Royal College of Australian GPs, which also appeared to be curated by the global pharmaceutical lobby. I reflected that busy GPs probably have little time to research original papers published in learned journals, they are left with digests of misleading information produced by official sounding but actually private international bodies with commercial agendas who have long since lost touch with actual research findings and the basics of health.

As a result of this type of lobbying, medical misadventure became the third leading cause of death, and now our government has mandated the most dangerous and deadly medicine in history for all, including even our children. My point is that our health service has been co-opted by foreign commercial interests that do not have the health of the nation at heart. As a result, we are suffering a tsunami of adverse health effects. We must speak up now and free our health service from this novel untested biotechnology madness.

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  1. More evidence of deception , the people in charge here in NZ are culpable in this crime against NZ citizens.
    There is no defences to relying on false data especially as Ardern deliberately made the CARM adverse events reporting system voluntary!
    Ardern and her cohorts need to pay with a criminal trial to expose the lies , coercion and buying off the media to support their agenda.
    Simply outrageous and when will they come clean ? Everyday that passes more people are being injured , enough is enough.
    We need to hold all these Evil people to account.

  2. The science media centre here in NZ has a certain “expert” called Michael Baker on its board (the guy who has no argument for me for how prolonged use of face masks don’t make you sick as most studies show. The same guy calling for younger and younger kids to wear masks, and thinks 2 year olds could/should wear masks). And another guy called Patrick Crewdson – the editor in chief of Stuff. I’ve been waiting for years for this guy to even respond to an email. Apparently Government money does not sway the reporting at stuff according to his editorial late last year. But, when I ask him why he hasn’t then reported on certain things, I get no answer. No argument.

    I wanted to know why there is no coverage of the alledged 2018 Douma Syria chemical weapons attack and the 4 whistleblowers from the OPCW including the lead on the ground investigator Ian Henderson, the first whistleblower. His findings were left out of the investigation for someone elses who was not there on site. When he was targeted and smeared in the media, 3 more whistleblowers joined him. His investigation lead him to the conclusion that the gas bottle had not been dropped from a helicopter as reported but was placed there. Why do the journalists in this country not want to chase this juicy story. Ardern and Peters sided with the US and UK and the 100+ missiles were fired into syria by the UK US and France. I asked Patrick why he hasn’t asked Winstone what evidence the US and UK showed him that made him support their cause. I also asked Patrick why there were no stories on the serious adverse events after vaccination.


    I have not been able to comment (or at least see it published) since 2019 sometime on the Stuff website after questioning this story about Douma in the comment sections.

    • Good post Gazza.

      Unfortunately NZ as a member of 5 eyes is one of America’s sidekicks. NZ is simply not allowed to have an independent thought and has to side with the same people who have been destroying this planet for decades, if not centuries.

      Just look at Jabcinda’s over the top one sided anti Russian rants of late. Being a good lapdog, she had to quickly seize on the western narrative and flood NZers with propaganda. She got SKY to shut down the RT Channel and traffic on RT and Sputnik websites is deliberately hacked or slowed down by DDoS.

      The American invasion of Syria on behest of Israel is an unprovoked crime against humanity of the worst kind. They set up proxy armies (terrorists) disguised as ISIS and White Helmet (WH was responsible for placing those chemical cylinders in Douma).

      Setting Syrians agricultural fields on fire (starving common folk- this is considered crime against humanity under the Geneva Convention, heck under any convention), literal day light robbery of Syria’s’ oil by setting up a military base around the best oil fields, to name just a few atrocities. The genocide the US/UK/EU psychos have committing by staging false flag after false flag in that poor country is beyond belief. Jabcinda and her bunch clowns (MPs) know all this but nary a peep.

      NZ – Free and Democratic, yeah right!
      Pull the other one.

      • Yep. Disgusting treatment of the Syrian people. Al-assad, even with his faults looked like a saint compared to any of the other actors involved.

  3. Of 18 people at my work, 15 are away sick with COVID, and 14 of those are either double or triple jabbed. Only one of the sick is unvaxxed and her symptoms are very mild compared with the others. Quite a few of the vaxed sick are really ill, in bed for days.

    • Exact same at our work. We’ve got a team of 10 contractors. 7 are at home sick/recovering from covid and the are ALL triple vaxed! The 3 still working, two are unvaxed and one is fully vaxed. This Pfizer product is the biggest con job in history. Our business was lucky to just scrape through the lockdowns, but is now faced with chronic staff shortages because of a substandard medical product.

  4. Great article thanks. This info although not necessarily all the details was known to me but details and it sharable as a well written article is fantastic to be able to share to those who are still clueless or still waking.

  5. Can you explain how they have conflated historical data with current data? Or have you done that previously?

    • They add all case data since the first covid case in NZ to the omicron outbreak. When for about the first year of covid no one was vaccinated so those cases inflate the unvaxxed number.


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