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Sunday, September 29, 2024


Whistleblower release – researchers question integrity of data

A number of prominent health researchers in the medical freedom movement have questioned the integrity of data released by whistleblower Winston Smith. Smith, an insider...

Te Whatu Ora boss releases statement on ‘vaccine misinformation’

Te Whatu Ora scrambled to address what it calls 'vaccine misinformation' today. In the wake of a video released yesterday by Liz Gunn in which...

Guy Hatchard: The Big Picture – We have jumped off an evolutionary cliff

Post-pandemic we have found ourselves living in a considerably changed world. A polarised world with elevated levels of social and international conflict. How did we...

Whistleblower reveals ‘irrefutable evidence’ of non-COVID excess mortality

The evidence was presented today by Liz Gunn and a whistleblower named Winston Smith. A video shared on social media by NZ Loyal Party leader...

Watch: Heart failure up nearly 1000% in US Navy airmen post-Covid jab

A video of US Navy medical officer Captain Ted Macie reveals some shocking cardiac statistics in servicemen and women who were mandated to take...

Pandemics as a Catalyst for a New World Order

Each nation in the world has its own culture, governance structures, traditions, property, borders, and peoples. We must preserve the diversity and sovereignty of nations...

Guy Hatchard: The tide is turning, but much remains to be done

Yesterday’s coalition policy announcements validated our lobbying efforts and those of multiple others over the last two years. Some key research findings and concerns finally...

Mystery canine disease spreading across US

The unknown respiratory illness has infected dogs in at least nine states, leading to deaths in rare cases. A mystery respiratory illness sickening dogs across...

Excess Deaths: Tech millionaire Steve Kirsch challenges MOH to publish ‘death-vax’ records

Double-jabbed Kirsch has been a vocal opponent of mRNA COVID gene therapy. Reacting to claims by New Zealand's Ministry of Health that only four deaths...

Guy Hatchard: An Open Letter to the MPs of the New Parliament

What are you going to do about record levels of excess deaths and anyone advising you that they don’t matter or even exist? The main...

The painless extinction of formerly free Australia

The Demise of Frogs If you place a frog in cool water and slowly raise the temperature, it’s said that you can boil it without...

Alarming acceleration in NZ excess deaths, latest official figures up 70% on last year

Our health system is collapsing but health tsars are in complete denial, desperately trying to hide the deaths and distort the science. Here is a...

NZ Petition to Ban mRNA agents. Will the country make history again?

In the early days of the covid propaganda onslaught, I thought often — in fact, I yearned — for the possibility that the New...

Guy Hatchard: What the dentist saw and what the judge thought

The Dentist: My dentist friend received mRNA Covid vaccines in 2021. He and his partner developed cardiac issues, both have since struggled to recover their...

Covid in the Age of Woke

Before I start, let me pose a question for you to ponder. How many people around the world have been helped to retain their sanity,...

WHO Pandemic Treaty: ‘An urgent bid to escape an international power grab’ – concerned citizens put case to A-G and HRC

New Zealanders are raising real concerns about the World Health Organization’s (WHO) bid for global control of future outbreaks of an infectious pathogen it...

Finding our way through a puzzling maze—Why do those in authority continue to ignore Covid vaccine safety signals?

Sometimes it appears necessary to be very blunt in one’s assessments. Some facts are hard to face, but must be faced. This release follows on...

3.4 million COVID jab doses expire as uptake falls

Health bosses continue to recommend mRNA boosters for 'vulnerable groups'. Just over 3.4 million doses of mRNA gene therapy for COVID have expired this year,...

Chronicles of an unvaccinated Leftist

Being a person with a left-leaning ideology, the subject of prejudice has always intrigued me. Understanding society, how people think, and how people react to...

Guy Hatchard: The Covid vaccine fanaticism our newly elected Government must reject

Pressure is growing on the government and the medical establishment to act responsibly to inform the public of risks, end vaccine promotion and repudiate...

The veil of silence over excess deaths

Around the world, there has been a deafening silence over excess deaths from governments and the mainstream media, who not so long ago were...

How can we wake up the comatose political process?

A new paper should alarm our newly elected politicians and galvanise them into responsible action. A newly published paper from the Netherlands entitled “Suppressed IgG4...

Chris Trotter: Disinformation from the Left

Disformation has been part and parcel of the political process since, well, forever. It was only in the Nineteenth Century, however, that the need to...

New studies further confirm adverse effects of Covid vaccines. Can these be reversed, if so how?

In this article we review newly published research studies on adverse effects of mRNA vaccines and draw out the implications for a meditation and...

Liz Gunn: NZ ‘is a crime scene’ – whistleblower info leads to call for criminal investigation into COVID jab

In a video released on social media last night NZ Loyal party leader Liz Gunn said she has seen information provided to her by...

Guy Hatchard: The Good Doctor and Cancer Deaths

We have reported record levels of excess deaths in New Zealand and around the world in our articles during the last two years (see...

Guy Hatchard: What should we expect to change under the newly elected government?

The NZ Herald has published a potpourri of National campaign promises under the headline “Election 2023: What gets axed under the National-led Government?". I don’t...

The Dramatic degradation of the human immune system

In many countries worldwide over the past three and a half years the health and financial situation of the population has been falling downhill...

A message for the new parliamentarians

Congratulations to those who succeeded in their election bid. We won’t know the exact composition of parliament until the tally of special votes is announced...

How NZ government policy came to be dominated by advisers who sought to legitimise risky biotech experimentation

As our last three releases have discussed, vaccine exemptions were widely granted to health service personnel. Now we will discuss the wider pool of evidence which suggests...

An open letter to all current Members of Parliament

As a member of parliament you have a duty to represent all New Zealanders — the true sovereigns of this country. You, as a...

Nobel winner raised safety concerns about only “Modestly” effective mRNA vaccines

In what seems like an inevitable development, scientists Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman have been awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize in Medicine for their...

Guy Hatchard: Vaccinegate

The government granted 11,000 vaccine exemptions to Ministry of Health employees whilst refusing exemptions to the public, the private sector and other ministries. What...

Thousands not hundreds of Ministry of Health workers were granted Covid vaccine exemptions whilst the government threatened the public with police action if they...

Ursula Edgington PhD who writes under the title Informed Heart on Substack has sent me a partial breakdown of 6,700 medical staff granted vaccine exemptions provided...

The Ministry of Health granted vaccine exemptions to hundreds among its key staff whilst hypocritically insisting that the public be vaccinated

An OIA HNZ00023978 dated 2 August 2023 asked the following question: “According to the legislation at the time in 2021, there were operational exemptions available for...

Hipkins has COVID, will ‘self-isolate’ for at least 5 days

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins confirmed he has tested positive for COVID-19 after a 'rough night'. 'Bugger! After a rough night I woke up this morning...

The Long Read: Mental health issues are multiplying – Why?

What does data and research tell us? What are the remedies? Alarming mental health statistics are being put in the too hard basket and quietly...

Spike protein shedding ‘is real’ – critical care expert

Dr. Paul Marik was speaking to Children's Health Defense recently. 'There is no question that 'shedding' is a real thing,' said Marik. Shedding is a term...

Yale professor warns of increase in aggressive ‘turbocancers’ over last two years

Dr. Harvey Risch is a Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology at Yale University, specialising in cancer etiology, prevention, and early diagnosis, as well as epidemiologic...

The world is gripped by a dream that is opening the road to annihilation

A paradigm is a framework of ideas, concepts, models, research methods and assumptions that constitute the basis of a scientific theory or outlook. It can...

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